
人教版 新目标七年级英语上册 专项训练:词汇(可打印下载)

全册精讲+→ 中小学师生 2022-04-10




部编版 七年级-九年级语文上册 期末知识点+文言文知识重难点复习
部编版 初中语文7年级-9年级上下册 学生学习教师教学资料汇编
部编版 七年级-九年级语文上册 期末知识点+文言文知识重难点复习



1My English teacher has two __________(dictionary)

2I think the radio is very __________(use)for your English.

3Ken has two favorite __________(subject): math and art.

4My sister knows the __________(woman)They are her friends.

5Can he __________(play)the guitar?

6Tom usually __________(have)math on Tuesday.

7Do you want __________ (know)about my family?

8The question is too __________(difficulty)Please ask your teacher.

9You can learn more from __________(question)

10__________ (China)is our mother language(母语)

11There are 24 __________(hour) in a day.

12Tom has two art __________(lesson)after school.

13When Sally__________(finish)her music class, she can go home.

14As a teacher, I love my __________(student)very much.

15In China, there are many traditional__________(festival)

16The __________ (twelve)month of the year is December.

17I\\\'m Gina Smith.Gina is my __________(one)name.

18__________(vegetable)are good for our body.

19Your __________(parent)are your mother and father.

20Thanksgiving is celebrated on the __________ (four)Thursday in November

in America.(2016·金华改编)

21She took lots of beautiful_________(photo)during her stay in Europe.(2016·福州改编)

22In many families today, dogs are __________ (they)best friends.(2016·临沂)

23How much are the __________(jacket)?

24—How do you __________ (spell)“orange”


25__________(health)food is good for your body and mind.

26I hope you are always __________(eighteen)years old.

27Write your names on your __________(notebook), boys.

28Watching TV is__________ (relax)

29Welcome to my __________(store)You can buy what you like here.

30I want to buy some black __________(trousers)



1The photo of your family __________ nice.

2The Tshirt is 5 __________.

3I must __________ my computer.

4Tara has four red __________.

5It\\\'s not his notebook.It\\\'s __________.


6Yao Ming is a basketball __________.

7She is wearing a __________ coat today.

8We can __________ help from our parents when we have problems(问题)

9I want to take three __________ of shoes.

10My aunt\\\'s sons are my __________.


11Alice __________ to buy a pair of shoes.

12The boy is __________ three years old, so he can\\\'t find his home.

13I like art very much and I draw lots of __________.

14My daughter and my son are in the __________ school.

15He likes playing __________ with his friends.


1The meeting room is on the _________(第八)floor ()of the building.(2016·广安改编)

2This Chinese painting is the greatest work of _________ (艺术)I have ever


3John is interested in__________ (地理)

4Carrots and __________ (鸡蛋)are good for your eyes. (2016·聊城)

5I left my book at home.May I borrow __________(你的)(2016·青岛)

6Some people plan to go abroad in__________(七月) for vacation.

7Tu Youyou won China\\\'s first Nobel Prize in Medicine in _________(十月), 2015. (2016·泰州)

8What\\\'s your __________(最喜欢的)color?

9He is good at __________(科学)and math at school.

10It\\\'s an __________(有趣的)book for students.

11The music__________(听起来)like birds singing.

12—Whose__________(女儿)is the girl?


13He wants to celebrate his __________(第二十)birthday.

14It was my __________(第二)time to climb Mount Tai.

15There are 12 __________(月份)in a year.

16China has a long__________(历史)of about 5000 years.

17I __________(认为)he will come this evening.

18Don\\\'t put your books________(到处)

19National Day is on __________(十月) 1st.

20This is our __________(第三) time to plant trees.

21There are some __________(尺子)on the table.(2015·泉州改编)

22My sister\\\'s bike is newer than __________(我的)

23We usually have __________(面包)for dinner.

24How many people are there in your ________(家庭)?

25This is my pencil and that is __________(他的)(2015·桂林)

26Students in Grade ________()are studying hard now.

27What flowers come out in __________(一月)?

28Of all the vegetables, I like __________(西红柿)best.

29Linda is a good student and she is __________(真正地)hardworking.

30The English party is in __________(三月)

31There is a big __________(图书馆)in our city.

32This skirt is very nice.You can __________()it for your daughter.

33I have some good __________(同班同学)at school.



1Tuesday comes after M________

2Today, students don\\\'t have much f________ time for their hobbies.

3I l________ my pen.Can you help me find it?

4Jack doesn\\\'t like math because it\\\'s b________

5—Where is my schoolbag?

—It\\\'s u________ the bed.

6Parents give us food and c________ without asking for return.

7S________ is the first day of a week.

8Your mother\\\'s or father\\\'s brothers are your u________

9He has his car on s________ for only $1000.

10She can\\\'t go to school this morning b________ she is ill.

11She is t________ and next year she will be fourteen.

12W________ do you usually go to school?

—At 7 am.

13Do you like white? We have shirts in different c________

14Good morning, boys and g________Let\\\'s begin our class.(2015·杭州)

15Spring is coming and the trees turn g________

16We\\\'d better drink a glass of m________ every day.It\\\'s good for our health.(2015·海南)

17I\\\'ll be 9 years old, and my parents will celebrate my n________ birthday next week. 


18My grandfather likes w________ TV.

19May is the f________ month of the year.

20Do you like this m________ plane?

21E________ me, David.Is this your watch?


22Do you know your teacher\\\'s t________ number?

23Some students are lost in the c________ games, and they don\\\'t want to study.

24We have a school t________on Friday.We are very happy.

25There are seven days in a w________

26It\\\'s great to have i________ in hot summer.

27C________ can tell us the time(时间)

28The rabbits(兔子)like c________ best.

29You should(应该) say“Thanks”to your mother on your b________


1Jack always says that he likes apples of all the ________.

Avegetables  Bfruits  

Cdrinks  Dvegetable

2Aunt Li wants __________ books.

Aread  Blook

Cto read  Dto look

3The music __________.I like it very much.

Asound well  Bgood

Care well  Dsounds good

4How much __________ the black trousers?

Aare  Bis

Cdo  Ddoes

5Do you have __________and __________ for lunch?

Achicken; potatoes  Bchicken; potato

Cchickens; potatoes  Dchickens; potato

6—Can you__________ your name?

—Yes, TOM.

Acolor  Bmeet  Cspell  Dask

7—__________ do you have __________ lunch?

—Chicken and tomatoes.

AWhat; for  BWhat; /

CWhere; for  DWhere; /

8This Tshirt is only nine dollars.I\\\'ll __________ it.

Awant  Btake  

Cwatch  Dfind

9I don\\\'t like English because it\\\'s __________.

Ainteresting  Bdifficult

Crelaxing  Dfun

10—We have an English party on October 1st.


AThank you.  

BHave a good time!

CThat\\\'s all right.  

DYou\\\'re welcome.





一、1.dictionaries 2.useful 3.subjects 4.women 5.play

6has 7.to know 8.difficult 9.questions 10.Chinese

11hours 12.lessons 13.finishes 14.students

15festivals 16.twelfth 17.first 18.Vegetables

19parents 20.fourth 21.photos 22.their 23.jackets

24spell 25.Healthy 26.eighteen 27.notebooks

28relaxing 29.store 30.trousers

二、(A)1.looks 2.dollars 3.find 4.boxes 5.hers

(B)6.player 7.colorful 8.get 9.pairs 10.cousins

(C)11.needs 12.only 13.pictures 14.same 15.sports

三、1.eighth 2.art 3.geography 4.eggs 5.yours

6July 7.October 8.favorite 9.science

10interesting 11.sounds 12.daughter 13.twentieth

14second 15.months 16.history 17.think

18everywhere 19.October  20.third 21.rulers

22mine 23.bread 24.family 25.his 26.Nine

27January 28.tomatoes 29.really 30.March 31.library

32buy 33.classmates

四、1.Monday 2.free 3.lost 4.boring

5under 6.clothes 7.Sunday 8.uncles 9.sale

10because 11.thirteen 12.When 13.colors 14.girls 15.green 16.milk 17.ninth 18.watching

19fifth 20.model 21.Excuse 22.telephone 23.computer

24trip 25.week 26.icecream 27.Clocks

28carrots 29.birthday

五、1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A

5A 点拨:chicken鸡肉讲时,是不可数名词;potato的复数是potatoes

6C 7.A 8.B 9.B

10B 点拨:用交际法。当别人要举办活动或者出去旅行时,你应该说:Have a good/great time/day



1、orange               2、class               3、text             

4、monkey              5、piano             6、child            

7、shelf                 8、bed                9、country          

10、family               11、toy                12、foot          

13、Japanese             14、radio              15、photo           

16、army                17、tomato             18、fox            

19、woman              20、knife               22、sheep       



1、There         on the wall .They are very beautiful.

A. are photoes      B. are photos

C. is a photo        D. is photos

2. This kind of car       made in Shanghai.

A. is   B .are   C .were D .has

3. There are four       and two           in the group.

A. Japanese, Germen    B Japaneses, Germen

C. Japanese, German    C. Japanese, Germans

4. That’s          art book.

A. an   B. a   C. the D are

5. The boys have got         already.

A. two bread         B. two breads

C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread

6. The old man wants          .

A. six boxes of apples   B. six boxes of apple

C. six box of apples     D. six boxs of apples

7. There       some       in the river.

A. is ,fish   B. are, fishs C. is, fishs D. are ,fish

8. There     two     in the box.

A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches

9. We should clean       twice a day.

A .our tooth B. our tooths C. teeth D. our teeth

10. The _____ meeting room is near the reading room.

A. teacher   B. teacher’s   C. teachers’ D. teachers

11. In Britain _____ are all painted red.

A. letter boxes B. letters boxes C. letter box D. letters box


am_________  is_________  he _________  she _________  it _________  that_________        this_________  you_________ pen_________ desk_________  key_________ orange_______        boy_________  friend_________  parent_________  mother_________  father_________                               sister_________ brother_________  son_________  daughter_________  cousin_________             case_________  box_________  card_________  family_________


1. This is my friend.


2. This is a bike.


3.That is her brother.


4.This is a book.


5.That is an eraser.


6.It is a red orange.


7.He is a teacher.


8. What’s this?


9.This is my mother.


10.He is a Chinese boy.



