学习方法 | 研究导向的考古文献阅读法
1 Before Reading: Set the Agenda 阅读之前:设定计划
▪ Activate Engagement: What do I already know about this topic?
▪ Predict: What could this article be about?
▪Question: What questions do you think the authors are asking? What questions in the field do you think this article asks?
▪ Prioritize: What do I want to learn or understand through reading this?
Parks, L. & Mukherjee, R. (2017). From platform jumping to self-censorship: Internet freedom, social media, and circumvention practices in Zambia. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 14(3), pp. 221-237.
Layer 1: Skimming and Scanning 第一层:略读和浏览
Skim: Title, subheadings, graphs, figures
Scan: Abstract, introduction, conclusion, first paragraph of each major section.
Abstract & Introduction 摘要和序言
Conclusion 结论
▪ What are the main findings?
▪ How do the main findings solve the research problem?
▪ What is the implication or relevance of the findings?
First paragraph of each major section 每一个主要部分的第一段
▪ What are the main ideas that paragraphs seem to cover?
▪ How is the paper structured ?
▪What clues do you glean from the topic sentences about the content of the paper/study?
Layer 2: Meso-level reading
▪ Reading for structure and main ideas to analyze rhetorical structure and thesis;
▪ Reading for main support to evaluate strength of argument and evidence;
▪ Reading for main significance and relevance to understand how the text matters at the time of writing and today.
Layer 3: In-Depth reading 第三层:深层阅读
▪ Reading to analyze the nuance in the writer’s argument;
▪ Reading to respond to the writer’s argument;
▪ Reading to understand more fully the writer's evidence.
When do I read fully in depth (Layer 3) 什么时候需要深层阅读?
▪ When using the text for support in an argument you’re making.
▪ When the text provides important discussion, context, or insight to a project or task you are doing.
▪ When the subject is closely related to your research.
▪ When you find yourself commenting and annotating a lot.
3 After Reading:Check for understanding 阅读之后:检查了解程度
▪ How would I summarize this argument/main point to a friend who has not read the text?
▪ What is the main point of the author and article in this text?
▪ What is the main support?
▪ What is the theme or problem of the text?
▪ How can I apply this information to course material and discussions?
▪ How can I apply this to other areas (other courses, research you’re doing or you’re familiar with)?
4 Summary/Review 阅读笔记
▪A summary of the readings, focusing on core contributions to the history of archaeological thought.
▪A discussion of how these readings related to or inform your own planned dissertation research.
▪ A list of terms and concepts you would like to discuss in seminar.
▪ At least three questions for seminar discussion.
How to read case studies 如何阅读个案研究
▪ Research questions? Context/significances?
▪ Sample? Methods?
▪ How were results used to construct an argument that answers the questions?