20180421口语真题 Task1
A friend of yours went to work after graduating from senior high school. Ten years later, he decides to go back to university. What challenge he may face and how to solve it?
For someone who wants to attend university after ten-year working, he may have a hard time trying to adapt to the campus life. For example, he’ll have to step out of the “comfort zone”, I mean, he’s probably already got accustomed to all the stuff related to the working environment, such as communicating with boss and colleagues, dealing with clients, and making money in general, which are rather different from things he needs to do as an undergraduate, like talking with professors, working on academic papers, and reviewing for exams. I think it’s a good idea to arrive at school half a month earlier than the beginning of the semester and take some preparatory courses. In this way, he could get familiar with the academic atmosphere. Besides, there’ll be advisors or counselors who offer help for newly-enrolled students and he may seek their suggestions when necessary.
20180421口语真题 Task2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
It is not acceptable to interrupt people when they’re talking.
I think it’s rather impolite to interrupt others when they’re still talking since even though we may not agree with what they’re saying, we should respect their right to express ideas and feelings, and be patient enough to hear them out; otherwise, they’ll feel hurt or even get mad. Once I was chatting with a friend, who constantly interrupted me during the conversation. Although I tried to convince myself that it was just who he was and I shouldn’t take it personally, I still felt a little bit annoyed and went back with the impression that he didn’t have proper social skills. Also, communication is a two-way process, which means the manner we treat others would lead to certain reactions from them, I mean, if we interrupt our interlocutors, they may not listen to us as well and try to take the floor when we’re talking, which could cause communication break-down.
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