

英文作者:Leo Yu、Qiangqiang Li、Alicia Wu、 Tobey Wang



Compliance Guidelines for Employers in Special Period


Basic information about 2019-nCoV


2019 Novel Coronavirus (“2019-nCoV”), was first identified in Wuhan following Wuhan pneumonia epidemic. With widely spread of 2019-nCoV Pneumonia, as of 24pm, January 22, 2020, there were 571 confirmed cases in mainland China, among which there were 17 deaths, and 3 confirmed cases in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, and 6 additional confirmed cases abroad.


Great importance has been attached by both the Central Government and local authorities to this outbreak. On January 20, 2020, the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China issued a notice to incorporate 2019-nCov Infection Pneumonia into the Class B infectious diseases as stipulated in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, and to adopt prevention and control measures for Class A infectious diseases. Currently, Hubei Province has initiated public health emergency level II response, which is the emergency response of major infectious diseases that occur within a short period of time, involve a wide range of patients or death cases, and the incidence rate is far higher than usual. Under the leadership of the National Health Commission, 32 government departments have jointly established a joint prevention and control mechanism to deal with the new infection of the 2019-nCoV outbreak, and set up working groups on epidemic prevention and control, medical treatment, scientific research, publicity, foreign affairs, logistics support, frontline work and etc. According to 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia Prevention and Control Command Notice issued by Wuhan Municipal 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia Prevention and Control Command, from 10am, January 23, 2020, Wuhan city bus, subway, ferry, intercity transportation shall be halted; the public shall not leave Wuhan without special reasons, the airport, railway station in Wuhan shall be temporarily shut down.


Guidelines for employers in response to the epidemic


1.Guidelines for employers under the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases


Facing the outbreak, in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Implementation measures of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease, and Regulations on Public Health Emergencies etc., the employers shall mainly undertake the following obligations:


1.1 Employers which employing more than 200 migrant employees shall report to the health and epidemic prevention institutions designated by the local government's administrative department of health, and shall take measures to prevent and control infectious diseases as required. Employers may dial 12320 to inquire the telephone number of local Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), and report to local CDC.

1.1 流動人員200名以上を募集した場合、使用者が、現地政府衛生行政部門の指定した衛生防疫機構に報告し、要求通りに伝染病予防制御衛生措置を取ること。各使用者が、12320番をかけ、現地の疾病制御センターに電話し、疾病制御センターの要求通りに報告を行うこと。

1.2 If discovers infectious disease patients or suspected infectious disease patients, the employers shall report to the nearby disease prevention and control institution or medical institution in a timely manner;

1.2 伝染病感染者、又は感染の疑いがある人員が発見された場合、付近の疾病予防制御機構又は医療機構に報告すること。

1.3 Cooperating and implementing prevention and control measures such as isolation and control of infectious diseases by disease prevention and control institutions and medical institutions, including but not limited to cooperating with government departments or disease control departments in suspending work, shutting down business operations; cancelling crowd-gathering activities or closing the premises that may cause the spread of infectious diseases; implementing sanitary and quarantine measures of supplies and vehicles, etc.

1.3 疾病予防制御機構、医療機構の伝染病に関する隔離治療などの予防・制御措置にご協力・執行すること。例えば、一時休業、集団活動の取り消し、又は、伝染病拡散する可能性がある場所の封鎖などについて、政府部門、又は衛生疾病制御部門にご協力すること。政府部門、又は衛生疾病制御部門よりの物質及び交通機関に対する衛生検疫などに、ご協力すること。

1.4 Cooperating with the health administrative departments to enter the office premises to conduct on-site investigation and collect evidence, to review or copy relevant information, collect samples and inspection and other measures. Providing the relevant information truthfully, and not concealing the truth or make a false report or a delay report on the epidemic situation, and shall not instruct any third party to conceal the truth about or make a false report on or delay report on the epidemic situation.

1.4 衛生行政部門よりのオフィス現場での調査、証拠収集、関連資料の閲覧・コピー、サンプルの採取・検査などの措置にご協力し、また、事実とおりに関連情況を提出し、隠蔽・延期報告・不実報告又は、他人に隠蔽・延期報告・不実報告させるようにしてはいけない。

1.5 Facilitating the implementation of other emergency measures taken by the government.

1.5 政府執行部門が取ったほかの緊急措置に、ご協力すること。

2. Guidelines for employers under the Labor Law


Pursuant to Labor Law of People’s Republic of China (“Labor Law”) and Labor Contract Law of People’s Republic of China (“Labor Contract Law”), the employers shall mainly undertake the following obligations:


2.1 Employers shall keep paying the employees during the period of his or her isolation;

2.1 労働者が隔離されている期間中、使用者が隔離されている期間中、関連賃金報酬の支払いを停止してはいけない;

2.2 Employees who have been diagnosed with the disease shall be entitled to sick leave pay and medical period treatment benefits in accordance with the relevant provisions of the medical treatment period;

2.2 感染だと診断された労働者に対し、医療期間中、関連規定により病欠賃金を支払い、又は、医療期間の待遇を享受させること;

2.3 During the medical treatment period, the employer shall not terminate the labor contract with the employee for non-negligent reasons;

2.3 医療期間内には、使用者が非労働者の過失による労働契約を解除してはならない;

2.4 The infectious disease patients, pathogen carriers and suspected infectious patients shall, before they are cured or cleared of suspicion, be prohibited from taking jobs which laws, administrative regulations or the health administration department under the State Council prohibits them from taking, because of the likelihood of causing the spread of infectious diseases, for instance, food or water related work, plastic surgery, childcare, etc.;

2.4 関連業務(例えば、飲水、飲食、整形、保育など)に従事する場合、伝染病が拡散されやすくなることもあるので、伝染病感染者、病原体キャリア、及び感染の疑いがある人員に対し、病気が治る、又は伝染病の可能性を排除されるまでに、使用者は、法律・行政法規及び国務院衛生行政部門の規定に禁止されている前述の関連業務の依頼をしてはいけない;

2.5 Protecting the equal right to employment. Where the employees return to the work after the isolation or after being healed, the employers shall not discriminate against them;

2.5 労働者の平等的な就職権利を保障し、隔離期間満了後、又は病気治る後、職場に戻る場合、使用者は差別してはいけない;

2.6 Strictly implementing the national labor safety and health regulations as well as standards, providing labor safety and health education for employees, providing employees with labor safety and health conditions and labor protection supplies in accordance with the laws and regulations.

2.6 厳格に国家労働安全衛生規定及び標準通りに執行し、労働者に対し、労働安全衛生教育を行い、労働者に国家に規定されている労働安全衛生条件、及び必要な労働保護具を提供すること。

In practice, many employers have taken measures proactively to control the spread of the disease, such as cancelling collective events, arranging employees to work from home or stay at home for medical observation, monitoring the temperature of employees, provide disinfectant, masks and etc.


How should employers respond to special situations in a major epidemic?


1. How should employers respond to shutdowns and operation suspension?

1. 使用者は、一時休業について、どう対応すべく

According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases,when an infectious disease breaks out, the government may take emergency measures such as suspending work and business. Employers shall make emergency plans for shutdowns and business closures in a timely manner, evacuate employees, avoid collective activities as much as possible, arrange employees to work from home, etc. For business enterprises that are related to public’s clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, they should implement preventive and control measures such as shutdown, suspension of business, restricting the flow of people, and strengthening disinfection according to the instructions of the government authorities or health and disease control departments.


2. How should the employers cooperate in the establishment of an epidemic prevention and control monitoring mechanism? How to conduct a self-inspection?

2. 使用者は、どのように疫病予防制御の観察測定メカニズムの設立に協力し、また、自己検査を行う。

Employers may establish a reporting mechanism and self-inspection mechanism for employees. Employees’ vacations should be disclosed to the employers, which shall also be inspected and recorded by a commissioner.


3. How to prevent and control the major epidemic after the Spring Festival?

3. 旧正月明けにの出勤により、重大疫病が発生した場合、どのように予防すべく

According to The Notice of Hubei Provincial People’s Government on Strengthening Prevention and Control of 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia, the individuals who had close contact with the patient and suspicious exposed patient are subject to isolation medical observation at home or in a centralized place, and the observation period is 14 days after the last unprotected contact with the confirmed case or suspicious exposed patient. After the Spring Festival, employers may recommend all employees who can work in flexible locations to work from home for 14 days. For employees who can only work on the premises, it is recommended that the employees who have been to high-infection areas or have close contact with people coming from high-infection areas shall have medical observation at home for 14 days and can only work on premises after being confirmed of no infection.


Employers are recommended to prepare temperature measurement equipment, hand sanitizer, masks and etc. in the office, and to make emergency plans for work stoppage and business suspension, and make emergency plans if discovers epidemic diseases in the office.


4. If an employee is diagnosed with infection or has been in close contact with infected person(s), what should the employers do?

4. 従業員が感染されたと診断され、又は従業員が感染者と密接に接触した場合、どう対応すべく

If an employee is diagnosed with 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia, he/she shall be sent to a hospital in time and shall be isolated from other employees. It is suggested that the employees who had close contact with those diagnosed with 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia should work at home; in case of emergency, temporary isolated office area can be set up in a meeting room and other places. The employers shall disinfect the office places and desks of the sick employee. According to medical clinical evidence, 75% medical alcohol, chlorine containing disinfectant and hydrogen peroxide disinfectant can effectively inactivate the virus.


5. If an employee is diagnosed with the disease, do the employers need to pay medical expenses?

5. 従業員が診断された場合、使用者は治療費用を支払う必要があるか

According to Notice of the National Medical Safeguard Administration and the Ministry of Finance on Improving Medical Safeguard for 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia, as to the medical expenses incurred by patients, after the payment of basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, medical assistance, etc., according to regulations, the part to be borne by the patients will be financially subsidized. The drugs and medical service items used by patients in line with the diagnosis and treatment scheme of 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia formulated by the health department can be temporarily included in the payment scope of the medical insurance fund.


Therefore, if an employer has paid basic medical insurance for the employees in accordance with laws and regulations, the employer is not required to make any additional payment. Where medical expenses, paid by employees diagnosed with 2019-nCoV Infection Pneumonia, could be included in the medical insurance fund’s payment scope in accordance with relevant laws and regulations or related policies, those expenses could be paid by the medical insurance fund; and the part to be borne by the patients personally, which cannot be included in the payment scope of medical insurance fund, shall be first subsidized by the finance according to the financial policy (if any), and the final balance shall be borne by the individual personally. However, during the treatment period after the employee is diagnosed, the employers shall pay sick leave wage and social insurance premiums in accordance with the law.


6. If the employee who has close contact with the personnel in the high-infection area head for the office regardless of the dissuasion or participate in collective events, what should the employers do?

6. 疫病多発地区の人員と密接に接触した従業員が指示に従わずに、オフィスに入り、又は集団活動に参加した場合、使用者がどう対応すべく

It is recommended that employers shall promptly issue arrangements and notices to all employees for responding to the epidemic, and publicize labor discipline of special periods to all employees. For employees who refuse to obey the special arrangements, in principle, the employers, according to Article 39 of the Labor Contract Law and the relevant provisions of the employers’ rules and regulations, may consider warning and punishment first; and then determine whether it constitutes a violation of the rules and regulations according to the seriousness of the case, which should be subject to corresponding punishment; or the employers may report to the relevant competent authority and investigate the administrative legal responsibility and even criminal responsibility of the relevant employees in accordance with the law.


As time is limited, this article is not all-embracing. The above cannot be deemed as legal advice for individual cases. If you have specific legal issues with regard to an outbreak of an epidemic, please feel free to contact us for advice. Thanks for all the colleagues and friends who has provided support for the writing of this article. The more hardships the country experiences, the more prosperous and strong this country would be. We fight together! We make miracle and we win!


This article is written in Chinese, English, and Japanese at the same time. If there is any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail. At the same time, welcome to reprint and forward this article.





Acelaw 法培学院






















