
Are You Ready for China's Three-child Policy?

SFBC 上海外事商务咨询中心 2021-08-01

On the eve of Children's Day in 2021, the "Three-child" policy was introduced! For forty years, China has been trying to slow down the birth rate through control. First there was the One-child Policy, one of the strictest family planning regulations in the world, and then it was loosened to a Two-child Policy in 2016 due to the ageing workforce and a stagnant economy. Given that the 2020 Census showed that China's population was growing at its slowest rate since the 1960s, China was once again making significant changes to its population fertility policy to encourage people to have three children, five years after the "comprehensive two-child policy" was implemented.

2021年“六一”儿童节前夕,“三孩”生育政策出台了!四十年来,我国一直试图通过控制来减缓人口出生率。  先有世界上最严格的计划生育法规之一——"独生子女政策 ",后又由于劳动力老龄化和经济停滞,在2016年被放宽为 "二胎政策"。鉴于2020年人口普查结果显示,中国的人口增长速度是1960年代以来最慢的,所以国家在“全面两孩”施行五年后,中国人口生育政策再次进行重大调整,鼓励大家生育三个子女。

Three-child Policy is Significant


China's total population is huge and the ageing of the population has deepened in recent years. Further optimising the fertility policy, implementing the policy that a couple can have three children and supporting measures are conducive to improving China's demographic structure, implementing the national strategy to actively cope with the aging population and maintaining the superiority of China's human resource endowment.
But having three children can be stressful for most families. The stress roots from the rising cost of living and how women balance childbirth and employment, so the state needs to improve the relevant laws and regulations and introduce relevant supporting policies to support the implementation of this policy.

Supporting Measures for "Three-child" Policy


Marriage, childbirth, upbringing and education will be considered as a whole, strengthen education and guidance for marriageable young people on the concept of marriage and family, and combat abnormal social habits such as unscrupulous marriage practices and skyscraping bride price.


The national co-ordination of pension insurance for the improvement of the level of eugenics services and the development of a system of inclusive childcare services.


Promote education equity and the provision of quality education resources to reduce household expenditure on education.


The maternity leave and maternity insurance system should be improved, while taxation, housing and other supporting policies should be strengthened to protect the legitimate rights and interests of women in employment.


Develop the aging industry and promote aging-adaptive transformation and upgrading in various fields and industries.


Vigorously promote the traditional virtue of filial piety and respect for the elderly in the Chinese nation and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly.


Increase financial input and improve the financial input policy and multi-channel funding mechanism for the development of the cause of the elderly.


For families with only one child and families with two daughters in rural areas before the adjustment of the comprehensive two-child policy, the existing incentive and support system and preferential policies should continue to be implemented.


Establish a sound system of all-round support and protection for special family planning families, improve the government-led support and care mechanism with the participation of social organizations, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of family planning families.


Deepen the study of national medium and long-term population development strategies and regional population development plans, and promote long-term balanced population development.


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