
ZIBSer风采丨亚运幕后那些闪光的你们(2)Behind the Scenes @19th Asian Games

浙大ZIBS 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-19



The closing ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will take place today. This year, ZIBS students actively participated in the supporting work of the Asian Games. Let us hear what they have to say about the unique experience!

Gracella Christy 陈美丽

GCM项目 2022级  印度尼西亚

It is a great honor to be a performer in the opening ceremony of the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games as a student of ZIBS. The experience exceeded all my expectations and made me feel deeply proud to be part of Asia.

These past months of rehearsals and preparations have required immense dedication, discipline, and hard work from every performer. We practice tirelessly every day until late at night to show our youth spirit on this magnificent stage. Every dance move and every smile express our hearts coming together to pursue peace and friendship.

At the same time, I also made many new friends during this process. From strangers to our closest family, we all work together to celebrate the diversity of Asian countries.

Finally, I would like to thank the directors, teachers, staff, and fellow performers for their efforts. I was so fortunate to be part of this wonderful performance and to contribute to such an important event. This will become the most precious memory of my life. 心心相融,@未来!


iMFA项目 2022级  中国






iMFA项目 2021级  中国









Quinnie Tan Wei En 陈纬恩

GCM项目 2022级  新加坡

As a volunteer at this year's Asian Games, I was given the role of an OCA Family Services member. Each member was assigned to a VIP guest, and throughout their stay in Hangzhou, we needed to maintain contact with them, arrange for their transportation, and ensure each venue knew of their participation.

During the summer break, we had online training sessions to familiarize ourselves with the content of our jobs. Towards the end of the break, volunteers were asked to make multiple trips to Zijingang Campus to have a few more meetings, both in small groups and as a whole, and to pick up our uniforms and bags.

Being a volunteer was a truly interesting experience. I got to interact with so many students from different grades and courses, better understand how large-scale events like the Asian Games are organized, and also meet so many people from all over the world. 

Even though I was only assigned to one guest, during the volunteering period, we traveled together with other volunteers and their guests and experienced so many different Asian cultures. 

One of the most memorable experiences for me was the first day my guest arrived. It was the first day I was required to be at the Intercontinental Hotel, and if it weren't for the other students guiding me, I would have been so lost. The teachers and students guided me on how to contact my guest and where everything was in the Intercontinental Hotel. 

Throughout the Asian Games, you could truly feel that everyone was putting in their best efforts to work together, not only the countries that competed but also the whole team behind it. I wish the best for everyone who participated in this year's Asian Games, and as the motto of the event says, "Heart to Heart, @ Future". I hope that we can all be one, working and living as one community in the future.


WEN Yuyi 文语溢

GCM项目 2022级  新加坡







编辑|李嵩皎 王璐瑶

责编|陈槭丽莎 洪真真


• ZIBSer风采丨亚运幕后那些闪光的你们(1)Behind the Scenes @19th Asian Games

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