
Job Index Keeps Climbing in May 2021

玛斯特翻译 玛斯特翻译 2022-04-26

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Hiring activity in the language industry increased strongly in May 2021, continuing the upward trajectory from April and March 2021. In May 2021, the Slator Language Industry Job Index (LIJI) climbed by almost seven points, a significant increase but smaller than in the previous month.

The May 2021 LIJI grew to 139.41 from 132.66 in April 2021. The index now stands at an all-time high, surpassing its previous best in April 2021 as well as pre-pandemic peaks in July 2019 and March 2020.

The index has climbed a total of 31 points in 2021 year-to-date.

The LIJI was developed to track employment and hiring trends in the global language industry. The July 2018 baseline is the starting point from which expansion or contraction of employment and hiring activity across the industry is measured.

The increase in the May 2021 figure is linked to an uptick in job ads across most platforms monitored by Slator. Observational data related to activity across the language industry in the month of April 2021 also indicated a buoyant environment in terms of hiring and demand levels.

Consistent with the increase in hiring activity, a number of employers posted new roles on LocJobs in April 2021, including design tech startup Canva, TMS provider Memsource, Translators without Borders, and LSP Lingo24.

In other hiring news, Apple advertised job openings for creative voice producers in multiple languages, while the European Commission appointed a new Chief Interpreter in Genoveva Ruiz Calavera. 

The Slator LIJI relies on LinkedIn for part of its underlying data. The social media site has some 500 million users, many of whom share data about their skills, experience, location, company, and job titles on their personal LinkedIn pages. There are over 600,000 profiles under the Translation and Localization category and a search using the keyword Localization also yields more than 600,000 profiles.

In addition to using data from LinkedIn, the Slator LIJI also culls data from a range of sources, including global job aggregation sites and additional direct company data collected from Slator LSPI companies.

Content Source: slator.com

Editor: Master Translations


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