ARC ► Staab | Institution
Staab Architekten
Staab Architekten是位于德国柏林的建筑师事务所,事务所作品旨在“化繁为简”,
“Concentrating on the essential is central to our work, an approach pursued by way of the cautious, conceptual deployment of form, material and colour in every last detail.”
创始人Volker Staab 1957年出生于Heidelberg,1983毕业于苏黎世高工,1991年成立Staab Architekten。Volker Staab和Alfred Nieuwenhuizen从1996年开始在各个项目进行合作,之后Nieuwenhuizen在2007年以合伙人的身份正式加入Staab Architekten。
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- Institute of Digital Media Technology -
2006 - 2008
The goal of the design was to find a formal counterpart for the new institute and its thematic content which would enable the building's exterior to convey an impressive documentation of the innovative character of the research conducted inside the building.
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- New Ministry Building -
2008 - 2013
In this prominent urban setting, an extension of the “cultural boulevard” in the southern part of the city, the challenge was not only to design a building 200 metres in length, but also to formulate the border between the palace garden and the street. Furthermore, the building would have to lend the ministry a suitable profile. Despite its nearly monofunctional structure, themes had to be found with which to articulate the ministry’s home both inside and out.
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- Richard Wagner Museum -
2010 - 2015
Creating a new building with a greater floor area than the existing buildings on the site where Richard Wagner lived and worked required a firm sense of what would be appropriate in this situation.
The challenge was to retain the freestanding character of the Villa Wahnfried on the clearly structured estate with a formal driveway, forecourt and private garden, but still letting the intervention appear in a sensible manner. An added strip of land on the west side of the historic garden, purchased in 1930, became the key to our concept.
The extension’s placement along the initial site boundary revives the original proportion and appearance of the garden.The new building and the gardeners house on the west side of the property echoe the Siegfried-Wagner-Haus on the opposite side, while the storage, the event-space and further exhibition spaces are placed underground.
This arrangement and the removal of a connecting building which blurred the villa restored the historic symmetry of the estate and made the extension with its long glazed façade and reduced design a quiet observer of the auratic setting.
不同建筑事务所都有其专长领域,而Staab architekten的专长是机构建筑(institutional architecture),内容包括文化机构,研究院,教育机构,政府机构等。
ARC ► Staab | Museums + Atrium
Staab擅长在大体量建筑中创造不同属性的空间,多见于扩建改造项目,当然在非扩建改造项目中也有所体现:比如本期介绍的New Ministry Building,在保证外立面统一且有条理的情况下,依然成功地在不同区域实现了不同的空间主题;上一期中的Museum of the Bavarian King,在不破坏原有建筑风格的情况下很好地平衡了细节的丰富性和整体的简洁度。
Staab的另一个特点是对于室内中庭/庭院的应用。几乎在每一个我们介绍的项目中都会有中庭来引入自然光,个人比较喜欢的是New Ministry Building中多个天光中庭以及Albertinum Dresden以自然光作为主要光源的三层高中庭(当然这个项目中Staab对于功能分布、顶层空间的使用以及细节的处理还是很值得借鉴的)。
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