
“我不是英雄” 费城华裔女孩演讲全文

The following article is from 纽约时间 Author ChineseInNY


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纽约时间 | NYandBeyond | ChineseInNY

编者按:2021年11月17日,几名华裔高中生在费城地铁上遭一群青少年攻击,18岁的华裔女孩克里斯蒂娜(Christina Lu)挺身而出与袭击者理论,反遭四名袭击者残暴殴打。地方检察官办公室以多重罪名指控四名打人的青少年,警方认定这是一起出于种族动机的袭击事件。11月30日上午11点,费城华人社团组织了一场大型游行示威活动,抗议和反对种族歧视与霸凌行为;包括纽约在内的全美各地也同步举行了示威活动。




Good afternoon everyone,
My name is Christina Lu.
I would like to thank you all so much for coming to this rally despite the cold weather to stand up against violence and bullying everywhere in this city. I am very thankful for the outpouring of love and support from here in the city and across the globe. I am grateful to my teachers, classmates, and my family for their strong support. The donations that I have received are greatly appreciated and will further my advocacy for public safety like wholesome communities, rethinking community wellness,bridging our communities.
All of your kind words and actions have touched my heart deeply and reminded me that there is still so much love and humanity in thisworld.
You all have inspired me!
Everyone has been calling me a hero, but I really am not. Iam just an ordinary girl from an ordinary family who saw people in need of help and so I tried to help. I will continue to stand up against bullying and violence and help people in need, that's just who I am and want to be.
Although there are racial tensions due to misinformation andmisunderstanding, I hope and believe that this incident will bridge that divide and inspire people to stand up because public safety is about the livelihood of our communities in the city of brotherly love.
I hope that all people from different backgrounds realizethe true meaning of my message: We need to be united as one and speak upagainst the violence and school bullying in today’s society. Much to the quoteof “Together we are strong and apart we are weak” I believe that Philadelphia exemplifies this because the greatest thing about this city is the diversity ofour communities that lie within. I know that these communities have cometogether to make a true difference.
This incident happened due to the gross lack of safetymeasures in our public transportation system. Public transportation isessential to everyday people, without it many people won’t be able to go towork, school;  and many will be hesitantto visit our city. 
With all the communities united, I hope incidents like thiswill never happen again, to anyone because no one should live in fear in thecity of brotherly love.
From the moment that I stepped in, I didn’t care who either party were, I only cared to de-escalate the problem, so that no one would get hurt. Many have said that I should’ve fought back or that the boys were cowards. First of all, violence against violence isn’t one of my values.Second, the double standards in our society, where boys are to be strong and girls are to be obedient has pained me. It puts pressure on youth and limits their behavior and who they are into boxes causing psychological and emotional harm. The public must look past gender identification and understand that we are ALL human. I want us to look past the double standards and realize that they are just scared kids.
I also wanted to address the fact that the video didn’t showcasemy classmates' bravery. After the video clip ended, people didn’t see myclassmates covering me from head to toe using their body so that I wouldn’t beharmed anymore. I want to tell you all that they are heroes too! Without theirhelp and bravery I believe that I would have suffered so much more.
This is just the beginning of the journey ahead. Change ishard, so we must learn to be open-minded and unite together. I hope that peoplewill now view this devastating incident as an opportunity to do good.
I have been inspired and wish to inspire others to stand upto bullying and violence in today's society. Our community will become muchbetter if everyone stands up and speaks up. I want to make known to the peoplethat I was and still am a shy girl, but that didn’t stop me from doing what Ibelieved was right. I ask you, especially teenagers, to join me to make adifference because adolescents are capable of fighting for what they believe injust like everyone else.
Our message is loud and clear, we must all come together,regardless of race, religion, or social, economic class, because we all wantthe same for our community: public safety in the city of brotherly love.
We hope the schools, SEPTA and the City government hear our call for action.
Thank you all again for coming.





赞助:Eyre Writing Center
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俄州亚太联盟公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio 、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、体育、艺术、教育、法律等的了解。

