

田园 译介 2022-06-09

Social Media: the Attention Economy



来源: Scientific American    



何为 眼球经济(attention economy)?

形容 「流量变现/广告套现」








The glut of information has generated intense competition for people’s attention. As Nobel Prize–winning economist and psychologist Herbert A. Simon noted,“What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients.” One of the first consequences of the so-called attention economy is the loss of high-quality information.

信息泛滥时代,一场针对人们注意力的争夺战已如火如荼。正如诺贝尔经济奖得主、心理学家赫伯特•A•西蒙(Herbert A. Simon)所言:“显而易见,信息所收割的正是信息接受者的注意力。”所谓注意力经济(attention economy)带来的首要后果便是高质量信息的丧失。

📒 精读解析:

glut: a situation in which there is more of sth than is needed or can be used,供应过剩/供过于求

形容信息过载the glut/proliferation of information, information overload

attention economy: an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity and applies economic theory to solve various  information management problems. 注意力经济/ “眼球经济”

[拓展]Information fatigue syndrome (IFS) 信息疲劳综合征



In fact, programmers who design the algorithms for ranking memes on social media assume that the “wisdom of crowds” will quickly identify high-quality items; they use popularity as a proxy for quality. Our analysis of vast amounts of anonymous data about clicks shows that all platforms—social media, search engines and news sites—preferentially serve up information from a narrow subset of popular sources.



meme: 网上疯传的(搞笑)梗,热点

(an Internet meme is a type of idea, behaviour, or style that is spread via the Internet, often through social media platforms and especially for humorous purposes, it has recently become an umbrella term referring to any piece of quickly-consumed comedic or relatable content. )

[拓展]the top-trending hashtag 热搜顶位

[表达]use popularity as a proxy for quality: 用热度代替质量, 一处非常精辟的表达,生动再现了当前互联网信息生态的一大特征:争抢热点 忽视质量

类似表达Social networks reward not veracity but virality.




Most of us do not believe we follow the herd. But our confirmation bias leads us to follow others who are like us, a dynamic that is sometimes referred to as homophily—a tendency for like-minded people to connect with one another. Social media amplifies homophily by allowing users to alter their social network structures through following, unfriending, and so on. The result is that people become segregated into large, dense and increasingly misinformed communities commonly described as echo chambers.

大多数人不认为自己会随大流。但是,信息确认偏差会引导我们寻找和关注同类。这一过程有时被称为同质性(homophily),即意见趋同的人会越走越近。社交媒体会放大这种同质性——通过关注、删除好友等形式让用户调整自己的社交网络结构。这会导致人们受困于充斥着大量密集的误导性信息的群体,从而越来越固执己见,这通常也被称作信息茧房(echo chambers)现象。


follow the herd 随大流


* thundering herd 惊群效应

:Telecommunications companies overinvested like a thundering herd in the 1990s, and a lot of them went bust in unison as a result.(Bloomberg Businessweek 2021-06-14)20世纪90年代,电信公司一窝蜂地过度投资,结果许多公司扎堆倒闭。

* herd immunity 群体免疫

* bandwagon effect 从众效应

jump/climb on the ... bandwagon: (尤指政客) 赶时髦,追随潮流

(if someone, especially a politician, jumps or climbs on the bandwagon, they become involved in an activity or movement because it is fashionable or likely to succeed and not because they are really interested in it.)

In recent months many conservative politicians have jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon. 最近几个月,许多保守党政客赶上了反移民的浪头

homophily 同质性


[拓展]homogenization 同质化

类似表达Social groups create a pressure toward conformity so powerful that it can overcome individual preferences. 社交团体会创造强大的压力来促成一致性,并压制个人喜好。

unfriend 删除好友/(微博)“互双”


send sb “friend” request 


silently stalk others’ digital lives 




echo chamber回音室(国内常称“信息茧房”


Chamber Music / Musique de chambre 室内乐

chamber of commerce 商会

Dream of the Red Chamber(H. Bencraft Joly译)《红楼梦》

“信息茧房”的另一种表达filter bubble

(The social-media giant is being criticized for the way its algorithms conspire to cocoon each user inside a “filter bubble”(使用户困入信息茧房中), surrounding people with content that rarely challenges their worldview, including too many false news reports that often fail to get debunked.)




Information quality is further impaired by social bots, which can exploit all our cognitive loopholes. Bots are easy to create. Social media platforms provide so-called application programming interfaces that make it fairly trivial for a single actor to set up and control thousands of bots.



bot: (计算机)自动程序

(an autonomous program on a network (especially the Internet) which can interact with computer systems or users, especially one designed to respond or behave like a player in an adventure game.)


an army of Twitter/Weibo bots 推特/微博“水军”

a cavalcade of bots 大批水军

paid Internet trolls(雇佣)网络水军

fake followers “僵尸粉”

sockpuppet accounts小号/马甲

impair 损害/削弱, 还有weaken, cripple, undermine, erode等近义词。

interface: an electrical connection that joins one device/system to another 接口

(the way a computer program presents information to a user or receives information from a user, in particular the layout of the screen and the menus (人机)界面)

the user interface 用户界面

set up and control thousands of bots




Bots influence us by pretending to represent people from our in-group. A bot only has to follow, like and retweet someone in an online community to quickly infiltrate it. OSoMe researcher Xiaodan Lou developed a model in which some of the agents are bots that infiltrate a social network and share deceptively engaging low-quality content—think of clickbait. Our simulations show that these bots can effectively suppress the entire ecosystem’s information quality by infiltrating only a small fraction of the network.



in-group: 小圈子(类似clique,区别在于clique有“派系/私党”的含义,而in-group较中性

(a small group of people in an organization or a society whose members   share the same interests, language, etc. and try to keep other people out)

the out-group 圈外人士

clickbait 标题党


click farm: a form of click fraud, where a large group of low-paid workers are hired to click on paid advertising links for the click fraudster.

低薪雇水军刷赞 / 刷好评 / 制造虚假点击的行为

troll “引战/钓鱼”

OSoMe: Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe, pronounced“awesome”) 社交媒体观测站

engaging(形容人)迷人的 /(形容事物)有吸引力的,引人入胜的,类似表达riveting, engrossing, intriguing, tempting



Some manipulators play both sides of a divide through separate fake news sites and bots, driving political polarization or monetization by ads. Such operations amplify content that preys on confirmation biases and accelerate the formation of polarized echo chambers.


📒 精读解析:



conspiracy-monger 阴谋论鼓吹者;

sow discord 挑拨离间;

“杠精/喷子”可以用 troll, naysayer.

monetization by ads 指一些有影响力的帐号接广告/帮推广以达到变现的目的

monetize 变现,套现

the monetization of clicks and “shares”——  known as the “attention economy”

[类似表达]:With each click, they got a small slice of the pie from the ads running along the side.        

prey on 以...为食

content that preys on confirmation biases


[拓展]fall prey to... 深受...之害




Understanding our cognitive biases and how algorithms and bots exploit them allows us to better guard against manipulation. Institutional changes are necessary to curb the proliferation of fake news. Education can help, although it is unlikely to encompass all the topics on which people are misled. Some governments and social media platforms are also trying to clamp down on online manipulation and fake news.



防范 prevent, take precaution, guard against

遏制 contain, restrain, refrain, curb, rein in

打击 clamp/crack down on, get tough with



One of the best ideas may be to make it more difficult to create and share low-quality information. This could involve adding friction by forcing people to pay to share or receive information. Payment could be in the form of time, mental work such as puzzles, or microscopic fees for subscriptions or usage. Automated posting should be treated like advertising. Some platforms are already using friction in the form of CAPTCHAs and phone confirmation to access accounts. Twitter has placed limits on automated posting. These efforts could be expanded to gradually shift online sharing incentives toward information that is valuable to consumers.



microscopic fees for subscriptions or usage


microscopic fees少量费用

[拓展]:形容金额微薄可以用meagre, scanty, pittance


[拓展]QR code二维码,Transport code乘车码



Free communication is not free. By decreasing the cost of information, we have decreased its value and invited its adulteration. To restore the health of our information ecosystem, we must understand the vulnerabilities of our overwhelmed minds and how the economics of information can be leveraged to protect us from being misled.



adulteration 掺假 → adulterate(给食物、饮料)掺假

[类似表达]lace 在(食物、饮料)中添加

例:She laced his food with sleeping pills. 她在他的食物里加了安眠药。

the economics of information 信息经济学

[拓展]:the economics of beauty/good looking “颜值经济”

leverage: the ability to influence situations or people. 影响力

:His position as mayor gives him leverage to get things done. 他的市长身份使他有能力办成一些事情。

to leverage a company:举债经营,means to use borrowed money in order to buy it or pay for it.

例:He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake. 他可能感觉到在看到巨大的发展机会时举债经营公司是一个错误。


“利用”的几种表达: leverage, take advantage of, make use of, utilize

形容“不择手段地利用” 用: exploit.




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