

南医大小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-23

小白老师说:老龄化是全球热门话题,所以布置作文一篇,给大家练手。注意,小白老师预测的不是单纯的 “老龄化”,而是提的与医学、健康密切相关的“健康老龄化”这个主题。并且还给大家总结这个主题的实用表达和句子。还是那句话,万一考到,有备无患。

请大家在 50 分钟之内,按医学博士英语统考作文部分的要求完成下面的作文。中途不得查词典、不得百度,要模拟自己是在考试,逼一逼自己,写不出来也要硬写。

Part V   Writing (20%)
In this part there is an essay in Chinese. Read it carefully and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that your summary covers the major points of the passage.




1990 年世界卫生组织最早提出健康老龄化,以应对人口老龄化的问题。其核心理念是生理健康、心理健康、适应社会良好。健康老龄化,就是要在社会老龄化的情况下,通过全社会的共同努力,改善老龄群体的生活和生命质量,实现健康老龄化社会,使老年人健康幸福地度过晚年。


中国政府提出中国今后 5 年将推进老年健康促进与教育,健全老年医疗卫生服务体系,加强医疗保障体系建设,持续提升老年人健康水平。主要举措有:

1. 加强老年健康教育。健全老年人身边的体育健身组织,丰富老年人身边的体育健身活动。倡导积极健康的生活方式,提高老年人的健康水平和生活质量。开展老年健康保健知识进社区、进家庭活动,针对老年人特点,开发老年健康教育教材,积极宣传适宜老年人的中医养生保健方法,加强老年人自救互救卫生应急技能训练。 

2. 做好老年疾病预防工作。做好国家基本公共卫生服务项目中的老年人健康管理服务工作,适当调整老年人健康体检的项目和内容。推广老年痴呆、跌倒、便秘、尿失禁等防治适宜技术,开展老年常见病、慢性病、口腔疾病的筛查干预和健康指导,做到老年疾病早发现、早诊断、早治疗,促进老年人功能健康。 

3. 推动开展老年人心理健康与关怀服务。启动老年人心理健康预防和干预计划,为贫困、空巢、失能、失智、计划生育特殊家庭和高龄独居老年人提供日常关怀和心理支持服务。加强对老年严重精神障碍患者的社区管理和康复治疗,鼓励老年人积极参与社会活动,促进老年人心理健康。 

4. 加强医疗卫生服务体系中服务老年人的功能建设。加强康复医院、护理院和综合性医院老年病科建设。推动基层医疗卫生机构积极开展老年人医疗、康复、护理、家庭病床等服务,提高老年人医疗卫生服务的可及性。推动安宁疗护服务的发展。倡导为老年人义诊,为行动不便的老年人提供上门服务。到2020年,医疗机构普遍建立为老年人提供挂号、就医等便利服务的绿色通道。 

5. 推动居家老年人长期照护服务的发展。强化基层医疗卫生服务网络功能,积极推广家庭医生签约服务,为老年人提供综合、连续、协同、规范的基本医疗和公共卫生服务。充分利用社区卫生服务体系,培育社会护理人员队伍,为居家老年人提供长期照护服务,为家庭成员提供照护培训,探索建立从居家、社区到专业机构的比较健全的长期照护服务供给体系。 

6. 加强老年健康相关科研工作。开展大型队列研究,研究判定与预测老年健康的指标、标准与方法,研发可穿戴老年人健康支持技术和设备。探索老年综合症和共病的发病过程与规律,研发综合防治适宜技术、指南和规范,构建老年健康管理网络。 

7. 开展老年人中医药健康管理服务项目。扩大中医药健康管理服务项目的覆盖广度和服务深度,不断丰富老年人中医健康指导的内容,推广老年中医体质辨识服务,根据老年人不同体质和健康状态提供更多中医养生保健、疾病防治等健康指导。 

8. 推进信息技术支撑健康养老发展,发展智慧健康养老新业态。充分运用互联网、物联网、大数据等信息技术手段,创新健康养老服务模式,开展面向家庭、社区的智慧健康养老应用示范,提升健康养老服务覆盖率和质量效率。搭建智慧健康养老服务平台,对接各级医疗卫生及养老服务资源,建立老年健康动态监测机制,整合信息资源,实现信息共享,为老年人提供健康指导、慢病管理、安全监护等服务。推进医疗机构远程医疗建设,为机构养老人群提供便利服务。 


9. 推进老年宜居环境建设。建设老年人社会参与支持环境,从与老年健康息息相关的各方面入手,优化 “住、行、医、养” 等环境,营造安全、便利、舒适、无障碍的老年宜居环境体系。推进老年人住宅适老化改造,支持适老住宅建设。弘扬敬老、养老、助老的社会风尚,强化家庭养老功能,完善家庭养老政策支持体系。 


关键词破解:“健康老龄化” 用英语怎么说?

  • successful ageing / aging

  • healthy ageing / aging

老龄化,写成 ageing(英式英语)和 aging(美式英语)都可以。在写作中,请大家统一用其中的一种拼法,不要在同一篇作文里面出现两种拼法。

“健康老龄化”,国际上最专业的提法是 successful ageing,大家写成 healthy ageing 也是可以的,国外很多针对老年人的保健养生网站都是用 Healthy ageing,但是世卫组织的官方提法是 successful ageing。

关键词破解:“老人” 用英语怎么说?

  • older adults

  • senior citizens

  • old population

  • the aged

  • the elderly

  • the old

  • old people(该表达正确,但是过于通俗)



1. The population in China is ageing rapidly. 

这是 “中国人口正在迅速老龄化” 之最最言简意赅、举重若轻的写法。一定要学会。

2. People all over the world are living longer, but their chances of spending these later years in good health and well-being vary within and between countries.


3. The substantial increases in life expectancy at birth achieved over the previous century, combined with medical advances, escalating health and social care costs, and higher expectations for older age, have led to international interest in how to promote a healthier old age and how to age “successfully.” 


4. For too many, old age brings a high risk of social isolation and poverty, with limited access to affordable, high-quality health and social services. 

5. Strong public policies are thus needed to ensure that positive trends can be sustained and the benefits of a longer life can extend to everyone regardless of where they live or the socioeconomic group they belong to.

6. For older adults, life was no longer based on ego or endeavors. Life was different. 


7. Today, older adults are experiencing on average better overall health, lower disability rates, and greater economic security than previous generations, due in part to key national programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. However, older adults often encounter challenges to their physical, mental, cognitive, and social health. 



1. Never has there been such a spotlight on older adults, and we can use this moment to redefine what it means to experience healthy aging in China. 


2. Successful aging refers to physical, mental and social well-being in older age.


3. Recent studies emphasize the importance of adaptation and emotional well-being in successful aging. New data suggests that for most senior citizens, subjective quality of life is more important than the absence of disease and other objective measures relating to physical and mental health. 

4. There are a few investigations into older people's views of what is successful ageing. Their definitions include mental, psychological, physical, and social health; functioning and resources; life satisfaction; having a sense of purpose; financial security; learning new things; accomplishments; physical appearance; productivity; contribution to life; sense of humour; and spirituality.


5. Additionally, recent studies have shown that for most senior citizens, subjective quality of life is strongly tied with psychosocial protective traits such as resilience, optimism, and mental and emotional status.


1. Therefore, all sectors must be engaged in planning for the opportunities of a growing population of older adults to ensure people are not only adding years to life, but life to years


2. One important outcome of the conference was the administration's announcement of the evelopment of a report to advance healthy aging with a national strategy. 

3. The Strategy’s aim is to increase the length of people’s lives and ensure their lives are healthy and productive. 


4. The vision of the Strategy is working together to improve the health and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities by moving the country from a mindset focused on sickness and disease to one based on prevention and wellness.

学会了吗,提到“目的、目标” 不要老是用 goal,试试 vision。vision 是什么意思?vision 就是“愿景”!一秒钟高大上~

5. A person's ability to interact with others has been consistently viewed as vitally important to successful aging.

6. Many researchers have believed that social relationships have become the single most important factor in measuring a person's psychological well-being or happiness.

7. These healthy aging actions were identified based on a review of the scientific literature and consultation with experts in the fields of aging and public health, as well as experts from medical fields. 













