

北美动态编辑部 北美动态 2020-08-19




文 | 胡晟宇 筱益译 婷婷校


编者按:本文作者胡晟宇(Sheng Hu)4岁半来美国。大学毕业工作几年后,于2015年蒙神的呼召就读三一神学院,获得道学(MDiv)学位;现于土桑华人基督教会英文堂事奉。



1-2.帮助亚裔第二代认清真相(请点击本文左下方的“阅读原文,即可读到这篇文章)3. 华裔90后传道人呼吁:当举目仰望(含音频)4. 90后第二代:看上帝如何更新社会(含音频)












有一个显而易见、却没有人愿意公开承认的事实是,在目前的文化环境中,性取向正常的男性白人由于在经济地位、历史成因和人口比例上所占的优势,在种族平等的议题上反而成了最没话语权、最弱势的群体。他如果不认同那些激进的左派政治理念或者“黑人生命宝贵”(BLM) 的诉求,马上就会被贴上种族主义者、性别歧视者、同性恋恐惧者、排外主义者等标签(此类标签总是与日俱增)。教会内外都一样。唯一的区别是,在教会里会显得客气点,不直说他是极右的种族主义者,只说他“不够敏感”,“缺乏爱心”。


不管那个男性白人提供多少圣经根据和统计数据,除非有一个多重特性背景的人站出来支持他(编注:intersectional person,用来描述有“政治正确”特性的人,比如女人,移民,同性恋,有色种族。),他的意见就不被接纳。同样的话从男性白人口里说出来时,只有一半的份量。有意思的是,这让我想起耶稣在世上的时候,女人的见证只有男人见证的一半份量。耶稣不赞同这种做法。有些错误的解经者完全忽视了当时的背景,误用这个例子,说耶稣偏爱女性。其实,耶稣并不偏爱女性多过男性,也不偏爱外邦人多过犹太人。耶稣愿以公平对待所有人。耶稣的时代,遇遭不公的是女性和外邦人。今天的公众领域内,受歧视的不是女性和外邦人,而是性取向正常、也不会改变性别的男性白人。


我曾对白人福音派领袖不敢发声对抗所谓的“社会公义”感到沮丧,现在不会了。他们受威胁,所以害怕。他们没有足够的多重特性背景的人支持,无法为自己发声。也许,我可以。这样说有点傻,但那些人敢夸口,我也敢。他们的先人曾被白人欺压?我也是!美国历史上最严重的种族屠杀是1871年在加州的洛杉矶,针对华人的。他们是马克思主义者?我也曾是!我生在红色中国,长在红色中国,小时候还得向毛和马的照片鞠躬。他们觉醒了?我曾经更是!我上的大学很有可能是全美最自由派的;我当时的女朋友在一场女权运动大会上介绍讲员Gloria Steinem(活跃的女权运动人士)。那时,我还没有归信耶稣。




















各位,“白色”不再单指肤色了。简单地说,“白色”指那些从美国的社会与政治体制中不成人口比例地获得更多利益的人群,比如富豪(利益不单指财富)。别以为左派不知道亚裔上名校的比例不成比例的高!即便你是有色人种,他们会暂时放你一马,但迟早还是会冲你来的。不为别的,就因为你是基督徒;即使你不是基督徒,他们也会因为你认同传统婚姻而冲你来;即使你不认同传统婚姻,他们也会因为你认同核心家庭而冲你来;即使你不认同核心家庭,他们也会因为你认同两种性别而冲你来。因为Marxism 与基督信仰不兼容,就像水与油融不到一起。即便黑人和黄种人基督徒,只要不跟他们站队,都不会幸免。















By Sheng Hu


The greatest lack in the conversation about social justice today is no longer exegesis. Among the evangelical intelligentsia, all the back-and-forth regarding this issue has been laid bare. What is lacking is the courage to speak the truth. There are plenty of Christians who are afraid to speak up against social justice. And recently, more and more leaders have caved in, even those who do not actually believe in social justice.
I hear a lot of rhetoric today about how we need to “speak up for the voiceless” and to “stand up for the powerless.” I absolutely agree with this statement. However, this is applied – without exception – to those with less privilege on the economic and historical axis (i.e. people of color, especially blacks). There are two problems with this. First, we do not live in the 18th century. History has shown over and over again that those who have no power can gain power and those with power can lose it overnight.
Second, power is not univariate. Power can operate across multiple axes. For example, a 250-pound athlete has more physical power over the average human. A billionaire has more financial power over the average employee at his company. A beautiful woman at a party has sexual power over the men who want to date her. It is not uncommon to see an unattractive, but rich, man in a marriage where the wife wears the pants. Money is not the only avenue of power.
There is an obvious truth that no one is willing to admit out loud: the heterosexual white man, for all of his economic, historical, and demographic privileges, is the most voiceless and powerless person in the current cultural milieu regarding any civil discourse pertaining to race. If a white man disagrees with the political ideologies of the radical leftists and Black Lives Matter agenda, he is instantly labeled a racist, or a sexist, or a homophobe, or xenophobe (the list always grows with time). This happens both outside the church and inside the church. The only difference is that in the church, we’re nicer about it. We don’t call him an outright racist, merely “insensitive” and “unloving.”
No matter how much biblical and statistical data he procures, the white man is only correct in so far as he has an intersectional figure standing behind him agreeing with him. The white man can say the exact same thing as an intersectional figure, but his testimony carries half the weight. Funny enough, this rather reminds me of Jesus in his days, when women’s testimonies counted for half that of a man’s. And Jesus wanted nothing to do with that. Dishonest exegetes love to misapply this example to say that God favored women as if we share the exact same context as first-century Israel. God does not favor women over men, or Gentiles over Jews. God wants impartiality for everyone. In Jesus’ days, it just so happens that women and Gentiles faced partiality. In today’s public square, it is not women and Gentiles, but the cis-gendered, heterosexual, white man.
I used to get frustrated at white evangelical leaders for not speaking up against the social justice issue. But I no longer do so. They are intimidated. They are scared. They do not check enough of the intersectional boxes to speak up for themselves. But perhaps I do. Whatever anyone else dares to boast about- I am speaking as a fool- I also dare to boast about. Are they oppressed by the white man? So am I. The largest lynching in America was against the Chinese in 1871 in LA California. Are they Marxists? So was I. Born and raise in Communist China, I was bowing to Mao and Marx since I was a kid. Are they woke? I was more. I went to, very possibly, the most liberal college in America (my girlfriend at the time opened for Gloria Steinem at a feminist conference! I wasn’t converted at this point in my life).
To my Asian brothers and sisters (though not exclusively to them, feel free to wear the shoe if it fits), many of you know what’s really happening today in America. Many of you know what’s happening to our churches. You know that movements like BLM and the leftist ideologies are infiltrating into the church. But you just don’t want to call it out. And you make various excuses for staying silent.
“Oh, it’s a nuanced issue! There are good things that they affirm!” Yes, there are some. Is there racism in America? Yes, there is. [But whatever racism there is needs to be founded on disparate actions toward different groups, not disparate results.] The ideologies that stand behind this push for “social justice” is not biblical, it is secular. The overall movement is a trojan horse. Just because you can agree with some end goals of these movements does not mean that you should fuel the fire that will ultimately enslave an entire nation to a godless worldview. You cannot, out of agreement for 30% of a movement, support or enable the other 70% that is completely wrong and unbiblical. At best, to do so is to obtain a temporary goal while giving up the entire fabric of Christian-Judeo ethical program for our churches and our nation. You trade your birthright for a pot of stew.
I see so many church statements now that try to “tread the line.” Leaders will post black squares on their Facebook, so people on the left will let them alone. But then they’ll qualify their support for the BLM organization itself, and thus people on the right will let them alone too. Leaders vaguely “stand with the oppressed” without ever willing to go into details about what that means. Then they qualify their objection to the violent aspects of the protests. It’s like you want to have your cake and eat it too. Do you even care about the issue at all? Or are you simply just interested in not being bothered so you can just go home at night and binge-watch the next episode of your favorite Netflix show?
There is nuance within individual cases of police shootings, granted. But if we’re talking about the underlying ideological battles taking place in the spiritual realm, the lines could not be any clearer. Are we going to affirm a systematic worldview founded on God’s word, or on a socialistic worldview founded on equality of outcome with little to no regard for individual agency? There are only two sides. Whatever nuances have to be qualified into the worldview after the basic ideological foundations are set in place.Here’s another excuse: “This really isn’t about us. Racial tension is between whites and blacks. Maybe I should just sit this one out.” No one says it like this, but that’s how many Asian Christians feel. I know because I have felt the same temptation. With all due respect, this thought is so theologically pathetic and historically illiterate that I need to respond with my PC [political correctness] filter off…
They’re coming for you next.
The entire ideology is not really about white vs blacks. It’s about privilege vs less-privilege. It just so happens that white people have the largest portion of the pie… for now. They’re coming for the white people, and after that, they will come for the Jews, then they will come for you. 
Let’s not forget the words of Martin Niemoller, the German pastor who sat out during the Nazi’s rise to power:
"They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."
“White” does not mean skin color anymore, folks. “White” simply means those who disproportionately benefit from the American social-political machinery more than other groups, i.e. the rich. You think the leftists don’t know that Asians go to most of the elite schools in this country?? And even if they let you off because you’re a POC [person of color], they will come for you because you’re a Christian. They will come for you because you believe in traditional marriage. They will come for you because you believe in the nuclear family. They will come for you because you believe in two-sexes. They will come for you because Cultural Marxism and Christianity do not mix like water and oil do not mix. And this is true for black and brown Christians who do not toe the line either.
Many reading this now will not agree with my analysis of America, and will probably be angry. I hold no grudge for those who in good conscience disagree with me, and I think Christian integrity demands that we show patience in the form of civil discourse. I trust in God’s sovereignty to work everything for the good of those who love him.
Many reading this know what I’m writing is true. And you want to stand up for the truth. But you just don’t want to be called a racist, or a twinkie, or an Uncle Tom. You’re afraid to speak up. Or you don’t know how to say it. Or you’ve allowed the truth to be suppressed at the hands of a thousand qualifications. Or you’re afraid of losing friendships that you hold to dearly. I get it. I sympathize with you. I’m not suggesting that anyone go Rambo on twitter or on your social media. But at the very least, you cannot shirk from what you believe. And if you’re a leader, you do have a responsibility at the very least to your own circle of influence (esp. your church and small group).
I’m also going to keep it real with you: I’m not optimistic about where our country is headed. I cannot say that this is the beginning of the great apostasy in 2 Thess. 2:3. But I also cannot tell you that you won’t eventually get put in a concentration camp at some point. You might be killed. You will definitely be silenced. Christianity is not for the faint of heart. But those who endure to the end will gain their lives.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. – Matt. 5:11
As for those leaders who know the truth but purposely choose to shirk from their prophetic duties, who affirm truths only when it’s convenient, who selectively give disproportionate weight to certain truths, who peddle half-truths, who massage every ounce of biblical truth with a pound of sociological citations, and fear the disapproval of the world more than the disapproval of God, do remember these words:
But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.” [Rev. 21:8]

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可怕!企图篡改美国历史的“1619 项目”(含音频)





拜登的“系统性种族歧视” 是纳粹式宣传(含音频)


副总统彭斯: 他们根本不想听,他们只要你听他们的!
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