

能救命的营养学 蔬食益生 2019-04-02

















老玉米今天话太多啦,言归正传,趁着春暖花开,把 Michael Greger 医生最新的有关维生素D的系列视频翻译出来,总共 6集。请持续关注,不要错过噢。



本视频由Michael Greger医生于 2016 年 6 月 29 日发布,来自NutritionFacts.org — 能救命的营养学



Michael Greger 医生是畅销书《How Not to Die》一书作者,中文译本:繁体版书名为《食疗圣经》。简体版书名为《救命》,将于今年5月底出版。

视频摘要: 那些维生素D水平较高的人往往患肥胖、糖尿病和高血压的比率较低,但这是因果关系吗? 介入试验终于把维生素D做了测试。






  • 维生素D补充剂对糖尿病,减肥和血压有帮助吗?(系列1)

  • Do Vitamin D Supplements Help with Diabetes, Weight Loss, & Blood Pressure?


  • 服用维生素D补充剂会否更长寿?(系列2)

  • Will You Live Longer If You Take Vitamin D Supplements?


  • 应该摄取多少维生素D?(系列3)

  • How Much Vitamin D Should You Take?


  • 基于自然水平的维生素D最佳水平(系列4)

  • The Optimal Dose of Vitamin D Based on Natural Levels


  • 获得维生素D的最佳途径:阳光,补充剂或沙龙?(系列5)

  • The Best Way to Get Vitamin D: Sun, Supplements, or Salons?


  • 适当晒太阳的风险和好处(系列6)

  • The Risks and Benefits of Sensible Sun Exposure




My last in-depth video series on vitamin D was done more than four years ago — as in 15,950 papers ago. I had a lot of catching up to do.



Review articles like this continue to be published, touting vitamin D as a veritable cure-all.



The vitamin D receptor is found in most tissues in the body, including the brain.



Upwards of 2,000 genes may be regulated by vitamin D. Within 24 hours of vitamin D exposure, you can change the expression of hundreds of genes.


D称作维生素实际上是一种用词不当。 根据定义,维生素不能在我们的身体内合成。但是我们可以在充足的阳光下制造所需要的全部D.

The term vitamin is actually a misnomer. Vitamins, by definition, cannot be synthesized within our body. But we can make all the D we need with sufficient sun exposure.



D is not a vitamin, but a hormone, produced by our skin in response to sunlight exposure.


And it’s not just a hormone of calcium regulation and bone health, but a hormone of fertility and immunity and brain function.


But is it a panacea, or a false prophet?



Remember when vitamin E was the vitamin du jour, touted as curative for many clinical disorders.



“Vitamin E: the radical protector,” with supplement sales in general forming a billion-dollar business to capitalize on the public’s fears. After all, those with low levels of vitamin E in their blood had 50% higher cancer risk.



Hey, and what about vitamin A or beta carotene?


毕竟,吃大量的绿色蔬菜、红薯和其他 β 胡萝卜素丰富的食物的人患癌症的风险比较低,因此应该让人们服用β 胡萝卜素补充剂。但是,当他们被测试时,β胡萝卜素补充剂反而增加癌症发病率。(译注:从食物里获得的天然β胡萝卜素,与吃β胡萝卜素补充剂效果是不同的,食物里有成千上万种成份,这些成份有协同作用。把其中一种成份单独拿出来,就失去了协同作用。所以蔬食营养学家都主张吃“全蔬食”,而不是营养补充剂。B12是特例,是细菌生产的。)

After all, people who eat lots of greens and sweet potatoes and other beta carotene-rich foods have lower risk of cancer; so, hey, let's give people some beta carotene pills. But when they were put to the test, beta carotene pills increased cancer rates.



Beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E supplements may increase mortality, in effect we'd be potentially paying to shorten our lifespan.



So, you can understand the skepticism in the medical community regarding claims about vitamin D, which is now enjoying its moment in the sun.


拥有价值 亿美元的维生素D补充剂行业并没有什么帮助,更不用说高利润的维生素D测试行业,他们喜欢谈论的是那些显示维生素D水平较高可能会降低患心脏病、癌症、糖尿病、自身免疫疾病和感染的风险的研究。

Having a half-billion dollar vitamin D supplement industry doesn’t help matters in terms of getting at the truth, not to mention the highly lucrative vitamin D-testing industry that loves to talk about the studies suggesting having higher vitamin D levels may reduce the risk of heart disease, and cancer, and diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and infections.


但大部分研究都来自观察性研究 这意味着研究将血液中较高的D水平与较低的疾病风险相关联。 这并不意味着维生素D是“因”(译注:因果关系中的“因”)。

But most of this research stems from observational studies — meaning studies that correlate higher D levels in the blood with lower disease risk. It doesn’t mean vitamin D is the cause.



It’s like the early beta carotene data. Higher levels in the blood may have just been a marker of healthy eating.



Who has high beta-carotene levels? Those who eat lots of greens and sweet potatoes. Just like vitamin D levels may also just be a marker for healthy behaviors.


谁拥有高D水平? 那些是经常在外面跑来跑去的人。记住,是户外活动!户外活动!较高的维生素D水平,可能只是更多体力活动的表现,举例来说。

Who has high D levels? Those that run around outside. And those that run around outside, RUN around outside. Higher vitamin D levels may just be a sign of higher physical activity, for example.



So, when you see studies like this, showing significantly lower diabetes rates among those with higher vitamin D levels, it doesn’t mean giving people vitamin D will necessarily help. You have to put it to the test. And when you do, vitamin D supplements fall flat on their face. No benefit for preventing or treating type 2 diabetes.



So, when supplement companies wave around studies like this, suggesting vitamin D deficiency plays a role in obesity, because most population studies show lower vitamin D levels in the blood of those who are obese, is that because they’re exercising less, or, simply because it’s a fat-soluble vitamin, and so is just lodged in all the fat?



One might expect obese sun bathers would make more vitamin D since they have more skin surface area. But the same exposure leads to less than half the D, because it gets socked away in the fat.


这就是为什么肥胖者可能需要的维生素D剂量是一般人的23倍— 虽然可能在减肥后,维生素D从脂肪中释出,并回到血液循环中。

That’s why obese persons may require two to three times the dose of vitamin D — though they may get it back when they lose weight, and release it back into the circulation.



So, that would explain the population data. And indeed, when you put vitamin D to the test, try vitamin D as a treatment for obesity, it doesn’t work at all.



Similar story with artery health. Those with low vitamin D levels have worse coronary blood flow, more atherosclerosis, and worse artery function. But if you actually put it to the test in randomized controlled trials, the results are disappointing. Also ineffective in bringing down blood pressures.



So this all adds to the growing body of science casting doubt on the ability of vitamin D supplementation to improve anything beyond just falls, fractures, the common cold, and all-cause mortality.


等等什么?! 维生素D补充剂可以让你活得更久? 这很重要。 请看下回分解。

Wait! what?! Vitamin D supplements can make you live longer? That’s kind of important. I’ll explore that next.

( 注:视频翻译及字幕制作:老玉米 )


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  2. N G Forouhi, Z Ye, A P Rickard, K T Khaw, R Luben, C Langenberg, N J Wareham. Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and the risk of type 2 diabetes: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk cohort and updated meta-analysis of prospective studies. Diabetologia. 2012 Aug;55(8):2173-82.

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  27. Y J Foss. Vitamin D deficiency is the cause of common obesity. Med Hypotheses. 2009 Mar;72(3):314-21.



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