如何设置CUDA Kernel中的grid_size和block_size?
The execution configuration is specified by inserting an expression of the form <<< Dg, Db, Ns, S >>> between the function name and the parenthesized argument list, where:
Dg is of type dim3 (see dim3) and specifies the dimension and size of the grid, such that Dg.x * Dg.y * Dg.z equals the number of blocks being launched; Db is of type dim3 (see dim3) and specifies the dimension and size of each block, such that Db.x * Db.y * Db.z equals the number of threads per block; Ns is of type size_t and specifies the number of bytes in shared memory that is dynamically allocated per block for this call in addition to the statically allocated memory; this dynamically allocated memory is used by any of the variables declared as an external array as mentioned in shared; Ns is an optional argument which defaults to 0; S is of type cudaStream_t and specifies the associated stream; S is an optional argument which defaults to 0.
The Parallel Thread Execution (PTX) programming model is explicitly parallel: a PTX program specifies the execution of a given thread of a parallel thread array. A cooperative thread array, or CTA, is an array of threads that execute a kernel concurrently or in parallel. Threads within a CTA can communicate with each other. To coordinate the communication of the threads within the CTA, one can specify synchronization points where threads wait until all threads in the CTA have arrived.
void kernel(const float* x, const float* v, float* y) {
const float sqrt_v = sqrt(*v);
const int idx = blockIdx* gridDim.x + threadIdx.x;
y[idx] = x[idx] * sqrt_v;