保证你一学就会 | 怎样用英文主持学术会议(进阶版)
1. 先问候一下参会者,对他们表示欢迎
“女生们先生们,大家早上好,欢迎大家参加我们的 ABC 分会场。”
Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to Session on ABC.
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Session on ABC
It is a privilege for me to welcome you to Session on ABC
I am happy to welcome you to Session on ABC
I am privileged to welcome you to Session on ABC.
2. 作为主持人,你得先自我介绍一下
“我是来自中国南京医科大学的 A 博士。我是今天下午会议的主席。”
I am Dr. A from Nanjing Medical University, China. And I will be the chairman for this afternoon’s session.
3. 别忘了宣布演讲人的时间限制
“我先说下基本要求,每个报告限时 15 分钟,每个报告后都会留 5 分钟的讨论时间。今天的会议结束时,我们将就今天的所有论文做一个开放式讨论。”
There are some basic rules. First, please limit your presentation in 15 minutes. At the end of each presentation, there will be 5 minutes for discussion. At the end of the session we will have an open discussion on any of the papers presented.
4. 议程临时有变动时你该怎么说
Unfortunately, we have to cancel paper No.5 and No.6.
We have to reverse the order of No.5 and No.6.
“会议日程表上的报告人有些变动,原定由 A 博士汇报第二篇论文,因特殊情况他今天无法出席会议,所有改由 B 博士来汇报。”
There has been some changes in the people listed on the program. Dr. A who was expected to present the second paper could not attend this meeting due to some particular reason, and Dr. B will present the paper.
1. 介绍每一位演讲嘉宾的身份及演讲主题
“今天上午第一篇论文将由南京医科大学高分子科学教授 A 博士宣读。他的题目是 ……(题目),有请 A 博士。"
The first paper this morning will be presented by Dr. A, professor of polymer science at Nanjing Medical University, and his topic is " …(title)". Dr. A.
“本会场下一个报告是:……(题目)”。下面就有请 A 博士来谈谈这个十分重要的课题。
The next presentation in this session is on “…(title) ”. I would like to invite Dr. A to talk about this important subject.
2. 因时间关系,需要临时跳过讨论、直接进入下一场演讲时主持人该怎么说
Sorry, the schedule is rather tight. We haven’t any time for discussion, so we must go on to the next paper.
3. 演讲人拖沓时,你作为主持人该怎么提示他
“很抱歉,A 博士,我们必须加快速度了,时间很紧。”
Dr. A , I’m sorry, but we do have to move on; we are running short of time.
4. 演讲人讲完了,主持人该说些什么
“感谢您精彩的论文 / 演讲 / 报告, A 博士。”
Thank you very much, Dr. A , for your excellent paper / presentation / speech.
1. 如何宣布讨论开始
Time for discussion, do you have any question?
2. 如何启发和引导提问
“大家还有什么问题或评论要问 A 博士吗?”
Any more questions or comments for Dr. A ?
“好的,那我们就转到下一个问题/ 题目,即 XYZ。”
Well, let’s turn / move on to the next problem / subject of XYZ.
3. 如何限制、终止讨论
I think that’ll be the last / final question before we go on to the next speaker.
I think that’ll be the last / final question before we close this meeting.
4. 如何维持会场秩序、把控时间
May I have your attention, please!
Let’s take five minutes stretch.
Well, let's take a break.
1. 当然是先宣布会议结束啦
It’s time for us to close this meeting.
2. 别忘了表示感谢
Thank you all for your attention.
15 岁的时候觉得学游泳很难,放弃游泳,到 18 岁的时候遇到一个你喜欢的人约你去游泳,你只好说:“我不会耶。”
18 岁的时候觉得学英语难,放弃学英语。28 岁的时候出现一个很棒、但是要英语很好的工作,你只好说:“我不会耶。”
干货 | 如何用英语做一场规范的学术演讲