百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航⑤ | 红船精神与党史故事(一)创新
In the early 1920s, thirteen progressives averaging only 28 years old held a meeting in an old Shanghai neighborhood, and moved the venue to a boat in Nanhu Lake of Jiaxing. On this last day, the birth of the CPC was proclaimed. Thus, a completely new, united party of the proletariat emerged in China, a then backward country. It was a party which held to the principles of Marxism-Leninism and maintained its objectives as the establishment of a socialist, communist government. It is confident in its founding mission to change the country for the better, to gain independence for China, and to liberate the people. Bringing about the great ideals of communism required the Party to forge on with perseverance through difficult trials. For a country that was half-colonized and half-feudal, the founding of the CPC was an epoch-making event, an initiative towards a courageous fight for the people.
The founding of the CPC was a manifestation of the pioneering spirit to make bold exploration. From Li Dazhao’s earliest efforts at disseminating Marxism to Chen Duxiu’s formation of the first Party organization in Shanghai. The founding of the CPC could not have been accomplished without the steps these people took.
1917年俄国十月革命后,以李大钊为代表的先进分子开始在中国传播马克思主义。李大钊是中国第一个传播马克思主义并主张向俄国十月革命学习的先进分子。俄国十月革命胜利后,李大钊备受鼓舞。他以敏锐的眼光,深刻认识到这场革命将对20世纪世界历史进程产生划时代的影响,也从中看到了中华民族争取独立和中国人民求得解放的希望。After the 1917 October Revolution in Russia, Marxism began to spread in China primarily through the efforts of people like Li Dazhao. He was the first Chinese progressive to disseminate Marxism in China and called on Chinese people to learn from the October Revolution. He was greatly encouraged by the victory of the October Revolution in Russia. With acute foresight, he came to understand that October Revolution would have a landmark effect on the progress of the 20th century history, and this gave him hope of the Chinese people wining their independence and liberation.
In June 1918, he organized the Young China Association, began publishing the Young China Magazine and established the Weekly Review. In March 1920, inspired by Li Dazhao, Deng Zhongxia and others established the first Marxist research association at Peking University. Later, Li sent people to Tianjin and Jinan to guide local progressive youth in establishing their own Marxist research associations. He also organized a worker club, established a continuation school for workers, and made an intense effort toward the spread of Marxism among the working class. In 1923, as directed by the Party, Li met with Sun Yat-sen in planing the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the CPC. Li made outstanding contributions to creating a revolutionary united front.
In the dark days of the old China, of the innumerable people with high ideals exploring the road to rejuvenation as well as the salvation and strengthening of the nation, Chen Duxiu was one outstanding figure. He led a great number of progressives through pioneering and bold exploration, proclaiming war against the old world and bringing people together under the banner of CPC.
In September 1915, Chen founded the Youth Magazine(which was renamed New Youth a year later), in which he published an article entitled “To the Youth.” The article put forward that science and human rights are as important to the people as “ two wheels are to a cart,’’ raising the two great banners of science and democracy. In this way, New Culture Movement began.
陈独秀是一个刚直不阿的人,一生从事政治活动,历尽艰辛、出生入死。他一生五次被捕。出狱后,陈独秀仍然保持着他特立独行的性格和骨气,在贫病交加的困难时期,毅然拒领国民党的津贴。Chen was a strong, upright individual. He participated in political movements, suffered all kinds of hardships and went through fire and water for the cause. He was arrested five times. Upon being released, he still maintained his character to act in his own, independent way. Despite being struck with both poverty and illness, he rejected the subsidies given by the Kuomintang.
供稿:礼宾协调处(翻译室) 省外事发展促进中心
●百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航③ | 红船与中共一大诞生的故事