
项目式学习 | 来青少年环境保护大会,成为废弃物升级工作坊的项目经理

Upbeing 2020-10-02



More plastic than fish in the sea by 2050, says Ellen MacArthur

How do you feel about that people are over consuming, wasting and trashing our planet? Have you thought about some creative solutions? Do you have some ideas to make people become more sustainable?

加入Upbeing项目式学习成为第二届青少年环境大会上Trash Trans4mer 工作坊的项目经理,身体力行的唤起大家对环保的意识 。

Join the Trash Trans4mer project by Upbeing at the second edition of YES (Youth Environment Summit)as a Project Manager.

MORE than project-based learning.


You will learn about the main topic of this project in a non-traditional class setting. You will open your mind and learn to look at problems from different perspective, while get a better understanding of integrative thinking. Our experienced bilingual (Chinese+English) team will be there to guide you through the process.

今年6月的时候我们便在doo+vibe 共创益大会上举办过TrashTrans4mer工作坊。当时是由一位12岁的少女主导。 你可以点击下方链接了解TrashTrans4mer工作坊。

In June we already conducted the Trash Trans4mer workshop a doo+ vibe, celebrate social innovation event, and at that time a 12-year-old project manager led it. Have a look how it was:

Projects Playground| 12岁的二次元少女对活动物料的不可持续 say no



Have some more innovative ideas? Welcome to share and join our Trash Trans4mer team


What will you gain?

★ 深刻了解社会环境问题,并采有所行动。

Get a deeper understanding of the environmental problems and their smart and innovative solutions

★ 快速学习陌生领域的知识,获得实战经验。

Learn about a new and unfamiliar field faster

★ 接触到多元文化,各国人士,锻炼中英文沟通能力。

Meet people from different cultural and professional background, practice your Chinese and/ or English

★ 有机会做主持人,锻炼公众演讲能力。

Become a host of a workshop, practice your public speaking skills   

★ 学习并主导真实社会中的市场活动,学以致用

Become a host of a workshop, practice your public speaking skills   


Get real life experience. sense of accomplishment and have a successful case, which will look great on your university application material and CV.          

我们会根据项目制学习(Project-based learning)和基于问题的学习(Problem-based Learning )过程中不同工作阶段给予你指导。你将在辅导老师的协助下,完成整个活动。

We will give you guidance to complete the activity and provide mentors and facilitators.


Class 1 (1-2 hours) Training


- 了解活动的基本内容

Get a better understanding of the main content of the activity

- 活动前期的物料收集及准备

Preparation for the event: structure of the activity, materials for the workshop

- 组成志愿者小队(适合有那么一丢丢害羞的你)

Recruit volunteers, build a small team (you are like a small team leader)

Class 2 (1-2hours) Training 


- 学习并运用设计思维制作原型并迭代

 Learn about design thinking process, what is prototyping and iterating

Get together the necessary materials and tools, further develop the rundown of the activity       

Class 3 (1-2hours) Training 


- 学习并准备活动当天的流程

Prepare the detailed content of the workshop, write a rundown


Rehearse the process and prepare the content for the host's speech       

Class 4 (1-2hours) Training


- 参与整个活动的现场把控

Participate in the event as a main host or coordinator

- 活动结束后后期反思反馈

After the activity there will be a comprehensive evaluation and report

If you are interested can develop further action plans and ideas for the team

Get a recommendation letter 


Who can participate:

  • 12-18岁 中学生  12-18 years old students

  • 对环境保护有兴趣,有自己的想法  Interested in environment protection, have some ideas on your own

  • 沟通能力强、适应能力强、愿意倾听 Interested in environment protection, have some ideas on your own

  • 抗压。愿意快速学习,能够面对灵活的任务 Flexible and passionate about learning




Tuition fee: please consult Ms. Up 

地点:上海市浦东新区乳山路206号724社创空间 或者线上

Address: 204 Rushan road, Pudong, Shanghai and/or online

时间: 前期学习时间可根据你的时间灵活安排。

Training time: will arrange according to your schedule


Scan the QR code to add Ms.UP if any queries. 


在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

