

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

【AMJ】Entrepreneurial Imaginativeness in New Venture Ideation



Alexander S. Kier, 1| Jeffery S. McMullen, 2

1 Washington State University Vancouver

2 Indiana University


Although theories of entrepreneurial action regularly acknowledge the importance of imagination, the ability is rarely defined or measured, and thus effectively treated as uniform in degree and type. Using a creative problem-solving lens, we identify and measure three different cognitive skills—creative, social, and practical imaginativeness—that vary across individuals. Each skill combines the ability of imagination with the knowledge needed to mentally simulate various task-related scenarios used in generating and selecting ideas for new value creation. We then conduct a quasi-experiment to examine each skill’s relative effect on new venture ideation. We find that the three imaginativeness skills vary across individuals and that they predict new venture idea quantity and quality differently over and above the effects of motivation, knowledge, and experience. We conclude with implications for theory development in entrepreneurship and creative problem-solving. 

【SMJ】Corporate venture capital as a real option in the markets for technology



Marco Ceccagnoli1 | Matthew J. Higgins1,2 | Hyunsung D. Kang3

1 Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

2 National Bureau of Economic Research, Boston, Massachusetts

3 Campbell School of Business, Berry College, Mount Berry, Georgia



We apply real options (RO) theory to understand the role of corporate venture capital (CVC) investments and its relationship with internal R&D capabilities in supporting the acquisition of external technologies. We formulate hypotheses about key drivers of the option value of CVC and the decision to exercise the RO using a dyadic dataset of global pharmaceutical firms and their biotech partners. Our findings suggest that the option value of CVC is higher for investors with weaker scientific capabilities; engaging the markets for technology in distant technological fields; and, when their innovation pipeline is tilted toward the late-stage development process. Finally, the licensing of high-value technologies is the most likely form of option exercise when technological uncertainty is reduced post-CVC. 

【SMJ】The best of both worlds Can founder-CEOs overcome the rich versus king dilemma after IPO



Asma Fattoum-Guedri,1 | Frédéric Delmar,2 | Mike Wright,3

1 Department of Strategy and Innovation, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg,Denmark

2 Department of Strategy and Organization,EMLYON Business School, Ecully, France

3 Center for Management Buyout Research, Imperial College Business School, London, UK



To prevent loss of control post-IPO, founder-CEOs can implement control-enhancing mechanisms disconnecting ownership from voting rights. However, this decision places them in a rich versus king dilemma. If they choose to implement such mechanisms and secure the king position, they risk losing money at IPO. If they choose not to implement control-enhancing mechanisms and adopt the rich position they risk losing control over the firm. We investigate theoretically and empirically the outcomes of this dilemma in a multi-period setting (at IPO and post-IPO). We found that the majority of founder-CEOs who choose the king option recover initial wealth loss, and hence, they can reconcile the rich and king paths in the long-run post-IPO.

【OS】The Impact of Learning and Overconfidence on Entrepreneurial Entry and Exit



John S. Chen,1 | David C. Croson,2 | Daniel W. Elfenbein,3 | Hart E. Posen,4

1 Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611

2 College of Social Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824

3 Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63130

4 School of Business, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706




Empirical evidence suggests that entrepreneurs make mistakes: too many enter markets and, once there, persist too long. Although scholars have largely settled on behavioral bias as the cause, we suggest that this consensus is premature. These mistakes may also arise from a process in which entrepreneurs continually learn about their prospects and make entry and exit decisions based on what they have learned. We develop a computational model of this process that connects pre- and post-entry learning and can be directed to analyze Bayesian-rational or biased entrepreneurs. The model suggests that, to outside observers, rational entrepreneurs may appear overconfident, seem to take too long to exit, and exhibit a positive correlation between entry cost and persistence in the market. When examining confidence biases, the model suggests that entrepreneurs whose biases cause them to perform the worst after entry will be most likely to enter, that pre-entry learning induces a positive correlation between distinct confidence biases among entrants, and that exit changes the prevalence of certain biases in the surviving population of entrants over time. Our study also speaks to recent work on pre-entry experience that documents the transfer of knowledge from parent to progeny firms, suggesting that, in addition to inheritance, differential performance may also be the result of heterogeneity in the length and quality of pre-entry learning during which an opportunity is assessed.






【研究速递】JBV 2019年1月文献中英文摘要(上)

【研究速递】JBV 2019年1月文献中英文摘要(下)

【研究速递】SEJ 2018年12月文献中英文摘要

【研究速递】社会创业知名学者Eric Yanfei Zhao

- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



