
迁址新展 | 冯至炫、刘川、于航《PINK PUNK PARK》

GENE弥金 Gene弥金 2021-09-25

粉红 朋克 公园

展期 / Duration: 2020.11.08 - 12.07

开幕 / Opening: 2020.11.08, 16:00 - 19:00 

地址 / Address: 中国上海市黄浦区鲁班路68号花样年·卢湾68四楼

4F, Huayangnian·Luwan68, Luban Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai, China

弥金画廊荣幸的宣布,将于全新空间呈现艺术家冯至炫、刘川、于航群展“PINK PUNK PARK 粉红 朋克 公园”,集中三位艺术家的近期创作,以鲜明强烈的个案编织自由精神与反叛意志的意识景观。




在展览“PINK PUNK PARK”中,三个关键词暗示了超脱性别指向的血性,将激烈的情绪溶于柔美的外衣中。对秩序的反抗、自由的追求、身份的关照,在三位艺术家的作品中形成贯穿的线索和互文的呼应,共同指向特定社会现象和文化心理所共谋的完整叙事。

Gene Gallery is pleased to announce that the new space will present the exhibition "PINK PUNK PARK" by artists Feng Zhichuan, Liu Chuan and Yu Hang.This exhibition will focus on the recent creations of three artists, weaving the consciousness landscape of free spirit and rebellious which base on distinct and strong individual cases.

In Yu Hang's large scale paintings, brush strokes and color block representation suggest the possibility of the collaborative construction of abstract structure background color and vague concrete outline. In the tangible and intangible pending state, the artist tries to capture the fog of fear hidden behind the collective subconscious and irony the trap of the rigid order; By the use of network cartoon images, Liu Chuan's paintings present a logical narrative sense of the illustration. The cold and restrained black lines, while moving the violent and bloody story onto the stage, remind the emotional corners of the shadows where the onlookers do not trace; Feng's creative activities always focus on the search and creative use of materials. Based on the proposed identity of Wenzhou islanders, the artists uses cheap materials at their fingertips to compile a feast of abundant contemporary myths and construct a virtual paradise with unknown direction.

The title "PINK PUNK PARK" suggests the spirit of transcending gender orientation, dissolving the intense emotion in the soft and beautiful layout. The resistance to order, the pursuit of freedom, and the care for identity form a running thread and intertextual echo in the works of the three artists, which all point to the complete narration conspired by specific social phenomena and cultural psychology.




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展览预告 | 雷童“#吃鸡#《风景》Loading@绝地求生”

弥金GENE | 爱情与灵药:油罐玩家艺术节

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