【TIO 太和观察家】Unity in Diversity: Navigating Multipolarity
On Times We Focus
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As the world shifts into this new phase of multipolarity, where do new and legacy powers stand? As we witnessed the recent upsurge of protectionism and unilateralism against the global trend of multipolarization and multilateralism, what are the challenges, perspectives, and opportunities facing us? Will the globe head towards a siloed lockdown, or will the nations of the world be able to find a new form of common ground?
太和智库线上英文刊物《太和观察家》(TI Observer)致力于促进中外沟通交流,弥合 “理解鸿沟”。
TI Observer (TIO) is an online monthly English publication produced by Taihe Institute. TIO is dedicated to promoting transnational interaction and mutual understanding, thus bridging the gap of misunderstanding and bringing China and the world closer to each other.
TIO本期作者 (Ordered by Contents)
Ong Tee Keat
Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute
President of the BRI Caucus for Asia Pacific
Waseem Ishaque
Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute
Professor of International Relations
Director, China Study Centre, National
University of Modern Languages (NUML),
Islamabad, Pakistan
Colin Mackerras
Professor Emeritus at Griffith University,
Brisbane, Australia
Einar Tangen
TIO Content Advisor
Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute
Independent Political and Economic
Affairs Commentator
Gulshan Bibi
Ph.D. candidate, School of International
Relations and Public Affairs,
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
TI Youth Observer
【TIO 太和观察家】Transformation: Digital Economies & AI
【TIO 太和观察家】Selected Remarks at the 7th Taihe Civilizations Forum
【TIO 太和观察家】China's Global Initiatives for a Multipolar World
【TIO 太和观察家】G7 and China-Central Asia Summits Under Scrutiny
【TIO 太和观察家】Currency Multipolarity, and the Longue Durée