
(Bilingual)Upbeing WeforShe | 系统视角下,城乡共创点的挖掘

Upbeing 2020-10-02

我们如何提高城乡女性的自信, 激发她们自我的创造力? 👀


How can we increase our confidence, awaken our creativity and gather courage   to do something about the things that matter the most?

How can we empower underprivileged women through giving voice to women in the city?

在上周六的 We For She 工作坊中来自多元文化的人帮我们打开了想象🤘。我们尝试从多维的系统视角,让系统来引导参与者,并由参与者来引导我们,共同走出项目孵化的第一步。

Some of the answers we could find during the We For She activity on 22nd July, Saturday. 

During the 3 hours workshop which was an incubation style collaborative playground we learnt to express our feelings without fear, shared our opinion about sensitive and not everyday topics, while through the Upbeing Spiral Method we came up with innovative ideas how to solve the sanitary waste issue. We also discussed how can help the underprivileged women in the remote mountainous areas and the next steps regarding the Sichuan Danba project.

We For She is the campaign of Upbeing 404 Action Village, which aims to empower women through fearless creative expression and innovative system thinking collaboration.

We advocate observing the problem from systematic angle, considering solutions from a holistic approach and don't just talk but take actions .

What happened in the We For She workshop on Saturday?

打开边界,身心合一: 创新无惧自我表达工作坊

T-bird: Fearless Creative Expression


The system of our body and mind: The Unity of body and heart



What does it mean to be a woman?

When do you give up your power? 


We opened ourselves gradually under the guidance of Tbird. 

接下来 Tbird 通过调动身体、语言来引导大家将情绪释放出来,刚开始的时候大部分童鞋还是有些拘谨,可是随着节奏的带动,每位参与者都开始变得放松随意了,不得不佩服Tbird,她极其有能量,全身充满着激情和自信,负有极强的感染力。

The participants felt more powerful thanks to the exercise, which increased their self-love and confidence, they got rid of creative blocks, let their imagination fly and by opening their mind and heart explored innovative, out of box solutions.


This is how we express our self-love...


This is how we show how awesome we are :)

Our amazing facilitator Tbird Luv


We need to break down our fears, and express with confidence what we think and feel; The power of changing the popular believes and narrative is in our hand.  


“Don’t go for MAYBE. Be YES or NO.”

The generated creative motivation during the Fearless Creative Expression workshop led into an opportunity to put our voices and hearts to good work.


404 Systems Experiment Workshop


“脱掉假设”--普世的价值观制造出很多人定的假设束缚了我们的创造力,你问过自己为什么有学校的存在吗?你甚至问过你自己父母的意义是真实存在还是人造的?为什么女人就必须得生孩子? 👦 👧


"Get rid of the assumptions"--too many rules limits our creativity

Have you ever asked yourself: 

Why do we need schools ?

Why does every woman need to have children?

Why do we shave?


"Story Pillow" -- 

We showcased stories of powerful and impactful women around the world.

The participants got excited and inspired by reading the stories about the female creating power.

We believe that life influences life. And the stories of creative and inspiring people must be shared so others will also feel more encouraged and enlightened.






我们探索环保卫生巾的可能性, 并且希望将得到的结果带去丹巴孵化, 给到当地女性更多绿色就业的机会。

How can we create a more eco-friendly sanitary pad which could be also a feasible project in Sichuan Danba? How can we provide more Green Business opportunities to the local people in Sichuan?How can we incubate some feasible green projects? 


From the perspective of timeline 

 “被嫌弃的卫生巾的一生”:描绘整条供应链上,卫生巾从种子、材    料、包装、运输等多个时间线上的维度全观卫生巾的环保之路的挑战。

"The life of Pad" -- we illustrated the whole supply chain of the sanitary pad,  so the participants could get a holistic view about the life of the sanitary pad.


The system of object itself: four modules


How can we design a product, which doesn’t harm the environment, while it helps the people in need and still profitable? We encouraged the participants to come up with the idea from 4 modules approach: Economy , Ecology , Society and Education. This task is quite challenging. But the participants did great job and after the brainstorming, prototyping, testing amazing ideas were born.



And the time for the presentations came:

1. 使用红茶菌(kombucha)创造一种可生物降解的内衣,这不仅对环境有益,而且由于健康细菌的释放,还能使您的阴道健康。

This group had an idea of using kombucha to create a biodegradable underwear, which is not only good for the environment but also keeps your vagina healthy thanks to the release of good bacteria.

2. 我们想要从海绵中取出卫生棉条,这也被美国本土人用来控制月经流量。 并作为避孕方法。

They wanted to make tampons out of marine sponges, which were also used by native American people to control menstrual flow and as a birth control method.


This group’s idea was to take husks of coconuts, and process them down to absorbent biodegradable material that can be inserted into the gussets of panties. 


You may also want to know.....


Why eco-friendly sanitary pad? 


Why we choose this topic? 

-Although it is such a huge social and environmental impact, it is still a bit on the taboo side.  

-Because a lot of man feel empathy for women, but they still have no idea "how it actually feels".

-According to the book Flow: The Cultural History of Menstruation, the average woman throws away up to 300 pounds of feminine hygiene related products in a lifetime. In the grand scheme of things this makes up only about 0.5 percent of personal landfill waste.

-Sanitary pad is only one choice during the period, but most of us take it for granted and don't even think about other options

-Recently we pay more attention to the "user experience", and want to make it even more comfortable


What's the relationship between eco- sanitary pads, Danba village and co-creation in the city? 


We try to reach out and connect people who would like to create something impactful and help the underprivileged women. We also aim to break the uncertainty of the co-creation between village and city and incubate some projects related to the environment-friendly sanitary pads. We advocate play-based learning and facilitation of the impactful and feasible projects in Danba. 

1. 城市是否真的有环保卫生巾的需求?城市中是否有足够的消费者?

Is there any need in the city for eco-friendly Sanitary pad? Is there need for this product  in the city ? 


Women nowadays like to try out new things, and chase better user experience , these consumers can also become the sales channel. 

2. 丹巴农村是否有环保卫生巾的生产能力,其环境中是否有可以用来生产环保卫生巾的在地资源?亦或者她们的手工工艺能否帮助她们去做纯手工环保卫生巾?

Is it suitable for Danba to produce the eco-friendly sanitary pads? Are there any local resources? Is it possible for them to use the handcraft to make the handmade sanitary pad ? 


We have found a lot of products that use the new eco-friendly material to make sanitary pads, whether it is made of fibrous membranes, banana peel or with local invasive species of water hyacinth etc. We want to look for the available  materials in Danba and create a feasible project.


This is only the first step, we know that we still need to improve. We also hope that gradually more people can join us and we can take actions together. ~  


We are grateful to  for sponsoring us .

is a Thai Coconut lifestyle brand. Their 3 fundamental principles are in unison with some of Upbeing beliefs:  Believe, Balance and Be different. Whatever path you choose, you are your own universe and we believe everybody should strive for happiness in its own way. 

是泰国椰风生活品牌。其三个基本原则同Upbeing基本相一致:相信,平衡以及不同。 不管你选择哪条道路,你就是自己的宇宙,我们相信每个个体都应该以自己的方式争取幸福。

The amazing Brand Manager of Gre3n also participated the whole activity. We were honored to listen to her stories and her enthusiasm about coconut. 

Gre3n 的经理人也参与到了Upbeing的整场活动中,我们很荣幸能够听到她的故事以及分享她对于椰子的热爱。 

We were also happy to learn that gre3n is specially designed in 100% recycable tin cans.  They make sure that every can is used and sold is being kept and later recycled to avoid extra waste. This resonates with Upbeing core values very much: Take care of the Earth. 


扫描二维码了解更多。More about gre3n please check out their Wechat profile. 


We will try to bring the solutions to Danba to incubate the project if feasible . 


If you are interested to be part of the project please let us know


在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

