
ARC ► Barozzi Veiga | the shape of "whiteness"

叁碗小姐 EveryArchive 2022-10-12

Barozzi Veiga


Barozzi / Veiga是一个致力于建筑和城市规划的建筑事务所,于2004年在巴塞罗那由Fabrizio Barozzi和Alberto Veiga成立。 Barozzi / Veiga在国内和国际比赛中赢得了无数奖项,其中包括位于Úbeda的Palace Santa Clara翻新工程、阿吉拉斯礼堂、D.O.的总部、 Roa的Ribera del Duero、Szczecin的爱乐音乐厅、洛桑美术博物馆、Chur的Cantonal美术博物馆、Brunico的音乐学校以及Zürich的Tanzhaus。

Barozzi / Veiga的作品已经在不同的展览中展出过,并且已经在各种专业文献中发表。 Barozzi / Veiga在设计方面赢得了许多国际奖项和奖项,其中包括2007年巴塞罗那建筑师学院授予的Ajac奖,2011年国际建筑奖“Barbara Cappochin”,2012年获得意大利建筑金奖 ,由意大利国家建筑师委员会,规划师和景观设计师颁发的意大利建筑年轻人才2013年奖。 2014年,该工作室被“建筑实录”杂志评选为今年Design Vanguard的十家公司之一。最近,该工作室赢得了欧盟当代建筑奖 -  2015年密斯范德罗奖。

今天介绍两个来自Barozzi Veiga的(非著名)项目。

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- Brunico School of Music -


The difficulty of the project laid on configuring an extension that allowed preserving the character of Brunico’s historical centre and also highlighting the majestic presence of Casa Ragen. The project simply proposes the construction of a new «inhabited border», which allows the characteristic urban tissue of Brunico –formed by the no- ble villas and sealed off gardens– have continuity; in addition to highlighting the urban presence of Casa Ragen, understanding the extension as a sober building that complements what already exists. The extension consists of two floors: one is half-buried, and the other shapes the garden. The latter becomes the central space of the project, closely relat- ing the existent building and the extension. It is a wide and peaceful space, which creates through its comfortable atmosphere a space for studying, and an ideal place for concerts, shows or events. On the exterior, the new school is characterized by a continuous sober wall in which the new front door access is inserted, a delicate connection between the existent that will allow glimpse the interior garden.

The rehabilitation of Casa Ragen is characterized by the new configuration of its interior patio. A new roof characterizes and transforms this space through a system of glass and adjustable slats that act as a light spreader.

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- Auditorium Infanta Doña Elena de Aguilas -


The project is a natural response to the particular stimulus, offered by the location. On one hand the need to respect the urban tissue that growths inside, on the other, the one’s to preserve the expressive hue of the natural landscape. It is through from this contrast, that we define and articulate tensions which allows the project to organize itself while a coherent response to the constraints of place. A dialectic reflection, simple but at the same time strong, between the urban artificiality and the organic naturalness.

Thus, the building results in a large mass, shaped in function of the tensions that proceeds from the different character of the spaces surround it. Tangent to the town, the facades are clean, orderly and paused, while tangent to the sea, the facades translate the surrounding space and the configuration offered by the landscape and geography, through large and concave surfaces, that provides a direct and intensive relation with the surrounding natural environment.


今天的评论引用建筑学院教授David Theodore的话:

“自2004年成立以来,短短十几年Barozzi Veiga已成为高水准的国际事务所。虽然放眼国际,但其作品却区别于上一代明星建筑师的酷炫张扬。他们以其清晰有力的概念在欧洲屡屡获奖,逐步扩展了公司的实践范围。”

“我想借此机会介绍与其作品有关的‘室温运动’。‘室温运动’是由洛杉矶时报评论员Christopher Hawthorne提出的一个概念。他将美国戏剧界称作‘安静风格’的新潮流借用到建筑领域来解释当下的一种趋势。‘室温建筑’以厚重的体量和材质为特点,空间层次丰富,与易上镜的表皮建筑恰恰相反。‘室温建筑’通常出自六、七十年代乃至八十年代早期出生的建筑师之手。这种建筑具有一种静态性,反对引人注目的表现手法。建筑材料主要以石材,木材和混凝土为主,而非以玻璃,亚克力或金属挂板。有趣的是,这种建筑呈现出一种刻意的、具有讽刺意味的平庸,使得这种建筑得以存在于‘室温’,而非高冷的极简主义。我觉得这段描述比较符合事务所的作品特点。”

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