

能救命的营养学 蔬食益生 2022-10-22

本视频由格雷格(Michael Greger)医生于 2018 年 8 月 10 日发布,来自NutritionFacts.org — 能救命的营养学。



格雷格(Michael Greger) 医生是畅销书《How Not to Die》作者,中文译本:繁体版书名为《食疗圣经》。简体版书名为《救命》,已于今年7月19日发售,详情见文末。


Benefits of Lentils and Chickpeas



If you compared the total antioxidant content of ten different legumes, which do you think would come out on top?


斑豆、利马豆、红芸豆、黑芸豆- 我认为它们只是指黑豆,海军豆、小红豆、眉豆、绿豆、扁豆和鹰嘴豆。

Pinto beans, lima beans, red kidney beans, black kidney beans — for which I think they just mean black beans — navy beans, small red beans, black-eyed peas, mung beans, lentils, versus chickpeas.



Who can guess the winner and the loser? Quick, pause the video!



Coming in at #10, bottom of the barrel, lima beans. Then, navy beans, both pretty sad. Then, black-eyed peas, then mung beans, which is what they typically make bean sprouts out of. Then, moving into the winners’ circle, kidney beans.



I bet there were some of you that guessed that as our #1. But no, they’re just middle-of-the-pack; there are five better.



Want to pause again and reconsider?



Next, black beans, and the bronze to small red beans.



And who do you think gets the gold?



Anyone want to take any bets?



Lentil soup or hummus, what do you think?


And, it’s…lentils for the win!



You can see how lentils pull away from the pack in terms of scavenging up free radicals.


Lentils topped the charts based on a variety of different measures, maybe because they’re so small, and the nutrients are concentrated in the seed coat. So, smaller means more surface area? That’d be my guess.



When pitted against cholesterol in vitro, to try to prevent oxidation, lentils also seemed to stand out, perhaps making it the best candidate “for the development of a dietary supplement for promoting heart health and for preventing cancers.”



Uh, or you could just have some lentil soup.



I just throw them in my pressure cooker with oat groats when I make oatmeal.



“Aside from lentils, black beans, black soybeans, and red kidney beans” also seem to top the list.



Here’s the breakfast. Now, if you also serve a bowl of black bean soup — or, just the amount of fiber in that bowl of soup — or, just the amount of antioxidants found in that bowl of soup, which do you think works better?



Whole plant foods can be greater than just the sum of their parts.



“Nowadays, it’s popular to isolate and sell functional components of foods as dietary supplements.



However, the extracted ingredients may not produce the same effects when delivered outside a whole-food form.”



In this study, for example, they compared “the ability of black beans to attenuate after-meal metabolic, oxidative stress, and inflammatory responses” to a crappy breakfast, “and determined relative contribution of dietary fiber and antioxidant capacity to the overall effect.”



Well, it’s kind of a no-brainer. The results of the whole black beans in a meal “improved metabolic responses that could not be explained by either the fiber or antioxidant fractions alone.”



Beans can even affect our responses to subsequent meals.



When our body detects starch in our small intestine, it slows down the rate at which our stomach empties.



That makes sense; the body wants to finish digesting before the next meal comes down the pike.



So, might “eating a slowly-digesting starch, such as lentils, trigger these potent mechanisms to result in a sustained delaying effect on stomach emptying”?



Here’s the stomach-emptying rate at a second meal, four-and-a-half hours later, after you eat a quickly-digesting starch, like bread. This is not how fast you’re emptying the bread; this is how fast your stomach is emptying a second meal hours later after you ate bread.



But, what about the same meal eaten four-and-a-half hours after eating lentils?



Significantly slower, like up to an hours lower, which means you would feel that much fuller that much longer after lunch because you had some beans for breakfast.



Then, when all the fiber and resistant starch make it down to our large intestine, they can feed the good bacteria in our colon.



Researchers fed people a little over a cup of canned chickpeas a day, and in just three weeks, some of the bad bacteria — the pathogenic and putrefication bacteria — got crowded out, cutting the number of people colonizing a high “ammonia-producing bacteria” nearly in half, indicating that chickpeas “have the potential to modulate our intestinal microbiome to promote intestinal health” within a matter of weeks.

  翻译: Karen Chou (老玉米)  

  编辑: Karen Chou (老玉米)  


  1. Zhao Y, Du SK, Wang H, Cai M. In vitro antioxidant activity of extracts from common legumes. Food Chem. 2014;152:462-6.

  2. Xu BJ, Yuan SH, Chang SK. Comparative studies on the antioxidant activities of nine common food legumes against copper-induced human low-density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro. J Food Sci. 2007;72(7):S522-7.

  3. Reverri EJ, Randolph JM, Steinberg FM, Kappagoda CT, Edirisinghe I, Burton-freeman BM. Black Beans, Fiber, and Antioxidant Capacity Pilot Study: Examination of Whole Foods vs. Functional Components on Postprandial Metabolic, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2015;7(8):6139-54.

  4. Lin HC, Moller NA, Wolinsky MM, Kim BH, Doty JE, Meyer JH. Sustained slowing effect of lentils on gastric emptying of solids in humans and dogs. Gastroenterology. 1992;102(3):787-92.

  5. Fernando WM, Hill JE, Zello GA, Tyler RT, Dahl WJ, Van kessel AG. Diets supplemented with chickpea or its main oligosaccharide component raffinose modify faecal microbial composition in healthy adults. Benef Microbes. 2010;1(2):197-207.

  6. Edirisinghe I, Randolph J, Cheema M, et al. Effect of grape seed extract on postprandial oxidative status and metabolic responses in men and women with the metabolic syndrome - randomized, crossover, placebo controlled study. Func Foods in Health and Dis. 2012;2(12):508-521.



  •   红扁豆营养成份表:


  1. 蛋白质 = 12/47 = 25.5 %

  2. 脂肪 = 1/47 = 2.1 %

  3. 碳水化合物 = 28/47 = 59.6 %

  4. 膳食纤维 = 5/47 = 10.6 %

  •   鹰嘴豆营养成份表:


  1. 蛋白质 = 10/50 = 20 %

  2. 脂肪 = 3/50 = 6 %

  3. 碳水化合物 = 30/50 = 60 %

  4. 膳食纤维 = 9/50 = 18 %

刊登在公众号 “素林说” 的扁豆食谱,很多人已经做过,一致好评:


请至 “蔬食益生” 主菜单 ===》“分类导航”===》“分类目录” 查看往期文章。


  1. 如何通过饮食降低体内重金属含量

  2. 如何在烹调时减少肉类中致癌物的8种方法

  3. 有机肉较不易致癌吗?

此视频作者格雷格 Michael Greger )的畅销书《救命》中文版于7月19日正式发售!


请至 “ 蔬食益生 ” 公众号主菜单 ===》“ 工具箱 ” ===》“《救命》书推广 ” 查看详情及《救命》书详细目录

《救命》第 1 部分:远离致命疾病

《救命》第 2 部分:今天要怎么吃?吃什么?

预防永远大于治疗️ !


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