
“句法制图丝路之约”之Caterina Bonan篇



《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第67期,总第131期)继续与大家分享 “Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography (句法制图丝路之约)” 系列线上讲座。句法丝路系列讲座由北京语言大学语言学系、意大利帕多瓦大学及句法制图国际研究协会(澳门)共同组织。第三场讲座时间为2020年12月4日,剑桥大学博士后研究员Caterina Bonan博士了题为“So far yet so close: on comparing Northern Italian and Asian Wh-in-situ”的报告,报告由北京语言大学语言学系教师Giuseppe Samo博士主持。



About the Speaker


Caterina Bonan 博士

Caterina Bonan,博士毕业于日内瓦大学(瑞士),现为剑桥大学博士后研究员。其研究领域为理论语言学,以Noam Chomsky的人类语言先天论作为其研究背景。先天论认为人类生来就有语言认知能力,并且只需很少的外界刺激便可在儿童时期习得母语。在此理论背景下,世界语言中看似千差万别的语法结构只在很少的方面有所不同。更确切来说,她的研究领域为制图,即为句法结构绘制尽可能清楚和详细的“地图”。因为语言的普遍性本质,句法制图的工作都是基于对比分析以及类型学研究来进行的。到目前为止,她的工作聚焦于罗曼语句法对比、克里奥尔语言学、方言学、句法理论以及语言变化。她的博士论文研究主题为北部意大利语的wh-疑问句,如今在Adam Ledgeway教授的指导下,进行罗曼语分裂问句的形态句法学研究。

Caterina Bonan received her PhD in General Linguistics from the University of Geneva (Switzerland). At present, she is a postdoctoral researcher of University of Cambridge. Her field is theoretical linguistics and her work is set against Noam Chomsky’s nativist approach to human language. Accordingly, there exists an inborn cognitive capacity for language that requires minimal environmental stimulation for linguistic competence to develop during the early years of life. In this framework, seemingly different grammatical structures in the languages of the world are assumed to differ along fairly simple lines. More specifically, her work falls within so-called cartography, i.e. the attempt to draw maps of syntactic configurations that are as precise and detailed as possible. Because of its universal nature, all work stemming from the cartographic program is based firmly on the evidence coming from comparative and typological studies. Her work has so far focused on Romance comparative syntax, creolistics, dialectology, syntactic theory, and linguistic change. She has a doctoral dissertation on Northern Italian wh-questions, and she is now working on the morphosyntax of cleft questions in the Romance languages, under the supervision of Professor Adam Ledgeway. 


So far yet so close: on comparing Northern Italian and Asian Wh-in-situ


摘要: 据关于意大利北部罗曼语方言的已有文献可知,处于特殊疑问句小句内部 wh-成分的形态句法结构可以有两种解释,第一是疑问词移位到CP层较低位置(Munaro et al. 2001, Poletto & Pollock 2015, a.o.),第二是作为一个相当典型的辖域识解实例(Manzini & Savoia 2005; 2011)。然而,罗曼语研究的最新实证表明:在wh-疑问句的运算方面还有很重要的问题值得研究,且目前现有的研究方法无法解释这些问题。因此,我认为至少在这一方面,北部意大利方言与亚洲语言之间的关系可能比我们认为的更为密切。我所提供的罗曼语wh-原位形态句法研究是全新的、经济的且跨语言可行的,这一研究把所有的相关核心特征缩减为简单的、普遍的微参数集合的不同组合,这些参数都与wh-成分的疑问词移位有关。

Abstract: The literature on the Romance dialects of northern Italy has explained the morphosyntax of clause-internal wh-elements in answer-seeking interrogatives as either the result of interrogative movement into the lower portion of the CP (Munaro et al. 2001, Poletto & Pollock 2015, a.o.), or as a quite canonical instance of scope construal (Manzini & Savoia 2005;2011). However, new empirical evidence from Romance suggests that there is more at stake in the computation of wh-interrogatives than we used to think, and that neither existing approach to northern Italian ‘wh-in situ’ can be maintained. Here, I argue that northern Italian dialects and Asian languages are, at least in this respect, more similar than we might have thought: what I offer is a new, derivationally economic and cross-linguistically supported understanding of the morphosyntax of Romance wh-in situ, namely one which reduces all core properties thereof to different combinations of the setting of simple, universal micro-parameters related to the interrogative movement(s) of wh-elements.


Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography




20/11 Linda Badan


27/11 Masatoshi Honda


04/12 Caterina Bonan


11/12 Aquiles Tescari Neto



此系列讲座于zoom平台直播(发送邮件至samo@blcu. edu. cn, 您将在每场讲座开始24小时前收到会议链接及相关信息通知)。

The cycle of webinars entitled "Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography" organized is between the Beijing Language & Culture University andthe University of Padua and co-organized with the International Association of Syntactic Cartographic Studies (based in Macao). During these events, held on a weekly basis on Fridays (19h Beijing Time, 12h Padua Time), researchers will discuss (advanced) presentations in Cartography.

The calendar is set as follows.

20/11 Linda Badan 

(Ghent University)

27/11 Masatoshi Honda 

(Yokohama College of Commerce)

4/12  Caterina Bonan 

(University of Cambridge)

11/12 Aquiles Tescari Neto (UniCampinas)

The event will be broadcast live on the zoom platform (send an email to samo@blcu.edu.cn, to be added to a mailing list which will provide the link 24 hours before the talk). 

Richard Kayne & Ad Neeleman | Linearisation
“句法制图丝路之约”之Masatoshi Honda篇
Alec Marantz: What do linguists do?(下)
"句法制图丝路之约"之Linda Badan篇


编辑:高洁 闫玉萌

排版:高洁 闫玉萌

审校:李芳芳 王丽媛

