
人教版 新目标七年级英语上册 专项训练:语法(可打印下载)

全册精讲+→ 中小学师生 2022-04-10




部编版 七年级-九年级语文上册 期末知识点+文言文知识重难点复习

部编版 初中语文7年级-9年级上下册 学生学习教师教学资料汇编

部编版 七年级-九年级语文上册 期末知识点+文言文知识重难点复习



1I __________ a basketball.She __________ a soccer ball.
Ahas; have  Bhas; has
Chave; has  Dhave; have
2I __________ know Tom.
Aam not  Bdon\\\\'t  Cisn\\\\'t  Daren\\\\'t
3He __________ sports.He only __________ them on TV.
Adon\\\\'t play; watch  Bdoesn\\\\'t play; watch
Cnot play; watches  Ddoesn\\\\'t play; watches
4—When__________you have a school trip?
—SorryI don\\\\'t know.I\\\\'m busy__________my art festival.
Aarein  Bdowith  Carewith  Ddoin
5I don\\\\'t like basketballbut my son__________.
Alike  Bliked  Cdo  Ddoes
6—In the morningBill always __________ tennis with his sister.
—Yes.And in the afternoon they __________ pingpong.
Aplayplay  Bplaysplay
Cplayplays  Dplaysplays
7—Do you __________ geography next week?
—Yeswe do.
Aknow  Bhave  Cget  Dlook
8My mother is an English teacher and she __________in a middle school.
Ateach  Bteacher  Cteaches  Dteaching
9—The music ________ so beautiful.Who ________ it?
—Oh, Lang Lang.
Asounds; plays  Bsounds; play
Csound; plays  Dsound; play
1My brother is reading books __________ the tree now.
Ain  Bfor  Cof  Dunder
2Do you like eggs __________ breakfast?
Aof  Bat  Cfor  Dwith
3—Do you have classes in the evening?
—Yes.We have an art class __________800.
Aat  Bon  Cin  Dto
4What do you usually do __________Saturday evening?
Aon  Bin  Cat  Dof
5My birthday is __________ May 2nd.
Ain  Bat  Con  Dof
6John\\\\'s parents __________to work__________720__________the morning.
Agoesatin  Bgoinin
Cgoinat  Dgoatin
7My mother often goes shopping __________Saturday morning.
Aat  Bin  Con  Dfor
8Teachers\\\\' Day is __________ September 10th.(2016·成都改编)
Ain  Bon  Cat
9Tim is going to give his mother a surprise __________ Mother\\\\'s Day.
Ain  Bat  Con  Dby
10Our reading club shares ideas with each other __________ one hour every
Ato   Bon  Cat  Dfor
1—Can you play__________ basketball, Mike?
—Yes, I can.
Aa  Ban  C/  Dthe
2I have __________ English book.
Athe  Ba  Can  D/
3I go to__________school after__________ breakfast.
Athethe  Bthe/  C/the  D//
4This is__________ apple and that\\\\'s __________ pear.
Aaan  Bana  Canan  Daa
5To be __________ good dancer, you need to learn more.(2016·成都)
Athe  Ba  Can
6David is __________ eightyearold boy with short black hair.(2016·青岛)
A/  Ba  Can  Dthe
7Tom is ________ shy boy, but he\\\\'s good at playing ______basketball.(2016·广安改编)
Aanthe         Bathe
Ca/            Dan/
8She usually has ________ egg and some porridge for _________ breakfast.(2016·南充)
Aanthe  Ban/
Cathe   Da/
9—Did you have__________good day yesterday?
—Yeah, I really had fun at the party(2016·菏泽改编)
Aan  Ba  C/
1—Jenny, is that __________ pen?
—Yes, it\\\\'s__________ pen.
Ayourmy  Byourher
Cmymy  Dhisher
2This is my book.Where is__________
Ahim  Byour  Cher  Dyours
3It\\\\'s not __________baseball.It\\\\'s__________.
Ayouhe  Bhishers
Cyourhim  Dmyyour
4This is __________ID card.It\\\\'s __________ID card.
Aahis  Banyou  Canher  Damy
5To my surprise, he sold __________ house at such a low price.(2016·重庆B)
Ahe  Bhim  Chis  Dhimself
6—Whose iPad is this?
—I think it\\\\'s __________.She was looking for it everywhere.(2016·广安)
Ashe\\\\'s  Bher  Cshe  Dhers
7—Do you like watching pingpong matches?
—Yes, and __________ favorite pingpong player is Ma Long.(2016·重庆A改编)
Awe  Bus  Cmy  Dours
8—Is this your schoolbag?
—No, it isn\\\\'t.__________is under the desk.(2015·娄底)
AMy  BMine  CMe
9—Jane, is this Tom\\\\'s umbrella?
—No, it isn\\\\'t __________.He didn\\\\'t take one this morning.(2015·福州改编)
Ahim  Bhe  Chis
10My mother used to make breakfast for__________every morning, but now I do it
Amine  Bmy  CI  Dme
1—It\\\\'s hot today.Have some __________ please.
—No, thanks.I\\\\'m not thirsty(口渴的)at all.(2016·重庆A改编)
Awater  Bpotatoes
Cbread  Dcakes
2Tom\\\\'s parents tought a pair of __________ for him yesterday.
Ashirts  Bsocks
Csweaters  Dbags
3The meeting will last four daysfrom Monday to__________.(2015·阜康、米泉改编)
AFriday   BTuesday   CThursday
4Health is important for us teenagers, so we should eat more vegetables such
as__________to keep healthy.(2015·哈尔滨)
Atomatoes and potatoes  
Btomatos and potatos
Ctomatos and potatoes
5Times magazine says that smart Lego has become one of__________favorite
Achild  Bchildren  Cchildren\\\\'s
6I\\\\'m hungry.Can you give me two bowls of __________
Arice  Brices
Chamburger  Dhamburgers
1Meimei is going to be an older sister.Her parents are planning to have their __________
Aone  Btwo  Cfirst  Dsecond
2Helen loves reading.She has read __________ books this month.(2015·重庆A)
Afive  Bfifth
Cfive of  Dfifth of
3Jack got his driver\\\\'s license on his __________ birthday.(2015·南充改编)
Atwenty of  Btwenty
Ctwentieth  Dtwenty\\\\'s
4August is the __________month of the year.
Aeight  Beight\\\\'s
Ceighth  Deightth
5—Which day is the__________day of the week?
—It\\\\'s Friday.(2015·泉州改编)
Asix  Bsixes  Csixth   Dsixth\\\\'s
6Yesterday was his________birthday.He enjoyed himself.(2015·衡阳)
Atwelfth  Btwelve   Cthe twelfth
7Peter and his wife live on the________(seven)floor and they go up and down by lift. (2015·淮安)
()1.C 2.B
3D 点拨:用主谓一致法。He是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词应该用单三形式,否定形式为doesn\\\\'t+动词原形。
4B 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A
()1.D 2.C 3.A
4A 点拨:用固定用法。具体的某天的上午、下午、晚上,用介词on 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C
10D 点拨:用固定搭配法。“for+时间段表示持续多长时间
()1.C 点拨:用固定搭配法。“play+球类名词时中间不加冠词。
2C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B
()1.A 2.D
3B 点拨:用语法判定法。根据第一个空后面baseball是名词可知,前面填形容词性物主代词,排除A;而第二个空后没有名词,所以填名词性物主代词, 排除CD
4C 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.D
2B 点拨:用常识法。圣诞老人送礼物时把礼物放在圣诞袜里面。 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A
()1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.A

专题二 语法填空
Group 1
1.David and Eric are my __cousins__ (cousin).
2.Gina\\\\'s __parents__ (parent) like this CD.
3.These __days__ (day) I walk to school.
4.Give that book to __me__ (I).
5.Anna must __find__ (find) her dog.
6.I like these green __bags__ (bag).
7.This ID card isn\\\\'t __his__ (he).
8.Are those __balls__ (ball) yours, David?
9.Gina, go and __get__ (get) me a book.
10.Mary\\\\'s aunt __loves__ (love) dogs.
Group 2
1.These __strawberries__ (strawberry) are big and red.
2.This story is __really__ (real) interesting.
3.Here are three __tomatoes__ (tomato) for you.
4.Peter and Alan play basketball __well__ (good).
5.The CD player is 75 __dollars__ (dollar).
6.The two __boys__ (boy) are my good friends.
7.Who are those __women__ (woman) under the tree?
8.Tom __sells__ (sell) toys (玩具) in the store.
9.Mom, my clothes __are__ (be) old. Can you buy me some new ones?
10.Paul is my __second__ (two) brother.
Group 3
1.The cat is only five __months__ (month) old.
2.Joe, is this your __mother\\\\'s__ (mother) CD player?
3.Mr. Green says he likes __Chinese__ (China) food.
4.My favorite __subjects__ (subject) at school are Chinese and English.
5.Dale __finishes__ (finish) his classes at 4:30 p.m.
6.The old man is from __China__  and he is a __Chinese__  teacher.(China)
7.Ken and Linda\\\\'s favorite subject __is__(be) English.
8.Liu Tao __does__ (do) not like P.E.
9.Do you think art is __relaxing__ (relax)?
10.I am __twelve__ years old. This year is my __twelfth__(twelve) birthday.
Group 4
1.I __don\\\\'t__(do)  have any cousins.
2.Thanks for __helping__(help)  me with my study.
3.They __have__ a soccer ball and Linda __has__ a basketball. (have)
4.She usually __gets_up__(get up)at about 6:30 p.m.
5.Mary\\\\'s birthday dinner is tomorrow. Let\\\\'s __think_about__(think about) the food.
6.Linda __doesn\\\\'t_like__(not like)  coffee or tea, but she likes orange juice.
7.Fruit and vegetables are __healthy__(health) food.
8.There are many __countries__(country) in the world.
9.January is the __first__(one) month of a year.
10.It is a __snowy__(snow) day. People are all wearing warm clothes.
Group 5
1.She usually  __goes__(go)  to school by bike.
2.Today we have __five__ classes, and the __fifth__  one is music.(five)
3.—__Does__  he __have__(have)  a ping-pong bat?
—No, he doesn\\\\'t.
4.I like __tomatoes__ (tomato), but I don\\\\'t like__milk__ (milk).
5.I don\\\\'t have time __to_clean__ (clean) my room from Monday to Friday, so I usually do it on Sunday.
6.—Let\\\\'s __go__(go) to the library after school, Tim.
—That __sounds__(sound)  great!
7.__These__ (this) boys are my good friends.
8.February 21st is Cindy\\\\'s __ninth__ (nine) birthday.
9.How much __are__ (be) your trousers?
10.Let\\\\'s __play__ (play) games in the classroom.
Hi! My name is Tina. I\\\\'m 1.__an__ American girl. I like 2.__sports__ (sport) and I like ping-pong best. Do you know my favorite ping-pong star? 3.__She__ (her) is a Chinese girl and she\\\\'s very beautiful. Her name is Wang Nan. Do you know her? I have a great photo 4.__of__ Wang Nan. It\\\\'s on the wall in my room. Welcome to 5.__my__ (I) room. It\\\\'s a nice room. Look! Twelve soccer 6.__balls__(ball) are on the table. Ten volleyballs are on the floor, 7.__under__ the table. Behind the door 8.__are__ (be) two basketballs. Only 5 baseballs are in my drawer. 9.__But__ I don\\\\'t have a tennis racket. I don\\\\'t 10.__like__ (like) to play tennis.
My English name is Helen. I 1.__am__ (be)12. I\\\\'m from Beijing. Tracy is 13. She is from London. We are good 2.__friends__(friend). She is my 3.__first__ (one)friend from London. Her last name is Smith. Tracy 4.__likes__ (like)China and she has a 5.__pen__ (pen)friend in Shanghai. My phone number is 932-7706. 6.__Tracy\\\\'s__ (Tracy) phone number is 899-7724. Tracy and I are 7.__in__ Paris. We are in a middle school here. I gave Tracy a map 8.__of__ the school. She likes 9.__it__(it).
Tracy likes the color blue. 10.__Her__ (she)cup, pens and jacket are blue. I like purple. My ruler, cup and phone are purple.
Alice is my good friend. We are 1.__in__  the same school. Her telephone 2.__number__  is 554462. Her last name is Black. This is a photo 3.__of__  her family. 4.__These__  (this) are her grandparents, Jack and Cindy. Alice\\\\'s grandparents 5.__have__  (have) a daughter and a son. These are 6.__Alice\\\\'s__  (Alice) parents, David and Jane. This is 7.__her__  (she) brother, Bob Black. He is eight. Alice has 8.__an__  aunt. Her 9.__first__ (one) name is Sally. Oh, what\\\\'s this? It\\\\'s a dog. 10.__Its__  (it) name is Coco.
Now Tom is at school. Tom 1.__calls__ (call) his mom. He wants her to bring some things to school 2.__to__ him. He needs 3.__his__ (he) English books. Are they on the chair? No, they aren\\\\'t. They 4.__are__ (be) under the radio. 5.__And__ he needs his ruler. It\\\\'s on 6.__the__ bed. Where\\\\'s his notebook? It\\\\'s under the model plane 7.__in__ the bookcase. Tom needs his tape, 8.__too__. It\\\\'s in the tape 9.__player__ (play). Tom and his mother will meet 10.__at__ one o\\\\'clock at his school.
In our school, there are different sports 1.__clubs__ (club): a soccer club, a basketball club and a volleyball club. Allen joins the basketball club. He has four 2.__basketballs__ (basketball) and he 3.__gets__ (get) them from his father. After school, he usually 4.__plays__ (play) basketball 5.__with__ his friends. Jenny joins the soccer club. But she 6.__doesn\\\\'t__ have any soccer balls. The soccer ball she plays is her friend 7.__Mary\\\\'s__(Mary). She likes watching soccer games 8.__on__ TV. 9.__Her__ (she) parents also like watching soccer games. They 10.__think__ (think) it is relaxing.
Cindy is my good friend. She likes 1.__sports__ (sport) very much. She plays basketball 2.__with__ her father every morning. Her father plays basketball 3.__well__ (good).
Cindy has good 4.__eating__ (eat) habits.
For breakfast, she likes eggs, bread and milk.
For lunch, she has chicken, rice 5.__and__ vegetables.
For 6.__dinner__, she has some fruit and bread. She eats apples, bananas and 7.__strawberries__ (strawberry). She likes hamburgers, 8.__but__ she doesn\\\\'t eat them. She doesn\\\\'t think they are 9.__healthy__ (health).
Cindy eats well and 10.__plays__ (play) sports every day, so she is in good health.
Hello! My name is Dora. I am 1.__seven__ (七). I have a good 2.__friend__ (朋友). His name is Boots. I like 3.__him__ (他) very much. I have a backpack. It\\\\'s 4.__nice__ (宜人的). A key, a cup, a pen and a 5.__map__ (地图) are in it. What color is it? It\\\\'s 6.__purple__ (紫色的). I like the color. My new friends? Yes! I have two new friends. And they are 7.__my__ (我的) good friends. Hu Tengteng is from 8.__China__(中国). Her telephone 9.__number__ (号码) is 737-5698. She likes yellow and she has a yellow backpack. Liu Hao is from Canada. His telephone number is 666-8875. He likes blue and he has a blue 10.__jacket__ (夹克衫).
Cassie is a girl in Yuying Middle School. Her 1.__room__ (房间) is not tidy. It is in a mess. Her mom 2.__asks__ (问) her to clean the room and Cassie asks Carl for 3.__help__ (帮助).
“Carl, can you come to my room 4.__now__ (现在) and help me clean 5.__it__ (它)?”asks Cassie.
Carl is Cassie\\\\'s brother. Carl\\\\'s room is 6.__always__ (总是) clean. His 7.__schoolbag__ (书包) is on the desk, the chair is 8.__under__ (在……下面)the desk and the radio is in the bookcase. He doesn\\\\'t ask his mom,“Where is my 9.__dictionary__ (字典)?”or“Where is my schoolbag?”. He can always find his 10.__things__ (东西) in the room.
Chad, Ryan and Bill are good 1.__friends__(朋友). They like sports very much.
Chad likes 2.__playing__ (打) tennis best. He is on the school tennis team. He is Ryan\\\\'s 3.__tennis__ (网球) teacher, too. Ryan likes playing soccer best. He is on the school soccer team. He has a soccer 4.__ball__ (球). It has David Beckham\\\\'s signature (签名) on it. The two 5.__boys__ (男孩)like to play basketball, too. They like to play basketball 6.__after__ (在……之后)school. They are always on the 7.__same__(相同的) team.
8.__What__ (什么)sport does Bill like to play? Well, he doesn\\\\'t like to play sports. He 9.__thinks__ (认为)they are difficult. He only likes 10.__watching__ (看) them on TV. He likes to watch volleyball best.
Franklin has a family of five—his 1.__parents__ (父母), his sister Amy, his brother Edison and him. They 2.__go__ (去)for a picnic. But Amy doesn\\\\'t go with them. She goes to the 3.__library__(图书馆) with her friend Lisa.
Franklin and his family take (拿) some 4.__food__ (食物) to eat. They take 5.__bananas__ (香蕉), apples and pears. Franklin likes bananas. They also take some 6.__chicken__  (鸡肉)hamburgers and some bread. Edison likes these hamburgers. He 7.__knows__ (知道) hamburgers are not healthy food, 8.__but__ (但是) he likes them.
It\\\\'s a 9.__nice__ (宜人的)day. Franklin and his family have a great 10.__time__ (时间).
1.I\\\\'m Gina Brown.
__Are__ __you__ Gina Brown?
2.That is his schoolbag.
__Is__ __that__ his schoolbag?
3.They have three beautiful pictures.
__Do__ they __have__ three beautiful pictures?
4.Sally needs two pens and an eraser.
__Does__ Sally __need__ two pens or an eraser?
1.Her mother has a yellow jacket.
Her mother __doesn\\\\'t__ __have__ a yellow jacket.
2.Grace likes this yellow quilt.
Grace __doesn\\\\'t__ __like__ this yellow quilt.
3.We have yellow quilts.
We __don\\\\'t__ __have__ yellow quilts.
4.They have two festivals this month.
They __don\\\\'t__ __have__ two festivals this month.
1.—Is he your grandfather?(作肯定回答)
—Yes, he __is__.
2.—Are those your books?
—No, __they__ __aren\\\\'t__.
3.—Where is your dog?
—__It__ __is__ under the chair.
4.—Do your friends like Chinese food?
—Yes, __they__ __do__.
5.—Does your father watch TV in the evening?
—No, __he__ __doesn\\\\'t__.
6.—Are these model planes 300 yuan?
—Yes, __they__ __are__.
7.—Does Tom have a soccer game next week?
—Yes, __he__ __does__.
8.—Is your English Day in October?
—No, __it__ __isn\\\\'t__.
1.Grace\\\\'s jacket is red_and_yellow
__What__ __color__  is Grace\\\\'s jacket?
2.They are my_sisters
__Who__ __are__ they?
3.These are rulers
__What__ __are__ these?
4.Jim and Grace are in_the_library
__Where__ __are__ Jim and Grace?
5.They eat rice_and_vegetables in the evening.
__What__ do they __eat__ in the evening?
6.Jack likes black_shorts.
__What__ __clothes__ __does__ Jack like?
7.Our School Day is on_May_25th.
__When__ __is__ your School Day?
8.Bob likes Chinese food.
__Who__ __likes__ Chinese food?
9.My favorite day is Monday.
__What__ __is__ your favorite day?
10.The New Year\\\\'s party is on_January_1st
__When__ __is__ the New Year\\\\'s party?
11.Kate\\\\'s brothers are six this year.
__How__ __old__ are Kate\\\\'s brothers this year?
1.He\\\\'s fine.
__He\\\\'s__ __OK__.
2.She is Kate Smith.
__Her__ __name__ is Kate Smith.
3.It\\\\'s my family photo.
It\\\\'s __a__ photo __of__ my family.
4.Those are Helen\\\\'s watches.
Those watches __are__ __Helen\\\\'s__.
5.John has three red hats.
John has three hats __in__ __red__.
6.This girl thinks English is easy.
This girl thinks English is __not__ __difficult__.
7.Helen likes tennis best.
Helen\\\\'s __favorite__ sport __is__ tennis.
8.What is the price of the book?
__How__ __much__ is the book?
1.That is a cup. (改为复数形式)
__Those__ __are__ cups.
2.Are these English maps? (改为单数形式)
__Is__ __this__  __an__  English __map__?
3.A key is on the table. (改为复数形式)
Some __keys__ __are__ on the table.
4.I don\\\\'t like volleyball. Jane likes volleyball. (用but合并为一句)
I don\\\\'t like volleyball __but__ Jane __does__.
5.A photo is in the bag.(用some代替a改写句子)
Some __photos__ __are__ in the bag.



