
PIC: This Saturday! | 5大城市贫困项目等你支持!

Upbeing 2020-10-02

This Saturday, Pyramid Impact Collective will take place: a microfunding event focused on bringing people together to combat urban poverty. Scroll down to get a ticket!

就在本周六! 12月2日Upbeing 和Babel 将联合举办首届关注城市贫困的PIC大会集结小额资金激励一个致力于城市贫困的项目




12月2日, 15点-8点

B人BEL and Upbeing are organizing Pyramid Impact Collective: an event in which people from different backgrounds come together and find solutions for urban poverty in Shanghai. And we need you to join. Why? 


Besides showcasing urban poverty through arts and discussing it with professionals working in the field, different projects - all aimed at combatting urban poverty - will be presented. Throughout PIC you are invited to talk to the creators of these projects, in order to give feedback, suggestions, and ultimately improve the project. Whether you're a student, a factory worker, or a company owner, your input is valuable. Together we can make an impact.


薛占奎 Zach

In our country, due to social discrimination and information occlusion, many deaf and dumb students who study Art are unable to use professional skills to get jobs and gain income. For this reason, we reinvent the structure of traditional culture shirts, reduce the cost of pattern replacement, and create more design demands for the students. In this way, the project will enhance their employment competitiveness while generating income for deaf and dumb students with painting skills, and set up their professional and personalized social image by propagating the innovative products.




UseDem is a project about upcycling old jeans into new wearable products. Xenia Sidorenka, a Russian designer who lives in Shanghai, works within the fashion industry challenging and re shaping the idea of linear fashion into a circular process. Through UseDem, she transforms old denim jeans into fashionable backpacks and is taking charge to promote sustainable fashion, and upcycling. 

UseDem是一个关于将旧牛仔裤升级为新的可穿戴产品的项目。居住在上海的俄罗斯设计师Xenia Sidorenka,在时尚界工作,挑战并把线性时尚理念重塑成一个可循环过程。通过UseDem,她将旧牛仔裤改造成时尚背包,并负责推广可持续的时尚和环保理念。

邓小三 Sam 



Shanghai International Deaf Film Festival is the first deaf-led film and arts festival in Mainland China, with its premiere debut on September, 21-23, 2018. SHIDFF provides a unique Chinese platform of harmonious social inclusion for deaf and hearing-impaired filmmakers from China and around the world to display, share, and celebrate their creative work with each other and the wider hearing and non-hearing audience. Importantly SHIDFF also provides a unique platform for the development of deaf and hearing-impaired film talent through its training and mentoring opportunities with its educational and media partners.




TEN+ PLAN is a social entrepreneurship program initiated by WoowBow.com with a mission to feed China's displaced & homeless people with the foods normally thrown away by restaurants, bakeries & cafés everyday after 10pm. TEN+ PLAN aims to leverage its resources and the passion & power of local communities to not waste food and give it for free to those in need. 

Each day at 10pm across Shanghai and many major cities in China, F&B establishments close for business. Many F&B businesses particularly bakeries close daily with enormous over supply of baked goods and other foods that are put into the rubbish & wasted as these foods are unsellable the next day. At the same time, there are thousands of displaced & homeless people in cities such as Shanghai and the rest of China starving &


TEN + PLAN是一个由WoowBow.com发起的创业项目,旨在为中国流离失所和无家可归的人提供食物,这些食物是每晚10点后通常被餐馆,面包店和咖啡馆当垃圾扔掉。 TEN + PLAN希望能充分利用这些资源,聚合当地社区的热情和力量,一方面防止浪费食物,另一方面从而给予有需要的人。




At 280 million, migrant workers represent a major part of the urban poor.  Their left-behind children, numbering 60 million, represents the best chance to break the cycle of poverty.  Yet these children face tremendous educational deficit in an increasingly knowledge-based global economy.  EduCare creates a sustainable platform to provide quality education to these children.  By gathering student, professional, and global teachers in a social service and digital learning platform, EduCare focuses on under-resourced subjects to bring education equality to left-behind children.  For education, left-behind children will no longer be left behind.

中国的农民工人口高达2.8亿人,占城市贫困人口的巨大部分。而他们的子女,这个人数高达6000万的留守儿童群体,恰恰是打破该贫穷现状的最好机会。然而在全球经济知识化的大环境下,这些儿童又面临着严重的教育资源的稀缺, 给他们的未来发展设下了严重的阻碍。 由此,EduCare为该批留守儿童创建了一个可持续的互联网教育平台为其提供高质量的教育服务。该平台将整合国内外学校和社会志愿者群体,针对乡村教育最欠缺的领域,系统性地向留守儿童提供优质教育资源。

At the end of the event you will be able to vote for one of the projects. This project will receive all of the event's proceedings, plus mentorship to manage the project.


Besides these projects there will be different arts, workshops, and performances to make you aware of different situations of poverty. Urban poverty will be discussed in four different panel discussions, in which the audience is invited to ask questions and think about solutions.



PIC Shanghai 抢票 | 首届致力于消除城市贫困的社会创新大会等你来玩!

(For more information on the speakers and artists, please view our previous post.)

Scan the QR code to buy a ticket! For 80RMB, you can buy a standard ticket, which will allow you entrance to the event, drinks, and snacks, and the right to vote for the project which you think has most potential to make an impact. For 240 RMB, you will be allowed entrance to the event, drinks, snacks, a right to vote, and a 'gift bag' full of surprises, including event tickets and discounts. More importantly, you will support a project that alleviates urban poverty!

👇 扫描下方二维码,即刻报名加入!👇


B人BEL is a platform that aims at creating a space where knowledge, skills, and talent are used to combat social problems and thus tackle poverty itself. B人BEL is created by a group of young and independent people who believe that everyone should live with dignity.

B人BEL 是由一群想要让每一个人都活得有尊严的年轻人创立。旨在解决社会问题,目标是创造一个知识,技能和人才共同解决社会问题,贫困问题的空间。


Upbeing is an education social enterprise. We aim to help youth to discover and exploit their multifold talent and leadership while incubating their social innovation projects. We design and implement personalized project-based learning workshops, courses and longterm programs. While having fun and doing meaningful things our participants will find innovative solutions for social and environmental issues. As a result they will become more competent on the international stage and transform into a global change maker and slash!

Upbeing 是一家关注教育的社会企业。在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。


国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年

International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

