

ULI城市土地 ULI城市土地

English follows Chinese (后附英文版)






在ULI亚太区主席邱鼎财(Khoo Teng Chye)教授和ULI亚太区高级副总裁Pauline Oh的带领下,亚太区房地产市场新兴趋势®印度尼西亚版活动于上个月在雅加达举行。90多位ULI会员和房地产行业人士出席了会议。



7月20日,来自亚太地区的近40名ULI会员参加了一次线上会员见面会。这次会议是这个全新系列的第三次会议,旨在为新老会员 “更新” ULI会员相关的所有事务,包括会员工具、资源和即将举行的活动。在简短的介绍之后,会员们分成若干小组,与来自亚太地区的其他会员进行了快速的交流。下一次会议将在9月举行。



一份由ULI与欧华律师事务所(DLA Piper)合作编写的最新报告表明,所有房地产投资和开发都有可能产生社会影响。通过包括香港中环街市在内的一系列案例研究,这份全球报告指出,社会影响力战略可以通过若干途径来提高资产的内在价值,这些途径包括提高净收入、降低结构性风险、在市场周期中寻求互补,以及确保资产的长期生存能力(包括潜在的资本增长)。


ULI中国大陆欢迎Stuart Mercier担任主席

博枫资产管理公司董事合伙人兼亚洲房地产业务负责人Stuart Mercier当选为ULI中国大陆主席。他将从2022年7月1日起任职两年。衷心感谢来自凯龙瑞集团的上届主席郑喜明。在郑喜明的任期内,ULI中国大陆的会员数量增长了50%以上,并在北京和大湾区建立了办事处。




ULI菲律宾导师计划开始于2017年,是一个丰富个人学识和阅历的渠道,具有很强领导潜力的年轻人可以籍此获得稀有的第一手经验,向行业领秀学习,扩大他们的交际网络,培养各方面技能,并深化他们对房地产的理解。超过 25 位来自开发、建筑、城市规划、设计、资本市场、技术和投资等不同背景的资深行业领袖参与了该导师计划。







RMZ Corp是亚洲最大的私营房地产业主、投资人和开发商之一,其宏大的转型目标是为未来而想象、创造和转变。今天,RMZ已跻身于世界顶级房地产公司之列,是全球唯一的零债务房地产公司。



  • 恒隆地产:创新共建可持续建筑环境

Inspirational Dialogue – only at 

ULI Asia Pacific Summit

At ULI, we believe that the best way to make impact is to lead by example. This year's ULI Asia Pacific Summit features unparalleled line up of influential leaders from all corners of the globe, offering a truly diverse and dynamic platform championing equal representation within our industry. Learn more about our speaker's personal and professional journeys, and discover what led them to where they are today. 

Inspirational dialogue takes place – only at the #ULIAPSummit, 29 August–1 September 2022!

Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Asia Pacific – Indonesian Edition

Led by ULI Asia Pacific Chair, Prof Khoo Teng Chye and Senior Vice President, Pauline Oh, the Indonesian Edition of the Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Asia Pacific event was held in Jakarta last month. Over 90 ULI members and industry peers were in attendance.

The event covered the key research findings and hosted an interesting discussion with a panel of local industry experts on what these trends mean for the future of the real estate industry in Indonesia. We also took the occasion to announce the formation of a local, member-led organizing committee as ULI looks to establish its footprint in Indonesia. Watch out for our next event in Jakarta!

New Member Series: 

ULI Asia Pacific Virtual Member Orientation

Almost 40 members from across Asia Pacific convened on 20 July for a virtual member orientation. The session was the third in a new series designed to give new and existing members a “refresh” on all things ULI, including member tools, resources, and upcoming events. Following a brief presentation, members break out into small groups to speed network with fellow members from across Asia Pacific. The next session will take place in September. 

Keep an eye on asia.uli.org/events/ for more details. 

Social Impact: Investing with Purpose to Protect and Enhance Returns

All real estate investment and development has the potential to deliver social impact, according to a new report from ULI in partnership with DLA Piper. Through a range of case studies including Hong Kong's Central Market, this global report demonstrates that social impact strategies improve the intrinsic value of assets by enhancing net income, reducing exposure to structural risks, offering dislocation from market cycles, and ensuring the long-term viability of the asset, including potential capital growth.

Council Snapshots

ULI China Mainland Welcomes 

Stuart Mercier as Chair

Stuart Mercier, Managing Partner and Head of Asia (Real Estate), Brookfield has been elected as the Chair of ULI China Mainland. He will serve for two years from 1 July 2022. A big thank you to immediate past Chair Hei Ming Cheng of KaiLong Group. During Hei Ming’s term, ULI China Mainland’s membership grew over 50 percent and established footholds in Beijing and GBA.

ULI Japan Welcomes New Leadership

ULI Japan welcomes its new leadership as ULI enters a new era as a registered association in Japan. 

ULI Philippines Mentorship Programme 2022

Established in 2017, the ULI Philippines Mentorship Programme, was founded as an enriching avenue where young individuals with strong leadership potential could gain a unique first-hand experience learning from industry leaders to expand their networks, cultivate skills, and develop their understanding of real estate. Over 25 senior industry leaders have participated in this programme from various backgrounds including development, architecture, urban planning, design, capital markets, technology and investment.

ULI Singapore: What Makes a Building Smarter than the Rest

ULI Singapore hosted a panel discussion around What Makes a Building Smarter than the Rest. The panel and the audience discussed about the quick wins, the worthy long-term investments and how government has a strong driving role in shaping a smarter built environment.

Recap: ULI South Korea Annual Conference

The ULI South Korea Annual Conference took place on 28–29 June in Seoul. It brought together 200 real estate professionals and entertainment industry leaders from around the world to discuss the current and future entertainment, media and sports development trends, and innovative ideas about how to approach this evolving business environment.

Welcome to Our New Corporate Partner

essensys is a leading global technology company for commercial real estate. Our platform is designed to solve the problems faced by today’s modern office landlords and flex workspace providers, providing the intelligent digital backbone that enables the real-time provisioning of digital services through intelligent network automation.

RMZ Corp is one of Asia's largest privately-owned real estate owners, investors and developers, with a Massive Transformative Purpose to imagine, create & transform for the future. Today, RMZ ranks among the world’s top real estate firms, being amongst the only zero-debt real estate companies—globally. 

Corporate Partner Library

Find industry insights from around the Asia Pacific region through our Corporate Partners.

  • Hang Lung Properties:  Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment

ULI Asia Pacific 
Room 3418, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong 
Tel: +021 3353 8532  Email: chinamainland@uli.org Websiteasia.uli.org


