
活动精彩回顾:ULI中国大陆 - 上海CEO论坛

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ULI中国大陆于2022年9月23日下午在上海举行了CEO论坛,近50名来自国内外的知名开发商和投资机构的领袖出席本次闭门会议。本次CEO论坛主要关注两大主题,即 1) 房地产开发商和投资者如何驾驭当前充满挑战的市场环境,以及2) 商业地产行业将如何发展

MSCI房地产研究部亚洲区主管赵捷明先生为与会嘉宾做了主题分享:乘风破浪 - 全球及中国资本市场趋势分析。赵捷明先生表示在全球经济增长减缓的背景下,全球房地产总投资规模增速也开始放缓。2023年亚太地区将复苏全球经济增长的中心。多数世界一线城市办公楼均价将要达顶峰,但投资人可以关注上海北京等价格处于低点的重点城市。

博枫资产管理公司董事合伙人兼亚洲房地产业务负责人Stuart Mercier 主持了圆桌讨论:如何应对当前挑战铁狮门中国区首席执行官及高级董事总经理陈志超,普洛斯资本高级副总裁李宏,华发商业上海公司总经理郑忠贵,建工地产集团首席运营官黎兆辉参与了讨论。嘉宾们认为尽管宏观经济不容乐观,但中国利率下行将缓解开发商的借贷成本。ESG和新能源将是多数开发商将持续关注的领域,另外多数嘉宾表达了对生命科学物业的青睐及兴趣。

凯德投资中国高级执行董事陈永明主持了下一环节的圆桌讨论:商业地产的未来之路百联股份副总经理曹海伦,恒隆地产内地业务副董事胡惠雅以及崇邦集团总裁及常务董事郑秉泽参与了讨论。嘉宾们表示面对疫情防控常态化下的经营挑战,商业运营商要 “止血” 也要 “造血”,在帮助商户减少损失的同时,通过新内容、新产品、新能力来激活消费市场。另外商业线上线下的数字化联动和精准营销也至关重要。


ULI China Mainland held CEO Forum in Shanghai on the afternoon of September 23, 2022. Nearly 50 leaders from well-known developers and investment institutions from China and abroad were attracted to this closed-door meeting. The CEO forum focused on two main themes, namely 1) how real estate developers and investors can navigate the current challenging market environment, and 2) how the commercial real estate industry will evolve.

Mr. Benjamin Chow, Head of Real Estate Research for Asia, MSCI, gave a keynote speech: Weathering the Storm: Global and China Capital Markets. In the context of slowing global economic growth, the growth rate of total real estate investment around the world has also started to slow down. Mr. Chow believes that 2023 will see the Asia-Pacific region recover as the center of global economic growth. The average office prices in most of the top tier cities across the world will peak, but investors can focus on key cities such as Shanghai and Beijing where prices are at a low point.

Stuart Mercier, Managing Partner, Head of Asia (Real Estate), Brookfield Asset Management, moderated the roundtable discussion: Navigating Through the Current Challenge. The discussion was joined by Wilson Chen, CEO China and Senior Managing Director, Tishman Speyer, Vega Li, Senior Vice President, GLP Capital, Ken Zheng, General Manager, Shanghai, Huafa Commercial, and Barry Lai, COO, Hong Kong Jiangong Real Estate Group. Despite the stagnant macroeconomic picture, the guests think that falling interest rates in China will ease the cost of borrowing for developers. ESG and new energy will be the fields that most developers will continue to focus on, and most guests expressed their preference for life science properties.

Charles Chan, Senior Executive Director of Capitaland Investment (China), moderated the next roundtable discussion on the future of commercial property sector. Hailun Cao, Vice President, Shanghai Bailian Group Co. Ltd., Vera Wu, Deputy Director, Mainland Business Operation, Hang Lung Properties, and Henry Cheng, CEO & Executive Director, Chongbang Group, participated in the discussion. In the face of the operational challenges under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the guests think that commercial operators have to "stop the bleeding" and manage to "create blood" to help merchants reduce losses while activating the consumer market through new contents, new products and new capabilities. In addition, the digital linkage and accurate marketing of online and offline commerce is also crucial.

After the exciting and dynamic panel discussions, speakers and guests continued their in-depth communication and brought the CEO Forum to a successful conclusion.

ULI China Mainland
Tel: +021 3353 8532  Email: chinamainland@uli.org Websitechina.uli.org


