倍差法DID详解 (二):多时点 DID (渐进DID)
. clear all
. set obs 60
. set seed 10101
. gen id =_n
/// 每一个数值的数量扩大11倍,再减去前六十个观测值,即60*11-60 = 600,为60个体10年的面板数据
. expand 11
. drop in 1/60
. count
. bys id: gen time = _n+1999
. xtset id time
. gen x1 = rnormal(1,7)
. gen x2 = rnormal(2,5)
. sort time id
. by time: gen ind = _n
. sort id time
. by id: gen T = _n
. gen y = 0
. gen D = 0
. gen birth_date = 0
forvalues i = 1/20{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2004
replace birth_date = 2004 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 21/40{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2006
replace birth_date = 2006 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 41/60{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2008
replace birth_date = 2008 if id == `i'
///将基础数据结构保存成dta文件,命名为DID_Basic_Simu.dta,默认保存在当前的 working directory 路径下
save "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta", replace
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe r
predict e, ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article2_1.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
, areg
, reghdfe
等多个 Stata 命令,四个命令的比较放在了下方的表格中。在本文中,主要展示 reghdfe
命令的输出结果,该命令的具体介绍可以参考Stata: reghdfe-多维固定效应。.reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
(converged in 3 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 600
Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 3, 528) = 282958.86
Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.9996
Adj R-squared = 0.9995
Within R-sq. = 0.9994
Root MSE = 0.9630
| Robust
y| Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
D| 9.884974 .1571734 62.89 0.000 9.576212 10.19374
x1| 4.995274 .0056514 883.90 0.000 4.984172 5.006376
x2| 2.998722 .0083092 360.89 0.000 2.982399 3.015045
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE| Num. Coefs. = Categories - Redundant
id | 60 60 0
time | 9 10 1
reg y c.D x1 x2 i.time i.id, r
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, r fe
eststo xtreg_fe
areg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 D)
The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values
| reg xtreg_fe areg reghdfe
D | 9.885*** 9.885*** 9.885*** 9.885***
| (0.157) (0.139) (0.157) (0.157)
x1 | 4.995*** 4.995*** 4.995*** 4.995***
| (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
x2 | 2.999*** 2.999*** 2.999*** 2.999***
| (0.008) (0.009) (0.008) (0.008)
N | 600 600 600 600
Groups | 60
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
///Time-varying DID 和 Event Study Approach 的结合
///用当前年份减去个体接受处理的年份,得到相对的时间值event,将 -4 期之前的时间归并到第 -4 期,由于部分个体没有多于 -4 期的时间
gen event = time - birth_date
replace event = -4 if event <= -4
tab event, gen(eventt)
drop eventt1
xtreg y eventt* x1 x2 i.time, r fe
coefplot, ///
keep(eventt*) ///
coeflabels(eventt2 = "-3" ///
eventt3 = "-2" ///
eventt4 = "-1" ///
eventt5 = "0" ///
eventt6 = "1" ///
eventt7 = "2" ///
eventt8 = "3" ///
eventt9 = "4" ///
eventt10 = "5") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article2_2.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe r
predict e, ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article2_3.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
3.2 多种估计结果的呈现
, areg
, reghdfe
等多个 Stata 命令,四个命令的比较放在了下方的表格中。在本文中,主要展示 reghdfe
命令的输出结果,该命令的具体介绍可以参考Stata: reghdfe-多维固定效应。. reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
(converged in 3 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 600
Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 3, 528) = 49885.71
Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.9973
Adj R-squared = 0.9970
Within R-sq. = 0.9964
Root MSE = 2.3386
| Robust
y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
D | 2.69066 .3612682 7.45 0.000 1.980961 3.40036
x1| 4.987876 .0138214 360.88 0.000 4.960725 5.015028
x2| 3.026438 .0201725 150.03 0.000 2.98681 3.066066
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE| Num. Coefs. = Categories - Redundant
id | 60 60 0
time | 9 10 1
reg y c.D x1 x2 i.time i.id, r
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, r fe
eststo xtreg_fe
areg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 D)
The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values
| reg xtreg_fe areg reghdfe
D | 2.691*** 2.691*** 2.691*** 2.691***
| (0.361) (0.180) (0.361) (0.361)
x1| 4.988*** 4.988*** 4.988*** 4.988***
| (0.014) (0.013) (0.014) (0.014)
x2| 3.026*** 3.026*** 3.026*** 3.026***
| (0.020) (0.020) (0.020) (0.020)
N | 600 600 600 600
Groups | 60
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
///Y 的生成,设定真实的政策效果为当年为3,并且每年增加3
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
///Time-varying DID 和 Event Study Approach 的结合
///用当前年份减去个体接受处理的年份,得到相对的时间值 event,将 -4 期之前的时间归并到第 -4 期,由于部分个体没有多于 -4 期的时间
gen event = time - birth_date
replace event = -4 if event <= -4
tab event, gen(eventt)
drop eventt1
xtreg y eventt* x1 x2 i.time, r fe
coefplot, ///
keep(eventt*) ///
coeflabels(eventt2 = "-3" ///
eventt3 = "-2" ///
eventt4 = "-1" ///
eventt5 = "0" ///
eventt6 = "1" ///
eventt7 = "2" ///
eventt8 = "3" ///
eventt9 = "4" ///
eventt10 = "5") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article2_4.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
xtset statefip wrkyr
gen bb = 0
gen aa = 11
gen event = wrkyr - branch_reform
replace event = -10 if event <= -10
replace event = 15 if event >= 15
///tab event, gen(eventt)
gen event1 = event + 10
gen y = log(gini)
qui xtreg y ib10.event1 i.wrkyr, fe r
forvalues i = 0/9{
gen b_`i' = _b[`i'.event1]
gen avg_coef = (b_0+b_9+b_8+b_7+b_6+b_5+b_4+b_3+b_2+b_1)/10
su avg_coef
return list
coefplot, baselevels ///
drop(_cons event1 *.wrkyr ) ///
if(@at!=11) ///去除当年的系数点
coeflabels(0.event1 = "-10" ///
1.event1 = "-9" ///
2.event1 = "-8" ///
3.event1 = "-7" ///
4.event1 = "-6" ///
5.event1 = "-5" ///
6.event1 = "-4" ///
7.event1 = "-3" ///
8.event1 = "-2" ///
9.event1 = "-1" ///
10.event1 = "0" ///
11.event1 = "1" ///
12.event1 = "2" ///
13.event1 = "3" ///
14.event1 = "4" ///
15.event1 = "5" ///
16.event1 = "6" ///
17.event1 = "7" ///
18.event1 = "8" ///
19.event1 = "9" ///
20.event1 = "10" ///
21.event1 = "11" ///
22.event1 = "12" ///
23.event1 = "13" ///
24.event1 = "14" ///
25.event1 = "15") ///更改系数的label
vertical ///转置图形
yline(0, lwidth(vthin) lpattern(dash) lcolor(teal)) ///加入y=0这条虚线
ylabel(-0.06(0.02)0.06) ///
xline(11, lwidth(vthin) lpattern(dash) lcolor(teal)) ///
ytitle("Percentage Changes", size(small)) ///加入Y轴标题,大小small
xtitle("Years relative to branch deregulation", size(small)) ///加入X轴标题,大小small
transform(*=@-r(mean)) ///去除前十期的系数均值,更好看
addplot(line @b @at if @at < 11, lcolor(gs0) || line @b @at if @at>11, lcolor(gs0) lwidth(thin)) ///增加点之间的连线
ciopts(lpattern(dash) recast(rcap) msize(medium)) ///CI为虚线上下封口
msymbol(circle_hollow) ///plot空心格式
graph export "article2_6.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
Beck, T., Levine, R., & Levkov, A. (2010). Big bad banks? The winners and losers from bank deregulation in the United States. The Journal of Finance, 65(5), 1637-1667. 黄河泉老师的帖子 多期DID:平行趋势检验图示 开学礼包:如何使用双重差分法的交叉项(迄今最全攻略) Stata: reghdfe-多维固定效应
. clear all
. set obs 60
. set seed 10101
. gen id =_n
/// 每一个数值的数量扩大11倍,再减去前六十个观测值,即60*11-60 = 600,为60个体10年的面板数据
. expand 11
. drop in 1/60
. count
. bys id: gen time = _n+1999
. xtset id time
. gen x1 = rnormal(1,7)
. gen x2 = rnormal(2,5)
. sort time id
. by time: gen ind = _n
. sort id time
. by id: gen T = _n
. gen y = 0
. gen D = 0
. gen birth_date = 0
forvalues i = 1/20{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2004
replace birth_date = 2004 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 21/40{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2006
replace birth_date = 2006 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 41/60{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2008
replace birth_date = 2008 if id == `i'
///将基础数据结构保存成dta文件,命名为DID_Basic_Simu.dta,默认保存在当前的 working directory 路径下
save "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta",replace
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe r
predict e, ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article2_1.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
reg y c.D x1 x2 i.time i.id, r
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, r fe
eststo xtreg_fe
areg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 D)
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + 10 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
///Time-varying DID 和 Event Study Approach 的结合
///用当前年份减去个体接受处理的年份,得到相对的时间值event,将 -4 期之前的时间归并到第 -4 期,由于部分个体没有多于 -4 期的时间
gen event = time - birth_date
replace event = -4 if event <= -4
tab event, gen(eventt)
drop eventt1
xtreg y eventt* x1 x2 i.time, r fe
coefplot, ///
keep(eventt*) ///
coeflabels(eventt2 = "-3" ///
eventt3 = "-2" ///
eventt4 = "-1" ///
eventt5 = "0" ///
eventt6 = "1" ///
eventt7 = "2" ///
eventt8 = "3" ///
eventt9 = "4" ///
eventt10 = "5") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article2_2.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
. clear all
. set obs 60
. set seed 10101
. gen id =_n
/// 每一个数值的数量扩大11倍,再减去前六十个观测值,即60*11-60 = 600,为60个体10年的面板数据
. expand 11
. drop in 1/60
. count
. bys id: gen time = _n+1999
. xtset id time
. gen x1 = rnormal(1,7)
. gen x2 = rnormal(2,5)
. sort time id
. by time: gen ind = _n
. sort id time
. by id: gen T = _n
. gen y = 0
. gen D = 0
. gen birth_date = 0
forvalues i = 1/20{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2004
replace birth_date = 2004 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 21/40{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2006
replace birth_date = 2006 if id == `i'
forvalues i = 41/60{
replace D = 1 if id == `i' & time >= 2008
replace birth_date = 2008 if id == `i'
///将基础数据结构保存成dta文件,命名为DID_Basic_Simu.dta,默认保存在当前的 working directory 路径下
save "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta",replace
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe r
predict e, ue
binscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
graph export "article2_3.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
reg y c.D x1 x2 i.time i.id, r
eststo reg
xtreg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, r fe
eststo xtreg_fe
areg y c.D x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robust
eststo areg
reghdfe y c.D x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)
eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") ///
cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///
stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) ///
legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 D)
use "DID_Basic_Simu_1.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()
bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2004 & id >= 1 & id <= 20
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2006 & id >= 21 & id <= 40
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + (time - birth + 1 ) * 3 + rnormal() if time >= 2008 & id >= 41 & id <= 60
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if y1 == .
replace y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
///Time-varying DID 和 Event Study Approach 的结合
///用当前年份减去个体接受处理的年份,得到相对的时间值event,将 -4 期之前的时间归并到第 -4 期,由于部分个体没有多于 -4 期的时间
gen event = time - birth_date
replace event = -4 if event <= -4
tab event, gen(eventt)
drop eventt1
xtreg y eventt* x1 x2 i.time, r fe
coefplot, ///
keep(eventt*) ///
coeflabels(eventt2 = "-3" ///
eventt3 = "-2" ///
eventt4 = "-1" ///
eventt5 = "0" ///
eventt6 = "1" ///
eventt7 = "2" ///
eventt8 = "3" ///
eventt9 = "4" ///
eventt10 = "5") ///
vertical ///
yline(0) ///
ytitle("Coef") ///
xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///
addplot(line @b @at) ///
ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///
graph export "article2_4.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
///本文并没有提供 Beck, Levine & Levkov(2010) 原文的代码和数据集,本部分的运行结果仅做生成图形对比。感兴趣的同学可以去引言中提到的经管之家黄河泉老师的帖子下载相关内容进行操作。
xtset statefip wrkyr
gen bb = 0
gen aa = 11
gen event = wrkyr - branch_reform
replace event = -10 if event <= -10
replace event = 15 if event >= 15
///tab event, gen(eventt)
gen event1 = event + 10
gen y = log(gini)
qui xtreg y ib10.event1 i.wrkyr, fe r
forvalues i = 0/9{
gen b_`i' = _b[`i'.event1]
gen avg_coef = (b_0+b_9+b_8+b_7+b_6+b_5+b_4+b_3+b_2+b_1)/10
su avg_coef
return list
coefplot, baselevels ///
drop(_cons event1 *.wrkyr ) ///
if(@at!=11) ///去除当年的系数点
coeflabels(0.event1 = "-10" ///
1.event1 = "-9" ///
2.event1 = "-8" ///
3.event1 = "-7" ///
4.event1 = "-6" ///
5.event1 = "-5" ///
6.event1 = "-4" ///
7.event1 = "-3" ///
8.event1 = "-2" ///
9.event1 = "-1" ///
10.event1 = "0" ///
11.event1 = "1" ///
12.event1 = "2" ///
13.event1 = "3" ///
14.event1 = "4" ///
15.event1 = "5" ///
16.event1 = "6" ///
17.event1 = "7" ///
18.event1 = "8" ///
19.event1 = "9" ///
20.event1 = "10" ///
21.event1 = "11" ///
22.event1 = "12" ///
23.event1 = "13" ///
24.event1 = "14" ///
25.event1 = "15") ///更改系数的label
vertical ///转置图形
yline(0, lwidth(vthin) lpattern(dash) lcolor(teal)) ///加入y=0这条虚线
ylabel(-0.06(0.02)0.06) ///
xline(11, lwidth(vthin) lpattern(dash) lcolor(teal)) ///
ytitle("Percentage Changes", size(small)) ///加入Y轴标题,大小small
xtitle("Years relative to branch deregulation", size(small)) ///加入X轴标题,大小small
transform(*=@-r(mean)) ///去除前十期的系数均值,更好看
addplot(line @b @at if @at < 11, lcolor(gs0) || line @b @at if @at>11, lcolor(gs0) lwidth(thin)) ///增加点之间的连线
ciopts(lpattern(dash) recast(rcap) msize(medium)) ///CI为虚线上下封口
msymbol(circle_hollow) ///plot空心格式
graph export "article2_6.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
►一周热文统计计量丨倍差法DID详解 (一):传统 DID
数据呈现丨Python 手绘风格可视化神包:cutecharts
数据呈现 | R制图:日历热图,杭州空气质量知多少?统计计量丨部分线性函数型系数面板数据模型的估计与Stata应用数据呈现丨R与Office珠联璧合:如何实现R制图便捷导入PPT?