
News|ICCSD Held the Carbon Neutrality Seminar& Press Conference

ICCSD 清华大学气候变化研究院 2020-10-20

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On "China's Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategy and Transformation Path" at Beijing Wenjin Hotel. During the conference, ICCSD systematically disclosed the core findings of the research report and discussed China's carbon neutrality path with experts and government officials.

Leaders from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), China Meteorological Administration (CMA), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), and other national ministries and commissions attended the press conference. Experts and scholars from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), Energy Research Institute (ERI) of NDRC, State Information Center, China Academy of Transportation Science, the Administrative Centre for China's Agenda 21, and other government agencies and research institutes also attended the press conference. The conference attracted journalists from nearly 50 media outlets including overseas media such as Reuters, Agence France-Presse, Kyodo News, Bloomberg News, and domestic media such as Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, CCTV News, Voice of China, and Phoenix Satellite TV. Xie Zhenhua, Special Advisor for Climate Change Affairs of MEE and President of ICCSD; He Jiankun, Chairperson of the Academic Committee of ICCSD; and Li Zheng, Executive President of ICCSD, answered questions from the media during the conference. The conference was broadcasted live worldwide via the Tsinghua University XuetangX Platform, with over 10,000 viewers at home and abroad. The conference was hosted by Professor Li Zheng.

 Xie Zhenhua delivered a speech

In his speech, Xie Zhenhua expressed his gratitude to the experts from academia and representatives from government agencies including MEE, NDRC, National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and CMA. He also thanked the Global Climate Change and Green Development Fund based in Tsinghua University Education Foundation , the Energy Foundation , Ningxia Yanbao Charity Foundation and Dangdai Foundation for their support to the research project. Besides, President Xie thanked foundations from UK and US , institutes including   Vanke Foundation, C Team for their strong support.

Xie Zhenhua pointed out that China's climate actions and goals, as clearly stated by President Xi Jinping in his address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 22, reflect China's consistent position of attaching great importance to actively addressing climate change. It is a major strategic decision made by China in the context of both the international and domestic situations, further demonstrating China's strategic resolve to deeply implement Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization and to steadfastly follow the path of green low-carbon cycle development, as well as China's responsibility as a major country to firmly support multilateralism and actively promote the building a community with shared future for mankind. Xie Zhenhua emphasized China's efforts to accelerate the transition to a green and low-carbon society and the daunting challenges it faces, and expressed the hope that ICCSD's research findings would serve as a reference for all sectors of society to conduct relevant research and provide technical support for the formulation and implementation of national low-carbon development policies. Xie Zhenhua pointed out the direction of further research and demonstration, and said that ICCSD will continue to make greater contributions to China's low-carbon transition and the achievement of its 2060 carbon neutrality goal.

Zhao Yingmin delivered a speech

On behalf of MEE, Mr. Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment, extended his warmest congratulations on the release of the research results, expressed his gratitude to Tsinghua University as the project leader for its organizational design, management, research and release of the project results, congratulated the scholars who participated in the research for their achievements, and thanked the relevant organizations and institutions that supported the project. He believed that the research results will play an important role in supporting China's green and low-carbon development and the implementation of the national strategy to actively address climate change, as well as in informing and updating China's nationally determined contributions and formulating long-term greenhouse gas low-emission development strategies and other major decisions. Zhao Yingmin emphasized that the climate goals announced by President Xi Jinping at the 75th general debate of the UN General Assembly are of far-reaching significance at home and abroad. He pointed out that all regions and departments have deeply implemented Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization, implemented national strategies to actively address climate change, and made efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions while taking the initiative to carry out adaptation actions, and achieved remarkable results in addressing climate change. Vice minister also put forward a framework for the next step in implementing the new goals and tasks proposed by President Xi Jinping, and encouraged experts and research institutions to take an international perspective, base themselves on national conditions, and devote themselves to research, so as to continuously provide new observations, new ideas and new solutions to national decision-making on climate change and environmental governance.

Liu Yanhua delivered a speech

Liu Yanhua, Vice Chairperson of the National Committee of Experts on Climate Change, emphasized in his speech that the research project on China's long-term low-carbon development strategy and transition path is the systematic analysis of strategic positioning, national conditions, finance, technology and policy by experts and scholars from Tsinghua University and other institutions under the leadership of Presidentr Xie Zhenhua, providing recommendations and scientific support for the implementation of the climate goals proposed by President Xi, and providing a framework and a good starting point for the comprehensive implementation of low-carbon research in all sectors. Liu Yanhua introduced the recent arrangement and deployment of relevant studies by the National Committee of Experts on Climate Change, noting that the upcoming research will complement and integrate with the completed research on China's long-term low-carbon development strategy and transition path, and contribute to China's green and low-carbon transition.

He Jiankun introduced the project results

In the presentation session, Professor He Jiankun, Chairperson of the Academic Committee of ICCSD, introduced the research results on behalf of the research team. He explained in detail the starting point of the project. From the beginning of 2019, ICCSD, in the current historical location and in the face of the increasingly complex international situation, has carried out 18 sub-projects of field-specific research on such topics as how to plan strategies, paths and measures for low-carbon development in the impressive blueprint of socialist modernization construction in the new era, how to fulfill international responsibilities and obligations in line with China's national conditions and capacity according to the principles of the Paris Agreement, and how to promote and lead the process of global climate governance. Professor He systematically explained the guiding philosophy, multi-scenario concept and research phases of the project, pointing out that the project research attempted to respond to important issues of domestic and international concern, focusing on relevant policy advice. He also gave an overview and systematic introduction of the long-term low-carbon transition of China's energy and economy as well as the sustainable development of its economy and society in the future, explained the systematic and structural data of each node in the time span from now to 2050, and made substantive suggestions on major issues in future development, including the 14th Five-Year Plan.

In the following two roundtable sessions, project leaders from various sectors and fields presented key research findings and policy recommendations.

Xu Huaqing moderated the first roundtable session

Xu Huaqing, Director of NCSC, moderated the first roundtable session, sharing and discussing theories, methods and innovations in practice on the significant findings of the relevant results from various institutions, especially on how to support the implementation of the strategic goals of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality by 2060. Wang Zhongying, Director of ERI of NDRC; Jiang Yi, Professor of Tsinghua University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Bai Quan, Director of the Energy Efficiency Center of ERI of NDRC; Professor Li Zheng; Associate Professor Ou Xinmin and other experts and scholars presented their views and conclusions respectively.

Zhang Xiliang moderated the second roundtable session

Zhang Xiliang, Director of the Institute of Energy and Environmental Economy at Tsinghua University, moderated the second roundtable session, in which various institutions shared their research results. Wang Yi, Vice President of the Institute of Science and Development, CAS; Pan Jiahua, Director of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies, CASS; Li Jifeng, Deputy Director of the Energy Department, Institute of Resources and Environmental Policy, Development Research Center of the State Council; Zou Ji, CEO and President of China Program of the Energy Foundation; He Kebin, Professor of Tsinghua University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Teng Fei, Senior Associate Professor  of Tsinghua University; and other experts and scholars presented their views and conclusions respectively.

Li Zheng concluded the conference

Professor Li Zheng made the closing remarks. He expressed gratitude to all government officials and experts for their excellent speeches, reports and comments. He said that the conference was very informative, which allowed us to learn about the systematic thinking and research results on China's long-term strategy to address climate change, and deepened our understanding of the significance of the two goals proposed by President Xi Jinping. Li Zheng hoped that the research results of this project would contribute to the efforts to achieve a green and low-carbon transition and high-quality development in the future. Finally, he thanked the team of ICCSD, and expressed his hope for close cooperation and joint research with other parties in the future. The conference concluded with a great success.




● 清华气候院举行碳中和研讨暨成果发布会

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Tsinghua University Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ICCSD) was founded in October 2017. Mr. XIE Zhenhua, China's Special Representative for Climate Change Affairs, serves as the inaugural president. ICCSD is committed to building a collaborative platform for strategy and policy research, talent cultivation, international dialogue, bridging the gap between academic research and policy, and providing support and solutions related to climate change and sustainable development. Through three years of development, ICCSD has accomplished two flagship research projects - Strategy and Pathway of Low-carbon Transition in China and Synergizing Actions on the Environment and Climate. Also, ICCSD has established the Methane Emission Reduction Cooperation Platform and Nature-based Solution Cooperation Platform to foster broader collaboration and knowledge sharing. The Institute has also launched extensive bilateral and multilateral dialogues, including "Climate Change Global Lectures" and "Friends of the Paris Agreement"; and provided full support for "Global Alliance of Universities on Climate" and held two South-South cooperation climate training programs.





