
Latest News from Chinese Embassy in the United States

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Chinese government has been adjusting the visa policy following the development of the pandemic. This Notice is to introduce the current visa policy and the application procedures. If you need to apply for a visa to China from the Embassy, please follow the instructions:


I. Visa applications shall be made according to consular jurisdiction. The consular jurisdiction of the Chinese Embassy include:


Washington DC, Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia , Wyoming, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Puerto Rico

华盛顿特区、特拉华州、爱达荷州、肯塔基州、马里兰州、蒙大拿州、内布拉斯加州、北卡罗来纳州、北达科他州、, 南卡罗来纳州, 南达科他州、田纳西州、犹他州、弗吉尼亚州、西弗吉尼亚州、怀俄明州、阿拉巴马州、阿肯色州、佛罗里达州、乔治亚州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州、波多黎各

II. Steps of visa application in the Embassy


1.First, the visa applicant is required to send an email to visaoffice.dc@vip.163.com. 


Please be sure to send the email according to the following instructions:


(1) Please don’t use Yahoo email to contact us, which very often can not reach our email address successfully. One email only serves one visa application, please do not combine several applications in one email.


(2) Email Subject: "Applicant's Name + State of Residence + Visa Type". 

(2) 申请邮件题目格式须写为:“申请人姓名+居住州+签证种类”。

(3) Email Text: Please elaborate the purpose of your visit to China.

(3) 邮件正文:请陈述您的签证申请需求。

(4) Email Attachments:  

(4) 邮件附件:

a) Visa applicant's driver's license / proof of residence in our consular jurisdiction. 

a) 申请人驾照/领区内居住证明;

b) Basic Document for visa application. For “Basic Document”, please check part “3” of this Notice.

b) 申请签证的核心文件(核心文件见本通知“三”对应内容)

c) The attachments must be in photo/picture. Please don’t use PDF. 

c) 请以照片/图片(勿用PDF)形式上传:

2.For visa application that is within the current scope of visa processing, the staff will send a list of required documents by replying to your email.


3.The applicant reply to the email by uploading all the documents following the list.


4.The staff will preview all of the documents by email. After the preview is finished, the staff will send a 8-digit Preview Pass Number (PPN) to the applicant, and instruct the applicant how to mail the physical documents.


5.The applicant must mail the whole set of physical documents to the designated address. The staff will review the physical documents. When the review is finished, the visa will be issued and mailed back to the applicant. If additional documents are needed in reviewing step, the staff will contact the applicant by email. In certain cases, applications may be rejected during the reviewing step.


III. Visa Types and Basic Document:


IV. For emergency humanitarian visa beyond the above scope, such as going to China for a funeral, the Basic Document is Death Certificate.


V. For diplomatic/official visas, please send email directly to visaoffice.dc@vip.163.com. The staff will guide the specific processing procedures.


VI.Please be kindly noted that for applications that go beyond the current visa processing scope, the relevant emails will not be replied.


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