




  • What is the main theme of the passage?

  • What is the passage mainly about?

  • Which is the main idea of the passage?

什么是主旨(main idea)? 

我们常常会碰到需要我们找文章的主旨的题目。主旨就是main idea,就是中心思想。它通常是一个完整的句子,这个句子要能全面准确地概括文章的要旨。学会如何寻找一个段落或一篇文章的主要思想,体现了一个人归纳总结的能力,也是学生必须掌握的阅读技巧。

举个通俗的例子,main idea就是当别人问你“你周六干了什么?”时,你回答“我去逛商场了”,而不是长篇大论地细扒你一整天的行程。换言之,main idea指的是除去所有细节之后的一个段落或文章的中心思想。



  • a blue hood and red sleeves  蓝色帽子和红色袖子

  • very fuzzy 毛茸茸的

  • very warm 很暖和

  • zipper of my coat is green  拉链是绿色的

  • a picture of a snow man  有个雪人的图案

这段话的主旨(main idea)其实一句话:

I got a new coat.



如何确定文章的main idea? 

有时作者会在文中直接提出main idea,那么读者只需在文中找出关键的topic sentence即可。

然而,全国医学博士英语统考这样的有难度的考试中,你会发现读到的大多数文章的main idea都被作者巧妙地隐藏了。如果作者没有直接陈述正文的main idea,那么就需要读者通过字里行间的暗示进行推断。

方法一:在文章中锁定main idea的位置

1.  文章或段落的开头

英美写作喜欢开门见山,多数情况下,main idea在文章第一段、或段落的第一句话就会直接出现。


Summer is a wonderful time to spend at West Beach. It is a beach with light- colored, soft sand. The coastline goes on for a long way and many people enjoy walking along it. Children like to play in the surf and walk along the rocks that are visible at low tide. This is a fun beach for people of all ages. 

上面这段文字的话题(topic)是“West Beach”;主旨(main idea)则是“summer is a wonderful time at West Beach”.

2. 段落或文章的结尾

有时,main idea也会放在段落或文章的结尾,起到概括主要信息,强调主题的作用。例如:

Most teenagers and young adults do not know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. It is a big decision. There are a number of things you can do to narrow the choices. For example you can take an interest test, do some research on your own about a career, try volunteer work in the field in which you are interested, or “job-shadow”, in which you spend a day with a person who is working in a field that interests you. These are just a few helpful ideas as you begin to choose a career. 

上述段落的话题(topic)是 “jobs or career choices”;主旨(main idea)是“a few ideas to help reader choose a career”。

3. 段落的中间

当然,不排除main idea也可能出现在段落的中间。作者用几句话介绍话题,提出主要观点,然后用余下的段落来论证。在这种情况下,main idea相对来说更难确定。

让我们再看一个例子,你是否能准确定位main idea在哪里呢?

The United States seems to be in love with the idea of going out to eat. Because of this, a real variety of restaurants has come about specializing in all kinds of foods. McDonald’s is the king of a subgroup of restaurants called fast-food restaurants. Chances are, no matter where you live, there is a McDonald’s restaurant near you. There are even McDonald’s in the Soviet Union. Now McDonald’s is trying something new. It is called McDonald’s Express and there is a test site in Peabody, Massachusetts. It is part of a Mobil gas station. This allows you to fill up with gas and fill up on food at the same time. What will they think of next?

上述这段文字的话题(topic)是“MacDonald's”;主旨(main idea)是“ McDonald's is the king of fast food”。



如果作者没有直接在文章写出main idea,就需要根据文章内容进行推断。

小白老师的办法是把整篇文章想像成女孩子的一个大大的衣柜,衣柜里面挂满了一年四季的各种衣服(文章的各种细节),我们打开柜子,把衣服一件一件拿出来看,然后总结它们的共同点。冷色调多还是暖色调多?裙子多还是裤子多?这些衣物材质怎么样?是优雅知性的还是性感热辣的?一旦你发现它们之间的关联,那么这个女孩子的形象和风格(文章的main idea)就清清楚楚了。


When you're with your friends, it's okay to be loud and use slang. They'll expect it and they aren't grading you on your grammar. When you're standing in a boardroom or sitting for an interview, you should use your best English possible, and keep your tone suitable to the working environment. Try to gauge the personality of the interviewer and the setting of the workplace before cracking jokes or speaking out of turn. If you' re ever in a position to speak publicly, always ask about your audience, and modify your language, tone, pitch and topic based on what you think the audience's preferences would be. You'd never give a lecture about atoms to third-graders!


但如果你找到它们的共同点,就会发现,作者通过不同的场合试图说明,人们的说话方式需要根据场合进行调整(和朋友可以说俚语、面试则要礼貌沉稳、公共场所就要注意自己的语气)。 那么综合来看,“Different situations requires different kinds of speech”就是文章隐含的main idea。



A new hearing device uses a magnet to hold the detachable sound-processing portion in place. Like other aids, it converts sound into vibrations. But it is unique in that it can transmit the vibrations directly to the magnet and then to the inner ear. This produces a clearer sound. The new device will not help all hearing-impaired people - only those with a hearing loss caused by infection or some other problem in the middle ear. It will probably help no more than 20 percent of all people with hearing problems. Those people who have persistent ear infections, however, should find relief and restored hearing with the new device.

显然,这段话重复出现的一个信息是 “a new hearing device”,文中用it来指代a new hearing device,并把它作为大多数句子的主语,反复出现,那个东西就是作者强调的重点。由此我们可以推断出这段文字的main idea是:

“A new hearing device is now available for some hearing-impaired people. ”








最后我们来做个练习,请大家找找下面这段话的main idea:

The movie Apollo 13 was a blockbuster for the summer of 1995. It is an exciting story about space exploration. In the movie, the astronauts get in trouble while they are trying to return to Earth. People in the audience are on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happens. What makes it even more exciting is that it is a true story. 

大家都来留言参与一下,这段文字的topic和main idea分别是什么?








