

kevinleung 悬浮映画 2022-04-21

AA TwentySeventeen Graduates


Thispost has been specifically curated to celebrate the graduates of the AA of2017. Thank you and congratulations to you all!



Diploma 1

Hotel Croydon by James Mak


Hotel Croydon is emblematic of our cities, wants, and aspirations, however momentary. Our interior desires are always measured within a grid. They are homes without possessions, order without housework, clean sheets without laundry.
Only to move in then to move out.



Sanctuary byShahaf Blumer


We are losing the contemplative mind.

Gardens by definition are havens of peace,yet their experience within the urban realm is fragmented and superficial. Theintent of the project was to formulate a landscape architectural prototype thatlingers over sensorial experiences found in “wild nature” to accommodateself-reflection.




Narcissus Terminal by Natasha Rieffel



Anti-Acheiropoietic Space by HyunVin


We deal with repeating destructions and reconstitutions of images. Amongst them an analytical recomposition of the Nuremberg courtroom, an architectural recording device, that inaugurated notions of crimes against humanity and reappearances of contested nature. These devices are then deployed to negotiate human and nonhuman relationships in new European institutions.



TheInhabitable Fountain byAnthony Ko


The Inhabitable Fountain creates a new space of public gathering in Beijing through the manipulation and control of water – though it functions as a new Propaganda Tool for the Chinese Government to show domination and total command of China’s most valuable, yet scarce resource. The way this monument is used, or abused, by the people, is the way the fountain comes to life.




River Nile House byMaya Laitinen


Byreclaiming the Nile river as a public sphere in Cairo, focusing on women,especially grandmothers participation in it, the River Nile house should giveboth women and the river a stronger voice and visibility in the city – througha structure responding to and interacting with them, through movement.”



Powers of Byte byZipu Zhu 


TheLandscapes of Collisions concerns the perception of humans, with the perceptionof digital technologies. They are new views of merged visions created and leftbehind through the interactions. We see more and consume more, the ability tocope with the changes marks the progression of society as Mobility Wellbeing.”


Diploma 8

Beyond Caring by Tyler Bollier


Couldour cities do with some more Wild? This Department explores preventivehealth at the scale of the City.  By using the tallest mammal on earth,the Giraffe, as an instrument to Re-wild the Landscape of Whitechapel, London.


Diploma 8

House of Radical Togetherness by Stefan Jovanovic


Welcome to the House of Radical Togetherness.A house that speaks to the unconscious via symbolism and codified narrativeslike the Tarot. This is a space which is porous, runs on simultaneity and callsfor intimacy. It is a conversation between bodies and materials, between silverand silk. The laundry needs to get done, the witch needs to be fed, but mostimportantly of all, the little fool within needs to be let free.



1001 utopias by CarolinaGismondi


 A 1001 utopias tackles the problems of urbandiscontinuities, re-telling the story of an imaginary Milan as an example of anabstract European metropolis.


Diploma 10

TuscanSpecial by Lorenzo Luzzi


 The“Tuscan Special” is a transformative method that works against absolutepreservation of Historical Italian cities. Challenging the role of perspective,a geometrical method of translation transforms the existing into an imaginaryscenario. This intangible projections intend to provoke and transform thestagnant condition of Italian architecture into an evolving city, not bydenying the past, but instead by stealing from it.



ThroughLeviathan’s Eyes byNathan Su (AA Diploma Honours)


We live in a time where cultural ideologies,aspirations and fears are as diverse and dynamic as ever. And yet, our worldviews are becoming increasingly singular, extreme, and sadly – polarised. Ourmedia echo-chambers feed us personalised, self-affirming realities that keep uswell within the boundaries of our own predispositions and assumptions. But whatif the technologies that currently blind us, could somehow bind us together?

‘Through Leviathan’s Eyes’ is an optimistic,speculative glimpse into a world where reality is constructed collaboratively.The film is a non-narrative tour through a near-future condition of ‘cityness’imagining a rewriting of technological priorities; turning the blinding drivefor personalised reality into a truly mixed reality. Here, the unstable,ever-shifting, yet somehow intelligent collective compose space in a constantstate of re-writing and over-writing, that every so often, coalesces into anurgent, moving obsession. The city renders itself as a tangible, augmented palimpsest.A cultural manifestation of Hobbes’ Leviathan.




The Great Indoors byEmma Fraser


Our contemporary condition is one ofinteriority. The relationship between the domains conceived as inside andoutside have shifted immensely and the difference between these domains isbecoming progressively less distinct.

Inresponse to a version of the future where our earth has been consumed by smog,the project proposes an offset of the earth’s habitable crust to form a newpangaea. This colossal structure of unimaginable scale seeks to protecthumanity from the toxic air and provide a new interior version of living.’



Diploma 13

Kill BIM by Anatolios Stathiou


Kill BIM is a video game that follows theprotagonist, Lewis, and his struggle against a mundane and homogenised builtenvironment. Although BIM encourages a collaborative model betweenprofessionals, in architecture it has facilitated standardisation. Within thegame, Lewis will eventually discover the instruments of change and will decidethe fate of BIM.



Form Follows Threshold- Ceci n’est pas un Dome byFederica Zambeletti


 Theproject starts from the notion of form follows edge and uses the dome, ascutting plane to challenge how edges and thresholds determine the way we createand perceive. The edge as both the architects limit and as the physical borderthrough which we have delineated and demarked cities and territories. Theproject positions itself at the intersection between mind and architecture.



ThePeople’s Economy, Community Capitalism byTané Kinch


The People’s Economy is a communitycapitalism strategy enabling independent traders to use new subdivided spaceswithin existing urban fabric to create turnovers which fund further conversionsof profitable units and increase local domestic stock. The system reassertslocal economic power in a time of gentrifying neighbourhoods and franchiseinvestments.



Working With(in) Kipling Estate byTsen Yeoh


Housing estates make a large part of London.But why are they so separate from the city? The project inserts a seriesof shared spaces into Kipling Estate to promote collaboration between localstakeholders and the community, transforming the estate into valuable civicspace and reintegrating it into the city.


Diploma 17

Confluence byJoshua Penk (AA Diploma Honours)


Strategyfor the archaeological excavations and development of Convoys wharf

This is aproject about the meeting of  eras; the slowly exposed remnants of pastdockyard structures, revealed by years of archaeology. And the fast pacedcomparatively short-lived new developments of large scale housing. They meet inthis project at ground level; this level defines the territory of theinvestigation into this unique site. A place existing +10 meters above sealevel and -10 meters below. A place generated from 1513 until 2000 and thendegenerated before re-generation.

Placesthat demand not to be lost are exposed for the first time to the city at largefor the first time in their existence. Those people that demanded are free toexplore these places for the first time in 500 years and allowed to appreciateall that the place has to offer without displacing the creations ofcontemporary society.




Diploma 18

SPA by Laurens Paulman


Theproject SPA is redefining the relationship between people, water and themetropolis. Gradients of treatments, transparency and water atmospheres organizea new medical experience towards a holistic care, integrating body andmind, and integrating the person and the city.”


Diploma 19

Across the Straits, Housing for a Multi-Ethnic Population byTerence Lim


A projectthat attempts to reinvent housing outside forms of colonization in Malaysia.


Diploma 20

Whereis the centre? by JonathanCheng (AA Diploma Honours)


This project is an exploration of the use ofarts and spaces of creative production as a kind of infrastructure ofparticipation, impacting the formation of the cultural center as a project thathas encapsulated modern policies of widespread cultural access and theelimination of class alienation. This has, however, drawn into question whatexactly is the dominant content in this typology of cultural architecture?Leisure and a collective externalization of domestic programs are reallypropped up by the political agency of creative production and consumption. Anunderstanding of how participation – an active negotiating of resistance anddomination – is, here, driving the formal provocation.


Diploma 21

VOLUPTUOUSITY byKira Sciberras


VOLUPTUOUSITY– An experiential tactile space where the ground is unstable, which uninstallsthe habit of routine. This keeps the user constantly aware of themselves, aswell as of the space. This way the ground never allows one to be productive inany way but rather is constantly aware of the environment.


Diploma 22

Primitivity byYuyu He


With no one question the existing conditioned routines in dailylife, hence leisure has become arepresentation of images produced by consumerism traps.By creating an environment for work, leisure and minimal living, in order to challengeour habitat, the existing understanding of surrounding environment, theawareness of our body and the interaction with others.



