
Many Countries Resume Applying for Study Visas in China

Chinese embassy in Thailand: Notice on accepting foreign students' application for X-1 visa


Since August 22,2022, the Chinese embassy and consulate-general in Thailand has started to accept applications for X-1 visas for long-term overseas students receiving academic education.


Long-term overseas students can apply for a visa by holding the "Application form for entry visa for overseas students"(Form JW201202), school Accepted (new student) or return-to-school certificate (old student) after booking a flight ticket to China, the normal processing time is about one week.


In addition, family members may apply to live or visit relatives with the invitation letter issued by the inviter, proof of kinship, copy of the Inviter's passport and residence certificate.


Chinese embassy in Myanmar: notice on resuming the application for study visa


I. In accordance with the relevant arrangements, the Chinese embassy and consulate-general in Myanmar will resume the processing of study (X1) visas for China, and allow family members of students studying in China to live with them or visit their relatives.


(i) procedures:


1.Fill in the visa application form (https://cova.cs.mfa.gov.cn) online, print out the confirmation page and visa application form, and sign on the confirmation page and item 9 of the application form.


2. Make an online appointment to submit your application and print out the confirmation page.


3. Come to the consulate with your passport and other application materials at the appointed time for your visa.


(ii) application materials:


1. The online visa application form (printed full form) and the confirmation page of the online visa application form;


2. The original and photocopy of the passport (including: the Passport Information Page, the remarks page with notes, the latest Chinese visa page or the latest Chinese residence permit page photocopy);


3. The original and photocopy of the vaccination certificate;


4. The original and photocopy of the ID card;


5. Two recent color photographs (size: 48mm × 33mm) with white background and 2 inches bareheaded;


6. Other materials:


II. As of 0000 hours on August 24,2022, foreigners holding a valid study residence permit do not need to apply for a visa to go to China.


III.Points for attention


(i) visa applications for short-term students (X2) with non-academic qualifications are still suspended.


(ii) applicants should strictly comply with the relevant regulations of the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions on remote testing of persons travelling from Myanmar to China, enhance pre-travel protection, carry out nucleic acid testing according to regulations, and truthfully submit relevant negative test reports to apply for health codes. After going to China, must strictly abide by China's relevant epidemic prevention regulations.


Chinese embassy in Singapore: Notice on allowing entry of foreign nationals holding valid APEC business travel cards and foreign students holding valid study-type residence permits, and renewing the guidance notes for visa processing for international students in China


With effect from 0000 hours on 24 August 2022(Wednesday), foreigners and foreign students holding valid APEC business travel cards who wish to engage in business activities in China can enter China with the above-mentioned documents without having to apply for a new visa.


For the latest visa requirements for overseas students in China, please refer to the updated visa processing guide of the Chinese Embassy (URL: http://sg.china-embassy.gov.cn/lsfw/fhqz/zgdlptqz/202206/t20220609_10701012.htm) .


Chinese embassy in Singapore


August 19,2022


Chinese embassy in Mexico: Notice on facilitating entry for APEC Business Travel Card holders and resuming the processing of foreign students' applications for X1 character study visa


To promote international personnel exchanges in an orderly manner, the Chinese government will facilitate the entry of APEC Business Travel Card holders into China in accordance with relevant arrangements. The Chinese embassy in Mexico will also resume accepting applications for X-1 visas for long-term overseas students. The details are as follows:


I.Starting from midnight on 24 August 2022, Mexican citizens holding a valid Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card will be allowed to present their travel card and a valid passport in accordance with the card, you do not need to apply for a separate visa to enter China within the validity period of your travel card.


II. With effect from August 22,2022, the Chinese embassy in Mexico resumed accepting applications for X1 visas for long-term overseas students receiving academic education. Please refer to the notification dated 18 June 2022(Chinese http://mx.china-embassy.gov.cn/chn/lsfw1/202206/t20220618_10705882.htm) to complete the visa application form and make an appointment online, then submit your application to the Chinese embassy with the "Application form for foreign student visa to China"(form JW201202) , school Accepted (new student) or return-to-school certificate (old student) .


The family members can also apply to live or visit relatives with the invitation letter issued by the inviter, proof of kinship, copy of the Inviter's passport and residence certificate.


Chinese embassy in Switzerland: Notice on appropriate adjustment of visa application for Swiss students to China


According to the current situation, the Swiss Embassy and consulate general in Zurich will make appropriate adjustments to the visa policy for Swiss students to apply for visas to China. The latest policy will be officially implemented from August 24,2022, the details are as follows:


I. The scope of returned overseas students includes all Chinese universities and professionals. At this stage, only long-term overseas students receiving academic education are accepted to come to China, do not accept the non-academic education of the various types of short-term students to apply.


II.To apply for a student visa, you need to Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China the "Application form for overseas student visa to China"(Form JW201JW202) , the school Accepted or the back-to-school certificate issued by the Student Visa application service Centre of China.


III. Foreign family members of students studying in China (spouses, parents, children under 18 years of age, parents of spouses only) may apply to the China Visa Application Service Center for a visa to come to China for reunion or family visit.


IV. To permit entry into China with a valid APEC Business Travel Card and a valid study residence permit as from 0000 hours on August 24,2022.


For duchy students applying for visas to China, please refer to this circular. Please refer to the official website of the Chinese embassy and consulate-general in Switzerland for further information on visa procedures. If there is any conflict between the previous notice and this notice, this notice shall prevail.


Bern China Visa Application Service Centre URL:



Zurich China Visa Application Service Centre URL:



Chinese embassy in Switzerland


Chinese consulate general in Zurich


August 19,2022


Chinese embassy in Rwanda: Notice of the latest regulations on Visa application for studying in China


With immediate effect, the visa application requirements for long-term overseas students (over 180 days) in China will be updated as follows:


1. Visa application materials: (1) passport photo information page with blank visa page valid for more than 6 months; (2) online application form at http://cova.mfa. Gov. CN, (3) Covid vaccination certificate (please contact the embassy if you are unable to get vaccinated due to illness or other reasons); (4) form JW201 or form JW202(original and copy) ; (5) University Accepted (original and photocopy) and (6) a return-to-school consent certificate issued by the university.


2. With effect from August 24,2022, persons holding a valid residence permit for study in China may enter China.


The Chinese embassy in Rwanda accepts visa applications on Wednesdays. It opens from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm.


All people going to China should strictly protect themselves from the outbreak before and during the trip. They should apply for health code according to the requirements before going.


For enquiries, please call 0252570843 to 171.


Chinese embassy in Rwanda


August 19,2022


Chinese embassy in Zambia: Notice on adjusting and optimizing the visa application of Zambian students to China


In order to resume the personnel exchanges between China and Zambia in an orderly manner and further promote the return of Zambian students to China to resume their studies, our library will, with effect from August 22,2022, adjust and optimize the visa application procedures for foreign students in China, as follows:


After applying to Chinese universities, Zambian students rely on documents such as “Visa application form for foreign students”, school Accepted (new students) and return-to-school certificates (old students), you may apply for a class X 1 visa from our library. Family members of overseas students can apply for S-type visa to live with or visit their relatives with proof of kinship and other materials.


Applicants should fill in the visa application form on the China visa online application form (URL >), and then make an appointment at the China Visa application online appointment system (Website: avas.cs.mfa.gov.cn). The applicant should print and sign the confirmation page, Visa Application Form and online appointment certificate.


In addition, international students holding valid APEC business travel cards and valid study-type residence permits will be allowed to enter China at 0000 hours on August 24,2022.


Chinese embassy in Zambia


August 19,2022


Chinese embassy in Nepal: Notice on allowing entry of aliens with valid APEC Business Travel Card and study permit and optimizing the policy on study visas in China

中国驻尼泊尔使馆 :关于允许持有效APEC商务旅行卡、学习类居留许可外国人入境并优化赴华学习签证政策的通知

According to the relevant domestic China Standard Time, foreign students with valid APEC business travel cards and valid study-type residence permits will be allowed to enter China as of 0000 hours on August 24,2022.


With immediate effect, long-term overseas students receiving academic qualifications in China may apply for study (X1) visas on the strength of “Application form for entry to China for foreign students” (form JW201 or JW202) and school Accepted or back-to-school certificates.


Family members (spouses, parents, children under 18 years of age, parents of spouses) of aliens holding a valid study (x 1) visa or study-type residence permit, you may apply for a visa for private affairs (s 1 or S 2) if you wish to live in China for more than 180 days or visit your relatives for a short period of time (not more than 180 days).


Embassy in Nepal


August 19,2022


Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Recife, China: Notice on accepting visa applications of foreign students with X1 character


With effect from August 22,2022, the Chinese embassy and consulate-general in Brazil resumed accepting applications for X 1 visas for long-term overseas students who are going to China for academic education. After obtaining the “Application form for entry visa for foreign students to China” (JW201202) , the school Accepted (new student) or the certificate of return to school study (current student) , apply for a visa as follows:


I.Visa applications will be processed in accordance with the territorial division, applicants according to their location to the corresponding embassy and consulate signature.


The consular area of the Consulate General in Recife includes Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Piauí, Maranho, Alagoas and Sergipe.

驻累西腓总领馆领区包括:伯南布哥州(Pernambuco)、帕拉伊巴州(Paraíba)、北里奥格朗德州(Rio Grande do Norte)、塞阿腊州(Ceará)、皮奥伊州(Piauí)、马拉尼昂州(Maranho)、阿拉戈斯州(Alagoas)、塞尔希培州(Sergipe)。

II. Applicants go to https://cova.mfa.gov.cn to enter the online application page, select “South -Brazil-Recife” in turn, fill in the visa application form online, download the printed confirmation page and the application form, and sign on the confirmation page; Then go to https://avas.mfa. Gov. CN to make an online reservation to the library.


The following documents should be submitted: online form confirmation page, visa application form, 1 original and photocopy of passport, 1 original and photocopy of JW201202,1 original and photocopy of school Accepted or proof of school attendance.


If it is not convenient for the applicant to submit the application in person, he may entrust a relative or friend to submit the application on his behalf. Please bring your valid ID card to the reception hall of the Consulate General. In order to effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic, please be sure to wear masks on your way to our museum and when submitting your visa documents.


III. After receiving the application materials, our library will normally examine and issue the visa within 4 working days. Additional time required for additional material, verification, force majeure, etc. is not included in this period.


In addition, family members can apply to live or visit their relatives with the invitation letter issued by the inviter, proof of kinship, copy of the Inviter's passport and residence certificate, etc..


Consulate General in Recife


August 19,2022


Chinese embassy and consulate-general in Brazil: Notice on accepting foreign students' application for X-1 visa


With effect from August 22,2022, the Chinese embassy and consulate-general in Brazil resumed accepting applications for X-1 visas for long-term overseas students receiving academic education. After obtaining the “Application form for visa to China for overseas students” (Form JW201202), the school Accepted (new student) or the certificate of return to school study (current student) , the long-term overseas student can apply for a visa in accordance with the following procedures:


I. Visa applications should be made in accordance with the respective territorial boundaries, as detailed at http://br.china-embassy.gov.cn/lsfw/lingshibujianjie/201410/t20141028_5045187.htm.


2. Applicant login https://cova.mfa.gov.cn Enter the online form filling page, fill in the visa application form online, download and print it, sign on the confirmation page, and send it to our museum together with other application materials in the form of photos / pictures vistochina.bra@gmail.com Conduct preliminary review. After receiving the notice of passing the preliminary examination, mail the original and copy of passport, confirmation page, JW201 / 202 form, the original and copy of the school admission notice or the return to school / study certificate and other application materials to embaixada Da Rep ú blica popular Da china.ses-av das Naes,Quadra 813, Lote 51, Brasília-DF, Brasil. CEP: 70443-900。

二、申请人登陆https://cova.mfa.gov.cn进入在线填表页面,在线填写签证申请表并下载打印,在确认页签字,连同其他申请材料以照片/图片形式发我馆vistochina.bra@gmail.com进行预审。待收到预审通过通知后,将护照原件和复印件、确认页、JW201/202表及学校录取通知书或返校/在读证明的原件和复印件等申请材料邮寄到Embaixada da República Popular da China.SES-Av. das Naes,Quadra 813, Lote 51, Brasília-DF, Brasil.CEP: 70443-900。

III. During the epidemic, the Visa Reception Hall of our library is not open temporarily. Only Mail is accepted. Applicants do not need to collect fingerprints at the library. After receiving the application materials, our library will normally examine and issue the visa within 4 working days. Additional time required for additional material, verification, force majeure, etc. is not included in this period.


In addition, family members can apply to live or visit their relatives with the invitation letter issued by the inviter, proof of kinship, copy of the Inviter's passport and residence certificate, etc..


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