
Notice on Current Admissible Scope and Procedures for Visa to CN

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Chinese government has adjusted visa arrangements for foreigners to China in a timely manner in accordance with the needs of the epidemic prevention and control and personnel exchanges. This article will introduce the current scope of the admissibility of visas to China and the procedures of our library. If you have a visa requirement, please apply according to the requirements of this notice. The contents of the notice shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation. If there are further changes to the visa policy for China, we will release the information on the embassy website and WeChat account, please pay attention to it in due course.


I.Visa applications should be processed according to the territory. The consulate-general of the Chinese embassy in the United States includes:


Washington DC, Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Puerto Rico

华盛顿特区、特拉华州、爱达荷州、肯塔基州、马里兰州、蒙大拿州、内布拉斯加州、北卡罗来纳州、北达科他州、, 南卡罗来纳州, 南达科他州、田纳西州、犹他州、弗吉尼亚州、西弗吉尼亚州、怀俄明州、阿拉巴马州、阿肯色州、佛罗里达州、乔治亚州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州、波多黎各

II. Procedure of visa acceptance:


1. First of all, the applicant shall apply to the embassy for visaoffice.dc@vip.163.com, send application email.

1. 首先,申请人向使馆签证申请专用邮箱visaoffice.dc@vip.163.com发送申请邮件。

Please note that your application should be sent as follows:


1) It is found that Yahoo email often fails to receive email during work. Please contact us with other email. One applicant, one e-mail, cannot combine the same e-mail application.


2) The format of the email should be written: "Applicant's name + state of Residence + type of visa".


3) Email body: please state your visa application requirements.


4) please attach photos/pictures (not PDF) to the email: Driver's license/proof of residence in the area; core documents for visa application (see “3” for core documents) 


2. The staff will respond to each visa application in a timely manner and inform them of the list of required materials.

2. 对符合受理范围的签证申请邮件,工作人员将逐一及时回复,并告知所需材料清单列表。

3. After the applicant is ready according to the list, upload it to the attachment as required and reply to the email to the staff member for the preliminary examination.

3. 申请人按清单列表准备齐全后,按要求上传至附件,回复电子邮件给工作人员进行初审。

4. After the initial approval of the mail, the staff will inform the 8-digit initial approval number (one person, one code), and inform the paper application materials delivery method.

4. 邮件初审通过后,工作人员将告知8位初审通过号码(一人一码),并告知纸质申请材料寄送方法。

5. The applicant shall send the full set of paper materials to the address designated by the embassy. Staff Review. The visa will be issued and sent back to the applicant. If additional materials are required, the applicant will be contacted by e-mail. Special cases may be refused during the review process.

5. 申请人将全套纸质材料寄至使馆指定地址。工作人员进行复审。复审通过,颁发签证寄回申请人。如需补充材料,将通过电子邮件联系申请人。特殊案例在复审环节可能被拒签。

III.Types of visas currently admissible and core documents:


IV. For emergency humanitarian visas outside the scope of the above-mentioned admissibility, such as going to China for a funeral, the core document shall be a death certificate.


V. For diplomatic and official visa to China, please send an email directly to visa office dc@vip.163.com, inform the handling requirements. The staff will give corresponding guidance.


VI. Please be advised that the staff will no longer respond to individual e-mails with explanations for applications that do not meet the current visa threshold.


Source: Chinese Embassy in the United States


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