展览预告|陈量 于航:龙牌神马
Gene Gallery is is delighted to announce the duo exhibition "Long Pai Shen Ma" by Artists Chen Liang and Yu Hang, from November 08, 2022 to December 07, 2022.
250 x 180cm
Acrylic on Canvas
When trying to find the exact shape or clear clues, the images of Chen Liang and Yu Hang are like barriers in front of them. At this moment, following the tracks of unconscious activities, the traces of physical actions and perceptions, a labyrinth-like wilderness is between the blurred borders of words and paintings, and the boundaries of history and civilization are unfolding slowly, boulders and ravines, weeds and bird tracks, are all the eccentric vitality on this wilderness.
151 x 110cm
Plant dye on Dongzu Native fabric in Qiandongnan、Firestone
Chen Liang had close ties with temples and religion in his childhood. He studied with artists who came to the village to paint and planted the seeds for exploring the rituals, mysticism and belief mechanisms of the village. Starting from this, Chen Liang shows his obscure and twisted writing traces (or paintings without thinking) on leather or rice paper, the obscure expression is actually a direct connection with society and nature in Chen Liang's eyes. The atmosphere of simplicity can also be seen in Yu Hang's works: he obtains an instant image through repeated smearing and coordination. As Yu Hang said, the meanings of these images seem to change every second, taken from what we see in daily life, and transferred with time and space. We cannot discover which powers are giving orders, nor can we assert that the traces of chaos exist only in the inorganic nature of nature.
160 x 170cm
Acrylic on Canvas
“Long Pai Shen Ma" uses "Long Pai" as a symbol of power, and presents the symbolic meaning of monumental images through the transformation of different media to leave the sacred space. It is also continued with “Shen Ma", one of the most characteristic totems of the ethnic group, which contains the dispersion of nature worship and belief among the tribes. This ambiguity brought about by transcendence and hybridity becomes an ethnographic narrative, showing the power of spiritual energy.
Edmond Jabès Poem 《The key to the city》
21.5 x 12.5cm
Plant dye on Native fabric、Ink、Charcoal
The two meanings and the images created by the two are not only intertextual in form, but also similar in creative dimension. The visual energy forces the viewer to enter the wilderness, and the avoidance of the power subject leads the viewer to turn to non-specified spiritual thinking. As Durkheim said, "If the totem system chooses a natural species as a symbol, it is only because this species has become the object of ritual attitude before the totem", then the departure of the specific object brings more imagination space, turning his attention to himself, pacing between beliefs and desires, and bringing innovation through estrangement in art history and media expression.
《浅空漂浮》,( 金臣亦飞鸣美术馆,上海,2022);《原始童话》,( 狮语画廊,上海,2022);《热烈的共舞于街中》,( 弥金画廊,上海,2022);上海廿一当代艺术博览会, ( 上海展览中心,上海, 2021);《哈库呐·玛塔塔》,(弥金画廊,上海,2021);《外星人在此》,(空间站艺术中心,北京,2021);《练习册:安娜卡在您那儿》,(悦·美术馆,北京,2021);2020年西岸艺术与设计博览会,(上海,2020);《PINK PUNK PARK》,(弥金画廊,上海,2020);《NEW ERA FEST——扭曲纪元:前锋紧急支援小组》,(K11,上海,2020);《野草节点:自庚子年起的RPAG世界》,(The Fart,杭州,2020);《太阳是我胯下金灿灿的睾丸-于航个展》,(马丁戈雅生意,杭州,2019);《诗一样的顺滑》,(榕异美术馆,上海,2019); 《炽热》,(Big Space,上海,2019);《爆蓝》,(半张图,上海,2019);《毛胚赛博》,(马丁戈雅生意/象山艺术公社,上海,2019);《苍蝇馆子》,(马丁戈雅生意/大田秀泽,上海,2019);《约翰莫尔绘画奖》,(民生美术馆,上海,2018);《没展》,(喜马拉雅美术馆,上海,2018)。
▷展览现场 Exhibition View | 于航 Hakuna Matata
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