托福写作 罗波
Do you agree or disagree with the statement:
Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than the social life does.
Do you agree that it needs to take risks or or keep cautious and careful for a person to finally reach success? Give reasons to explain your choice.
10.13---对比项:job and social life; 背景目的:happiness
10.14---对比项:take risks and keep cautious and careful; 背景目的:to finally reach the success
When you do some tasks that need creativity, do you prefer to work with others or do them by yourselves?
该题最主干的比较信息是work with others和work alone,所以我们可以分别思考一下work with others和work alone的benefits:
work alone的优点如下:
1)Working alone enables people to save a lot more time than they would when working with others.
2)Working alone gives people complete control over their work and enables them to enact their own ideas.
work with others的优点如下:
1) More ideas can be sparked off when we choose to work with others, which can help to improve the quality of one task to some extent
2)Working with others can help to improve the working efficiency and effectiveness
针对该题,虽然主要比较的是work with others和work alone,所以很多学生会忽略了题干中的一个背景信息do some tasks that need creativity,所以在展开文章的过程中,必须结合该背景信息进行展开讨论。如果没有提及该背景信息,那么,作文就会出现“部分跑题”—— 一旦出现跑题,独立写作的分数会很低,所以一定要注意。因此,针对该题,理由解释展开内容如下:
1)When we choose to work with others, it is inevitable for us to communicate or share ideas with each other; afterwards, through reasonably weighing merits and demerits of our ideas, our mind can be refreshed, horizon can be broadened and imagination can also be sparked off, which enable us to collect the best ones and then ensure the creativity of the task.
2)If we opt for working with others, the whole task will be allocated to each of us and the effectiveness and efficiency can be better ensured, which means that the time required for finishing the task can be reduced, and therefore, the rest time can be spared for us to collect more relevant materials or information from different platforms like books, the internet and so on; accordingly, the creativity of the task can be enhanced to some extent.
Do you agree or disagree with the statement:
Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than the social life does.
1) 因为工作,所以要付出,自然会有相应的经济回报,从而可以让我们的物质生活可以得到相应的保证,所以幸福自然而来
in the process of working, we have to devote our time, efforts and so on, so we will be offered some financial reward, which enables us a better life quality, and thus, happiness comes naturally
2) 因为工作,我们会在工作中遇到相关问题,发现问题,并且完美的解决问题,可以让自身的能力得以提升,也可以得到别人的赞许,所以成就感自然而来,信服也自然而来
come across problems, figure out right ways to deal with them perfectly, and our various capabilities can be improved and at the same time, win the recognition and compliment from other, the sense of achievement is equivalent to happiness
Do you agree that it needs to take risks or or keep cautious and careful for a person to finally reach success? Give reasons to explain your choice.
选择take risks
1) 选择冒险,自然可以涉及各种未知领域,从而可以学到更多的知识和技能,使得自己可以在学术方面更有竞争优势,容易成功
get involved in various new fields, force us to learn new knowledge and consistently improve ourselves, render us to be more advantageously competitive in terms of our academic performance, which is a foundation towards success
2) 选择冒险,不可避免会遇到挫折,精力挫折,客服困难,让自己在精神上更加强大,在这样竞争如此激烈的社会中,自然能够应对自如,所以可以最终获得成功
inevitably encounter frustration and dilemma if we choose to take risks, courageously face them and conquer them, become stronger mentally and psychologically, in such a severely competitive society, easier for such the person to succeed
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