
旭辉.拼图公园 | 拼接自然 乐活城市礼物

大小景观 看见景观 2022-05-17





Landscape Design: Atelier Scale

Project Location: Huai’an, China

Landscape Area: 15000㎡

Completion Year: 2021

城市的礼物 - 拼接自然

A Gift from City


Different from the mega cities, Huai’an is an ancient city with history of rise and fall. People in Huai’an tend to be more calm and content with their life. By the intersection of An’ lan Road and Fuzhun Road, is an area of hard-ware factories, where open public space is in high scarcity. The birth of the Puzzle Park is a precious gift for adjacent neighborhood and even city of Huai’an.

△ 公园一角 ©南西摄影


Huai’an is surrounded by patches of farmlands. A unique urban fabric is created when farmlands and industrial factories are mixed together. These patterns are quite flexible and interconnected, as if scattered puzzles. Our design inspiration comes from these beautiful patterns. As a big piece of puzzle, nature is plugged into this cold industrial area, with a warm-hearted social space.

△ 区域与场地农田肌理 ©大小景观

△ 公园与城市鸟瞰 ©南西摄影

△ 公园鸟瞰 ©南西摄影

多彩的生活 - 拼接生活

Colorful Life


Adjacent to the park, it is CIFI GROUP’s shopping mall and commercial street. The site of the park is large and flat, with at least 100 meters on both sizes. We break the site into different puzzles with different programs, such as kid space, outdoor gym, recreational space and social space.

△ 总平面图 ©大小景观

● 社交城市拼图 the Urban Puzzle


At the entrance of the park is the Urban Puzzle, in which people are guided into the park and adjacent shopping mall, with great gestures of Zelkova promenade, linear fountain and urban decks.

△ 城市拼图轴侧 ©大小景观

△ 夜幕下的城市通廊与波光跳泉 ©南西摄影

△ 观夜幕下与水景的互动 ©南西摄影

△ 儿童的戏水 ©南西摄影

△ 儿童的戏水 ©南西摄影

● 动感山地拼图 the Mountain Puzzle


Adjacent to the Forest Puzzle is the Mountain Puzzle, which is the climax of the park in terms of spatial sequence. A giant slope with drop of 4 meter high, is the most activated part of the place. The grand slope turns to be more gentle on both sides for kids in lower ages, with climbing rope and grabs. The grand slope is so popular that kids have to wait in line. An installation with the Macaron color pallet stands on an open field, standing out and becomes the focal point all over the site.


Facing the grand slope, there are enclosed sitting terraces where parents watch their kids play by the slope and chat with each other at the same time. The terraces work as an amphitheater too.

△ 拼图轴侧 ©大小景观

△ 彩色山洞装置与大滑坡 ©南西摄影

△ 最受欢迎的滑坡 ©南西摄影

△ 儿童在滑坡上嬉戏 ©南西摄影

△ 下沉剧场坐阶 ©南西摄影

● 童趣森林拼图 the Forest Puzzle


By the north is the Forest Puzzle, which is the most natural area of the park, where undulating wash aggregate and natural plants dominate the this part. The central jet fountain is the most popular space for students after school, where they “fight” heavily with their own water guns.

△ 森林拼图轴侧 ©大小景观

△ 森林飞毯与林下互动水池区 ©南西摄影

△ 嬉戏打闹的小朋友们 ©南西摄影

△ 夕阳下的水花 ©南西摄影

● 休闲海洋拼图 the Ocean Puzzle


The Ocean Puzzle shows up as people walk deeper in the park. This is a casual outdoor gym, where children and parents play with the swing and swing chairs. Some older adults tempt to do some gym activities but end up with cell phone reading.

△ 海洋拼图轴侧©大小景观

△ 休闲健身空间 ©南西摄影

△ 健身器械与林中的桥 ©南西摄影

● 展示花园拼图 the Garden Puzzle


At the north end of the park, is the beginning of the commercial street. A commercial plaza anchors this spot with an digital waterfall, which brings crowds for commercial activities.

△ 水帘剧场 ©南西摄影 

△ 展示区后场花园©南西摄影

肆意的笑容 - 拼接情感

Wild Smile


Everyone - no matter what age you are - finds his or her own happiness in the Puzzle Park.


Children climb, run and slide on the grand slope tirelessly, with big smile, especially when they slide down from the grand slope of 4-meter drop. Children can be found on the linear fountain too, with entire body wet without noticing. The planters are sculpted with seat space in different elevation, some children move up to the place where others can’t reach, chatting secretly.

△ 儿童的戏水 ©南西摄影

△ 踏水寻欢 ©南西摄影

△ 在水中玩耍的小女孩 ©南西摄影

△ 林中的滑坡 ©南西摄影

△ 与蹦床的游戏 ©南西摄影

△ 万物皆可爬 ©南西摄影

△ 夏日夜晚的游戏 ©南西摄影


Parents sit along the seat terrace, watching their kids playing. Of course, some parents with a playful heart join their children, enjoying the beauty of the grand slope.

△ 树荫下乘凉的家长们 ©南西摄影

△ 与孩子一同游戏 ©南西摄影


During daytime, seniors enjoy the shade while looking after their grandchildren under the trees. In the evening, they dance passionately with their old fellows. They feel so comfortable that smile is always on their faces.

△ 坐下休息的爷爷奶奶 ©南西摄影


Some younger generations smell the opportunity of business, using the promenade as a “free trade zone”. When sun starts falling, the young businessmen/businesswomen begin setting up their booths - clothes, drinks, toys and games. Obviously they are quite happy with what they gain from the crowds at night.

△ 自发形成的摆摊夜市 ©南西摄影

△ 套圈游戏 ©南西摄影


The birth of Puzzle Park is a gift from a small city, it connects nature with city. Furthermore, the Puzzle Park brings vibrant life to the communities, people find more balanced life from heavy-duty work, trivial housekeeping job and pressure. Most importantly, the Puzzle Park brings joy to people, no matter what ages they are, people learn to enjoy the ordinary but rare happiness from their daily life.














Design Name: Puzzle ParkProject Name: Huai’an Cifi Commercial Plaza Project Location: Huai’an, Jiangsu  Landscape Design: Atelier Scale Design Team: Huicheng Zhong, Wanlu Ye, Zhihua Chen, Qin Yan, Xiang Chen, Xing Ye, Min Xu, Juan Lin, Fan Wang, Feimin SongClient: CIFI GroupClient Team: Xianggui Xiong, Hua Yang, Hua Li, Huacheng HuLDI (Local Design Institute): Ddon Planning And Design Co.,Ltd. Construction Contractor:  Suzhou Greenland Garden Construction Co., Ltd.Installation Design:Atelier Scale Fabrication LabInstallation Contractor: Nanjing Deli Sporting Goods Co., Ltd.Architecture Design: Ai Kun (Shanghai) Architectural Design Co., Ltd.Photo Credit: Nancy Studio

感谢 大小景观


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