10月25日 上海 | 会员专属早餐会 - 零售物业的社区感与连通性
English follows Chinese (后附英文版)
ULI中国大陆邀请您参加ULI会员专属的早餐会。在本次研讨会中,五杰设计创始人之一及执行董事Michael Ellis先生,以及公司董事夏之岱先生,将与各位共同讨论在不断变化的全球市场中的零售物业趋势, 以及室内商业及室外商业的融合。去年九月,经过多年精心打磨的前滩太古里项目在万众期待中正式开业,成为疫情冲击和市场下行压力影响下逆流而上的一抹亮眼色彩,受到了很多关注与肯定。
如果您遇到报名问题,请联系 Chinamainland@uli.org。
时间: 上午9:00 - 10:00 (上午8:45开始签到)
地址:上海市徐汇区裕德路165号806室 (南洋1931)
费用:ULI会员:100元 (仅限会员)
联系方式:021-3353 8532 / chinamainland@uli.org。
ULI China Mainland invites you to the ULI Members exclusive breakfast meeting. Founding partner and Managing Principal, Michael Ellis and Principal, David Shia will talk about the retail trend in the changing global market, and the merging of indoor and outdoor retail. In September last year, Taikoo Li Qiantan project, which has been carefully honed for many years, was officially opened in great anticipation. It has become a bright color going upstream under the impact of the pandemic and the downward pressure of the market, and has received a lot of attention and recognition.
Speakers from 5+design will use case studies to talk about how to acheive three core goals: creating a sense of community, maximizing connectivity with the world outside, and finding authenticity by designing environments tied to place, seeks to address two contemporary human needs: a strong desire for community, allied with enhanced connectivity to the greater world.
This event will be conducted in Chinese and English with light breakfast.
Please adopt personal self-protection, wear masks, keep proper social distance, take regular PCR testing, scan site codes, and get fully vaccination. If you have symptoms such as fever and cough, please do not register this event and visit your nearest hospital as soon as possible.
Completed Projects
Event Registration
Scan the below QR code and register the event.
Any questions, please contact us at Chinamainland@uli.org.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 am (Registration starts from 8:45 am.)
Address: Room 806, No. 165 Yude Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai (Nanyang 1931)
Language: Chinese and English
ULI China Mainland
Tel: +021 3353 8532 Email: chinamainland@uli.org Website: china.uli.org