
珊瑚花园 本土基因的重构:海口 仁恒滨江园示范区 | TROP

TROP景观事务所 看见景观 2024-05-28

Photo © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Nancy Studio


In the popular imagination, Hainan is known as a beautiful island with unique island charm. Here, one can admire the boundless azure sky and sea, the soft and golden sandy beaches, as well as the endless stretches of palm groves. Moreover, the island is renowned for its mysterious and enchanting underwater world, which are all iconic landscapes of Hainan.

Beginning from the entrance of the site, the journey unfolds with an open space bordering the municipal road, followed by clusters of clubhouse structures, and residential towers enclosing intimate garden spaces. How can we unlock the possibilities of this site? Perhaps the answer lies just a kilometer away from the project. Adjacent to the development lies a natural bay, offering a pristine geographical backdrop. Inspired by this, we have decided to introduce water features into the park, igniting a captivating beach experience filled with artistic whimsy.

Photo © Nancy StudioPhoto © Holi Landscape


Coconut Grove Paradise
At the southwest entrance of the site lies the urban expressway, where the surrounding cityscape is still underdeveloped due to slow urban development progress. To ensure that visitors are not affected by external spaces upon arrival, we have extended the entrance experience inward, enclosing a circular space while creating green slopes along its periphery. This design facilitates a seamless and delightful drop-off experience for vehicles. The ultimate drop-off area is situated on a circular granite platform, floating atop a shallow blue water surface and enveloped by lush palm groves, exuding an aura of serene exclusivity shielded from external disturbances. To better delineate pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows, we have implemented a cross-axis road network structure connected to the external circular flow, with the inner circular pathway primarily dedicated to vehicle drop-offs. On the northern external pathway, there is a designated route for luxury cars to park, while the southern external pathway utilizes the green slopes on both sides to create a passage. Visitors strolling into the park can enjoy a diverse landscape as they make their way towards the clubhouse.

Diagram © TROPDiagram © TROPPhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Nancy StudioPhoto © Nancy Studio


Ultimately, when seen from the municipal road, multiple layers of palm groves form a verdant barrier, creating a natural "wall" that seamlessly merges the entrance garden with the municipal space. This design aligns harmoniously with the surrounding municipal tree species, employing a low degree of human intervention to incorporate local elements into the urban landscape reshaping process—a form of protection for localization.

Photo © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi Landscape


Coral Garden

As you pass through the clubhouse area enveloped by palm groves, the scene of the residential garden gradually unfolds. Due to residential security requirements, a continuous row of elevated firefighting platforms is installed along the northern side of the site. We discovered that this spacious yet shade-lacking open space bears a striking resemblance to beachfront areas. Beaches, as unique recreational spaces on islands, have long been beloved by both locals and tourists alike. Furthermore, where the beach meets the water, the vast expanse of the ocean offers abundant richness and excitement, sure to inspire numerous ideas for scene creation. Therefore, we have divided the residential garden enclosed by high-rise buildings into two parts: the beach and the ocean.

Sketch © TROPDiagram © TROPPhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi Landscape

Simply simulating a "beach" may not fully capture the authentic island atmosphere. Through thorough research into the local island landscape, we've discovered that bay beaches are actually diverse ecosystems. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore day after day creates white foam and brings plants and animals from the sea onto the shore. Therefore, we've organically integrated "foam" into the "beach" space near the residential entrances, and combined it with vegetation to form an ecological green corridor. This not only softens the typically hard firefighting access, but also encloses several microclimate circles with local tree species in the entrance area for residents. In Haikou's hot natural climate, we've crafted an oxygen-rich homecoming experience for residents.

Photo © Nancy Studio


Upon arriving at the island, it's customary to take in the sea views. Observing the white waves gradually swallowing the shore, slowly submerging the sand until it blends into the deep blue, sparks thoughts of the mystical underwater world. Therefore, at the boundary between the ocean and the beach, we've carefully designed a gentle slope where the sand meets the water, inviting visitors to seamlessly enter the "ocean space."

Coral reefs are wonders of the underwater world, and we aim to incorporate this natural beauty into our garden. As such, we've divided the "ocean" space into sections resembling coral formations, guiding visitors into this expansive coral garden.

Photo © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Nancy StudioPhoto © Holi Landscape

整体的 “海洋”区域有100多米长为了方便南北之间的流线连接,我们建立了两条快速通道。同时将通道局部抬高地形,形成两座横跨水面的景观桥,减少了对水域的影响。在外形塑造上,这两座景观桥模拟了珊瑚的形态,这样通行其中的人会感受到被珊瑚礁包裹了。

The "ocean" area, spanning over 100 meters in length, features two express pathways for convenient north-south connectivity. These pathways, gently elevated, form two landscape bridges that elegantly traverse the water, minimizing disruption to the aquatic environment. Inspired by coral formations, these bridges envelop pedestrians, providing them with a serene sensation reminiscent of coral reefs.

Photo © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi Landscape


Within the expansive coral garden lie numerous scattered islands, each designated for different activities such as children's play, playful planting, and youth gatherings. These islands are interconnected, surrounded by concentric rings of freely growing organic vegetation. With the flow of water, they form a continuous sequence of changing spaces. Additionally, we've varied the elevation of these island spaces, some raised while others lowered, creating a diverse array of spatial experiences with varying heights.

Photo © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi LandscapePhoto © Holi Landscape


·Material Innovation

The integration of cobblestone terrazzo craftsmanship in this design represents a creative approach, drawing inspiration from the rhythmic motion of waves shaping coastlines. Similar to how waves create unique imprints on sandy shores, our goal is to mimic these natural patterns using carefully chosen materials. After extensive material exploration, cobblestones stood out as an ideal option, given their common presence along beaches. With the site's natural contours in mind, conventional stone construction methods proved impractical. Consequently, we introduced the cobblestone aggregate mesh method of terrazzo craftsmanship, aiming to authentically capture these organic imprints within the landscape.

Photo © Holi Landscape

Photo © Holi Landscape

Photo © Holi Landscape

△ 骨料网贴过程

△ Aggregate Mesh-laid Process

Substrate Fill

Photo © Yanlord


On-site Shaping and Polishing

Photo ©Yuting


Project Credits:


Project Name: The Yanlord Coast Garden Sales Gallery


Location: Haikou, China

面积: 约22899㎡

Area: About 22899㎡


Completed Time: May,2023

景观设计:TROP: terrains + open space

Landscape Architect: TROP: terrains + open space

设计总监:Pok Kobkongsanti

Design Director: Pok Kobkongsanti


Team: Yujie Zhu, Yuting Lu


Party A Team: Haikou Yanlord Land

摄影:河狸景观, 南西空间影像

Photographer: Holi Landscape, Nancy Studio


Landscape Construction Drawings: GM Landscape Design


Landscape Contractor: Guangzhou Huayuan Garden Co., LTD


Architect: PTQH & Shenzhen PHILIPS Architectural Design Consultants Co., Ltd.


Interior: LWM Architects & Shenzhen Mincillier Design Consultancy Co., LTD




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