A Beautiful Elsewhere @PSA 邂逅卡地亚当代艺术基金会“陌生风景”中国首展全攻略
上海的早春, 一处“陌生风景”
抓紧时间,抢购你的早鸟票, 与我们共同踏上
一次关于疆域、文字和想象的旅程 !
The Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain is presenting its collection for the first time in China! From April 25 to July 29, join us at the Power Station of Art in Shanghai for A Beautiful Elsewhere exhibition!
Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, A Beautiful Elsewhere
展览日期 / Exhibition Dates :
地点 / Venue : 上海当代艺术博物馆, 上海市花园港路200号, Power Station of Art, No.200 Huayuangang rd, Shanghai
票价 / Tickets : 60 RMB
An Invitation to Travel
展览“陌生风景”由上海当代艺术博物馆馆长龚彦、卡地亚当代艺术基金会馆长埃尔维·尚戴斯与策展人费大为的相遇应运而生, 正如展览名称所示意, 这是一场旅行的邀约。自1984年诞生以来, 卡地亚基金会在巴黎乃至全世界各地举办的历次展览都呈现为一次环绕世界的旅程, 一次关于疆域、文字和想象的探险。卡地亚当代艺术基金会将从其藏品中精心遴选出近100 件/ 组标志性艺术作品, 首度大规模向中国公众呈现。
伯尼·克劳斯和联合视觉艺术家协会,《动物大乐团》,展览现场,卡地亚当代艺术基金会,巴黎,2016年 Bernie Krause and UVA, The Great Animal Orchestra, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, 2016 ©Bernie Krause / ©UVA, Photo©Luc Boegly
Born from an encounter between Hervé Chandès, General Director of the Fondation Cartier, Fei Dawei, art critic and exhibition curator, and Gong Yan, Director of the PSA, the exhibition Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, A Beautiful Elsewhere is an invitation to travel. It is a journey around the world, an exploration of territories, both literally and in the imagination, through the presentation of a selection of around 100 key artworks from the Fondation Cartier’s Collection. These works were previously shown at the Fondation Cartier in its exhibitions in Paris and abroad since its creation in France in 1984.
马克·纽森,《 开尔文40》,2003年 展览“开尔文40”现场 ,卡地亚当代艺术基金会 ,巴黎 ,2004年 Marc Newson, Kelvin 40, 2003. View of the exhibition Kelvin 40, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, 2004. Marc Newson Ltd. Photo©Daniel Adric
亚历山德罗·门迪尼,《丢勒的骑士》, 2011年 Alessandro Mendini, II cavaliere di Dürer, 2011. Photo©Lorenzo Ceretta
A multidisciplinary exhibition revealing the uniqueness of Fondation Cartier
本次展览将是一次驰骋于多元艺术地带的游历:这其间就包括森山大道、雷蒙·德巴东(Raymond Depardon)的摄影, 谢里·桑巴(Chéri Samba)、北野武(Beat Takeshi Kitano)的绘画, 大卫·林奇(David Lynch) 的创作, 马 克·纽 森(Marc Newson)和亚历山德罗·门迪尼(Alessandro Mendini) 的设计, 罗恩·穆克(Ron Mueck)和萨拉·施(Sarah Sze)的雕塑与装置。同时,生物声学家伯尼·克劳斯 (Bernie Krause)与迪勒尔·斯科菲帝欧+仁弗洛设计事务所(Diller Scofidio+Renfro)的装置作品将呈现艺术与科学的碰撞。
萨拉·施,《上升的一切必将汇合》, 1999年 ©萨拉·施 Sarah Sze, Everything that Rises Must Converge, 1999. ©Sarah Sze. Photo©Frank Oudeman
A Beautiful Elsewhere is a voyage to the heart of multidisciplinary artistic worlds: photography with Moriyama Daido and Raymond Depardon, painting with Chéri Samba, film with David Lynch and Beat Takeshi Kitano, design with Marc Newson and Alessandro Mendini, and sculpture with Ron Mueck and Sarah Sze. The exhibition also presents artworks combining art and science with an installation by bio-acoustician Bernie Krause and another one by architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro.
迪勒尔·斯科菲帝欧+仁弗洛设计事务所、马克·汉森、劳拉·库尔甘、本·鲁宾、罗伯特·杰拉德·皮特鲁斯科、斯图尔特·史密斯. 摄影 卢克·伯格利《出口》, 2008–2015年 EXIT, 2008–15. ©Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Mark Hansen, Laura Kurgan and Ben Rubin, with the collaboration of Stewart Smith and Robert Gerard Pietrusko. Photo©Luc Boegly
本次展览中所展出的作品,目前已汇集了来自50多个国家350多位艺术家的1500件艺术作品。其收藏中的大量作品是基金会专门委托艺术家创作完成, 并作为常设展品在巴黎让·努维尔 (Jean Nouvel) 设计的建筑中展出。这一委任创作的方式也同时反映了卡地亚基金会的发展历史及其与艺术家的亲密关系。基金会在全球范围内同数百位艺术家所建立的深度合作和广泛联系, 也彰显了基金会的独创精神。同时卡地亚基金会的收藏经常通过作品外借的形式在法国及全球各地多个文化机构的不同展览中呈现。此次“卡地亚当代艺术基金会: 陌生风景”展览将展出卡地亚基金会收藏中最具标志性的当代艺术作品, 以呈现其独创的艺术赞助模式和融合多元学科的策展之路, 同时充分体现了基金会积极与当下世界对话的开放姿态。
克劳迪娅·安杜哈尔,《身份:瓦卡塔坞村》系列, 1970–1976年 Claudia Andujar, Identity, Wakatha u, 1970−76. Photo©Claudia Andujar
雷蒙·德巴东,《法国》系列,《法国加尔省,勒维冈》,2004–2010年 Raymond Depardon, La France, Le Vigan, Gard, 2004–10 ©Raymond Depardon/Magnum Photos
All the works exhibited stem from the Collection of the Fondation Cartier, which currently includes 1,500 artworks by over 350 artists, of 50 different nationalities. Born from the Fondation’s direct relationship with artists, numerous works are commissions or have been created, for the most part, in order to be exhibited as part of the Fondation’s Parisian art program, in the building designed by Jean Nouvel. This is what constitutes the singularity and uniqueness of this Collection, whose works are regularly loaned to other cultural institutions, and have featured in countless large-scale exhibitions throughout the world. The exhibition allows audiences a privileged glimpse of the Fondation Cartier Collection: unique artworks and artistic worlds stemming from a rich multi-disciplinary program and a policy of commissions, as well as the Fondation’s desire to remain open to the world and contemporary society.
让-米歇尔·阿尔贝罗拉,《赛德里克·维拉尼之手 (切尔奇纳尼的猜想)》, 2011年 Jean-Michel Alberola, Hand of Cédric Villani (The conjecture of Cercignani), 2011 ©Jean-Michel Alberola Photo©Pierre-Yves Dinasquet
同时, 让 ·米歇尔·阿尔贝罗拉 (Jean-Michel Alberola), 亚历山德罗· 门迪尼(Alessandro Mendini),和克里斯蒂安 · 波 尔坦斯基 (Christian Boltanski) 受本次展览的委托而创制了新作。法国设计师阿德里安 · 加代尔 (Adrien Gardère) 将负责这本次展览的展陈设计。
大卫·林奇, 上:《桥》下 :《被云遮蔽的女人》, 2007-2010年Briage,David Lynch, Woman obscured by cloud, 2007-2010. ©David Lynch
The exhibition also presents a number of pieces especially commissioned for the occasion to the artists Alessandro Mendini, Jean-Michel Alberola and Christian Boltanski. The exhibition layout has been designed by French scenographer Adrien Gardère.
罗恩·穆克,《在床上》, 2005年 In bed, Ron Mueck, 2005. ©Ron Mueck Photo©Lumento
An Encounter with Chinese Artists
同时, “陌生风景”也旨在展示卡地亚基金会长期以来对于中国当代艺术的关注, 尤其是对暂并不为人所熟知的年轻艺术家的发掘。正如早在20世纪90年代, 蔡国强和黄永砯正是在卡地亚基金会的推举下, 助力他们进入了欧洲艺术圈和公众的视野。在本次展览中, 艺术家高山、胡柳和李永斌将特邀参展, 期待他们的作品将与基金会收藏的作品之间形成共鸣或对话。
蔡国强,《白声》,展览“动物大乐团”现场,卡地亚当代艺术基金会,巴黎,2016 Cai Guo-Qiang, White Tone, 2016. View of the exhibition The Great Animal Orchestra, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, 2016 Photo©Luc Boegly
A Beautiful Elsewhere is also an opportunity for the Fondation Cartier to reinforce its desire to showcase emerging talents: for example, the Chinese artists, Gao Shan, Hu Liu and Li Yongbin have been invited by the Fondation Cartier to present their works alongside those of Cai Guo-Qiang and Huang Yong Ping — today, iconic Chinese artists on the international contemporary arts scene, and revealed by the Fondation Cartier in the 1990s to a European public.
高山,《8天》, 2013–2016年 The Eighth Day, 2013-16, Gao Shan ©高山
李永斌,《脸16》, 2008年 Li Yongbin, Face16, 2008. ©Li Yongbing
List of the artists participating in the exhibition
The curators
图片©Raymond Depardon
Hervé Chandès
General Director of the Fondation Cartier
自1994年起,埃尔维·尚戴斯作为卡地亚当代艺术基金会馆长,负责管理基金会的所有事务,包括位于巴黎的展览项目、国际项目、收藏板块以及艺术家委任作品项目。尚戴斯曾先后为许多不同类型的艺术家组织和策划过展览,其中包括维雅·塞尔敏斯、 马修·巴尼、蔡国强、威廉·埃格尔斯顿、森山大道,雷蒙·德巴东、马克·纽森、李昢、墨比斯、岳敏君、及布鲁斯·瑙曼。 同时,他曾参与策划过多个主题展览,这些展览所关注的议题呈现了当代艺术创作与不同领域思想的相互启发和影响,其中包括:“亚诺玛米: 森林的精灵”、“故乡: 此处即彼处”、“数学:陌生风景”、“动物大乐团”等。
The General Director of the Fondation Cartier since 1994, Hervé Chandès leads and manages all the activities of Fondation Cartier, including the exhibition program, both in Paris and abroad, the collection and the commissions to artists. He has organized numerous monographic exhibitions for artists such as Vija Celmins, Matthew Barney, Cai Guo-Qiang, William Eggleston, Daido Moriyama, Raymond Depardon, Marc Newson, David Lynch, Ron Mueck, Lee Bul, Moebius, Yue Minjun, Bruce Nauman. He also devised thematic exhibitions, on a wide range of topics crossing contemporary creation with science, environment, and many other fields, including Yanomami, Spirit of the Forest in 2003, Native Land, Stop Eject, Mathematics, A beautiful elsewhere in 2011, The Great Animal Orchestra in 2016.
图片©Raymond Depardon
Grazia Quaroni
Director of Collections of Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain
An Italian art historian, art critic and museum curator, Grazia Quaroni is based in Paris since 1991, when she joined the curatorial staff of the Fondation Cartier. She contributed to the organization of nearly 40 exhibition projects within the Fondation, including solo shows of Patti Smith, Lee Bul, Tabaimo, William Eggleston, Gary Hill, Moebius, Ron Mueck, Bruce Nauman. As the current Director of Collections of the Fondation, she is in charge of showing the collection around the world, with recent shows in Seoul, South Korea and Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2017, and now Shanghai, China. Grazia is also a professor: she was Associate Professor at Sorbonne-University of Paris between 2009 and 2012 and currently teaches curatorial studies at Sorbonne – Abu Dhabi and at the Institute of Political Sciences, Paris.
图片©All rights reserved
Fei Dawei
Critic and curator of Chinese Contemporary art
Fei Dawei is an art critic and curator of Chinese contemporary art. From 2002 to 2008, as the director of the Ullens Foundation, he helped to build a collection of over 2,000 Chinese contemporary artworks and founded the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing. Since 2008 Fei Dawei has been working as an independent curator. Fei Dawei and the Fondation Cartier have enjoyed a very strong relationship since Fei Dawei’s residency at the Fondation Cartier in Jouy-en-Josas in the 1980’s, along with Chinese artists Huang Yong Ping and Cai Guo-Qiang.
Practical Infomation
日期 / Dates: 2018 4.25-7.29
开放时间 / Opening hours:
周二-周日/Tue-Sun: 11:00-19:00
*18:00 停止入场,国定节假日均开放
*Last entry at 18:00, open on all national holidays
票务 / Tickets : 60 RMB
截至4月24日前, 点击此处 购买双展 ("卡地亚当代艺术基金会:陌生风景"+"克里斯蒂安·波尔坦斯基:忆所") 联票预售: 60元
Until April 24, click here to buy an Early Bird Ticket : 60 RMB only for a combined ticket Fondation Cartier + Christian Boltanski exhibitions!
M: info@powerstationofart.com
A:上海当代艺术博物馆, 上海市黄浦区花园港路200号, Power Station of Art, 200 Hua Yuan Gang Lu, Shanghai
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