
JIA 2018农经文章推荐 JIA's Papers on Agricultural Economics&Management



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2019 新年伊始,回顾2018年,Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA) 在审稿专家、作者、读者的大力支持下,已顺利完成12期出刊,盘点2018年发表的论文,有重大研究成果的详细报道,有学术前沿的热点分析,亦有最新成果的首次发现。小编汇总了JIA 2018年农经栏目重点推荐文章,研究涵盖气候变化、农业生产、农产品贸易等热点问题;稿源覆盖美国、德国、英国、新西兰、澳大利亚、荷兰、伊朗和巴基斯坦等诸多国家,国际化程度达到81%。欢迎相关科研人员惠存。长按识别二维码可获取PDF全文。

伊朗Shiraz University, Vahid Karimi团队/
Vahid Karimi, Shiraz University, Iran

Climate change and agriculture: Impacts and adaptive responses in Iran

The impacts of climate change on agriculture are still shadowed with uncertainty. However, climate change is expected to adversely affect Iran's agricultural practices through changes in precipitation, temperature and carbon dioxide fertilization. Therefore, adaptation of this sector to the increasing weather events is imperative. This study is aimed to document the likely impacts of climate change on Iran's agriculture and the current adaptation efforts made by government and farmers. The review of literature shows that changes in rainfall and water endowments will have significant impacts on crop yield, crops' water requirements and income and welfare of farm families. The extent of the changes in yield depends on the crop type, assumptions related to the CO2 fertilization effect, climate scenarios and adaptation abilities. On adaptation, the government's efforts have been distinguished in the improving agricultural productivity and irrigation development based on current technology, developing new technologies and policy reforms. Farmers' adaptive responses have also been identified. Some conclusions and recommendations are offered to increase the adaptive capacity of farmers and reduce negative impacts of climate change. 

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Vahid Karimi, Ezatollah Karami, Marzieh Keshavarz. Climate change and agriculture: Impacts and adaptive responses in Iran. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(01): 1-15.  

中国农业科学院, 王济民研究员团队/
WANG Ji-min, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

One size fits all?  Contract farming among broiler producers in China


Contract farming has been increasingly found to benefit smallholders in developing countries, yet much less is known about its role in the poultry industry where economies of scale could be more prominent. This study aims to narrow this gap by analysing the choice of contract farming among Chinese broiler producers using a nationally representative survey. Simply cost-benefit analysis and multinomial logit regression modelling are jointly employed to explain contract farming decision making especially among small producers. In contrast to many recent studies, we find that small producers, though not passively excluded, usually opt out of contract farming due to limited profitability when large producers are coexistent. Such relationship is appropriately identified through a control function approach to correct for possible endogeneity. Therefore, contract farming may not help achieve higher welfare goals for small broiler producers who actually instead seek alternative market opportunities that better realise their comparative advantages.


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HUANG Ze-ying, XU Ying, ZENG Di, WANG Chen, WANG Ji-min. One size fits all?  Contract farming among broiler producers in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(02):473-482.

德国哥廷根大学, 于晓华教授团队/
Xiaohua Yu, University of Goettingen, Germany

Estimating the average treatment effect of adopting stress tolerant variety on rice yield in China


Climate extremes, characterized by droughts and floods, have become one of the major constraints to sustainable improvement of rice productivity. Variety choice, considered as one of the main adaptation measures, could help farmers reduce yield loss resulting from these extremes. Based on a three-year panel survey of 1080 Chinese rice farms in major rice producing provinces, we assume Hicksian neutral technology and employ an IV regression to estimate the average treatment effect (ATE) on rice yield for adopting stress tolerant variety, and find that farmers who adopted the stress tolerant variety on average increased rice yield by 15.5% in comparison to the non-adopters.


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ZHOU Jie-hong, TANG Li-qun, Xiaohua Yu. Estimating the average treatment effect of adopting stress tolerant variety on rice yield in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(04): 940-948.

河南大学, 秦耀辰教授团队/
QIN Yao-chen, Henan University, China

Climate change and Chinese farmers: Perceptions and determinants of adaptive strategies

Farmers' perceptions, beliefs, adaptive strategies, and barriers regarding climate change are critical to promoting sustainable ecosystems and societal stability. This paper is based on an extensive survey of 1 500 farmers and their households in Henan Province in China during 2013–2014. Henan is the largest agricultural province in China with over 51 million farmers. The survey results showed that approximately 57% of the respondents perceived the direct impact of climate change during the past 10 years, with 70.3% believing that climate change posed a risk to their livelihood. Not surprisingly, most farmers reported that they have adopted new measures to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. The main barriers hindering farmers' adopting adaptation measures were lack of funds and timely information. A multinomial logit model revealed that land ownership, knowledge of crop variety and the causes of climate change, as well as the belief of climate change, were all positively related to the likelihood of employing adaptive strategies. Moreover, the percentage of households engaging in agriculture activity, and years of engaging in farming were both negatively correlated with famer's likelihood of adopting adaptation strategies. More importantly, farmers with high incomes were less likely to adopt adaptive strategies and more willing to engage in other business activities. In conclusion, it is important to communicate climate change related information and government policies in rural areas, promote farmer associations and other educational outreach efforts to assist Chinese farmers to deal with climate change.


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ZHAI Shi-yan, SONG Gen-xin, QIN Yao-chen, YE Xin-yue, Leipnik Mark. Climate change and Chinese farmers: Perceptions and determinants of adaptive strategies. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(04): 949-963.

美国佛罗里达大学, Zhifeng Gao教授团队/
Zhifeng Gao, University of Florida, USA

Improve access to the EU market by identifying French consumer preference for fresh fruit from China


Most previous studies have investigated country-of-origin effect for agricultural products from the economically developed country, but few have focused on the impact of country-of-origin on agricultural products from economically developing countries. Using a national online survey in France, we determine French consumers' perceptions and preferences for fresh fruit from China. Results of ordered logit models show that fresh fruit from China was perceived as low quality and unsafe. Respondents who care about country-of-origin were less likely to purchase fresh fruit from China, while those who care about brand were more likely to buy Chinese fresh fruit. Risk perception and quality perception both had a significant impact on the purchase of Chinese fresh fruit. Results of latent class models obtained with key consumer demographics show that heterogeneous preferences exist among different consumer groups. The results provide critical information to both China and other economically developing countries in their efforts to improve market penetration in economically developed countries.


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WANG Er-peng, Zhifeng Gao, Yan Heng. Improve access to the EU market by identifying French consumer preference for fresh fruit from China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(06): 1463-1474.

河南农业大学, 马恒运教授团队/
MA Heng-yun, Henan Agricultural University, China

What determines irrigation efficiency when farmers face extreme weather events? A field survey of the major wheat producing regions in China


Water availability is a major constraint on grain production in China, therefore, improving irrigation efficiency is particularly important when agriculture faces extreme weather events. This paper first calculates irrigation efficiency with a translog stochastic frontier production function and then investigates what happens when extreme weather events occur via a Tobit model. The estimated results reveal several important features of irrigation practices: i) irrigation efficiency is lower when extreme weather events occur; ii) large variations in irrigation efficiency occur across irrigation facilities; iii) the farm plots exhibit an extreme distribution across efficiency levels; and iv) water-saving techniques, technology adoption, and the maintenance of farmers' economic resilience are major determinants of irrigation efficiency. Based on these results we propose the following recommendations: i) farmers should balance crop yield and water use; undertake relevant training programs and adopt water-saving techniques; ii) local governments and researchers should help farmers to find the optimal level of irrigation water use based on their own circumstances and provide better water-saving techniques and training programs rather than simply encouraging farmers to invest in irrigation facilities in the most extreme weather years; and iii) the income level of farm households should be increased so as to improve their resilience to natural disasters.


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SONG Chun-xiao, Les Oxley, MA Heng-yun. What determines irrigation efficiency when farmers face extreme weather events? A field survey of the major wheat producing regions in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018,17(08): 1888-1899.

合肥工业大学, 王海涛教授团队/

WANG Hai-tao, Hefei University of Technology, China

Determinants of cooperative pig farmers' safe production behaviour in China – Evidences from perspective of cooperatives' services


Farmers' production behaviour is a key to ensuring the safety and quality of their final products, and cooperatives play an important role in shaping that behaviour.  This paper aims to explore the determinants of pig farmers' safe production behaviour, giving special focus from the perspective of cooperatives' services.  This study adopted cross sectional survey data from 27 pig cooperatives and their 540 farmers in China to test the influence of cooperatives' services on farmers' safe production behaviour. The hypotheses were tested using a logit regression model. The findings indicated that although the number of services is not a key determinant of farmers' safe production behaviour, service quality matters. When a cooperative is strongly capable of involving more farmers in certain services, and provides certain services in more frequency, member farmers behave more safely. The results also show that veterinarian and pig-selling services play an important role in ensuring farmers' safe production behaviour. For this study, the quality of cooperatives' services is implied to have a positive impact on farmers' safe production behaviour. Leaders/managers of cooperatives must try to improve the quality of their services instead of merely attempting to provide a large number of services. For government officials and policy makers, designing policies that encourage cooperatives to improve their service quality is important. This research contributes to the scant literature on how cooperative services could help farmers engage in safer production behaviour, which would improve the safety of pork products in the future.


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JI Chen, CHEN Qin, Jacques Trienekens, WANG Hai-tao. Determinants of cooperative pig farmers' safe production behaviour in China – Evidences from perspective of cooperatives' services. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018,17(10): 2345-2355.

中国农业科学院, 李先德研究员团队/
LI Xian-de, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

The trade margins of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN and their determinants


How do Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) evolve? And what factors affected the evolution pattern? This study measures the trade margins of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN by utilizing the 2000–2015 Harmonized System's six-digit agricultural trade data, and further analyzes their determinants by developing an augmented gravity model of international trade. The results indicate that, the main growth source of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN has shifted from the extensive margin before the formal establishment of CAFTA (China–ASEAN Free Trade Area) in 2010 to the intensive margin since the formal establishment of CAFTA, but changes in Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN have always mainly depended on the intensive margin. Since the formal establishment of CAFTA, the evolution pattern of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN has shifted from "more varieties, low price, and small quantity" to "less varieties, high price, and large quantity". Relative economic scale, relative population scale, capacity of agricultural export, trade integration, global financial crisis, and common border significantly affect the trade margins of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN.

中国农产品对东盟出口呈现何种演进模式?又受到哪些因素影响?本文根据UN Comtrade数据库2000-2015年HS六位编码农产品贸易数据测算了中国农产品对东盟出口贸易边际,并通过构建经过拓展的贸易引力模型进一步分析了其影响因素。结果表明,中国农产品对东盟出口增长的主要来源从中国-东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)正式建立前的扩展边际转变为CAFTA正式建立后的集约边际,但中国农产品对东盟出口变动一直主要取决于集约边际。CAFTA正式建立以来,中国农产品对东盟出口贸易演进模式总体上从“种类多、价低、量少”转变为“种类少、价高、量大”。相对经济规模、相对人口规模、农产品出口能力、贸易整合、全球金融危机和共同边界对中国农产品出口东盟的贸易边际均具有显著影响。

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SUN Zhi-lu, LI Xian-de. The trade margins of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN and their determinants. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018,17(10): 2356-2367.






