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Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents?                                 

Unit 4单词 (音标)

allow [əˈlaʊ] v. 允许,准许wrong [rɔŋ] adj. 错误的What's wrong? 哪儿不舒服?midnight ['mɪdnaɪt] n. 午夜,子夜look through 浏览,快速查看guess [ɡes] v. 猜测,估计deal [di:l] v. 处理,应付big deal 重要的事work out 成功地发展,解决get on with 和睦相处,关系良好relation [rɪˈleɪʃn] n. 关系,联系,交往communicate [kəˈmju:nikeit] v. 沟通,通信,通讯communication [kəˌmju:nɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 交流,沟通argue [ˈɑ:ɡju:] v. 争论,争吵cloud [klaʊd] n. 云elder ['eldə(r)] adj. 年级较长的instead [ɪnˈsted] adv. 代替whatever [wɒtˈevər] pron. 任何,不管什么,无论什么nervous [ˈnə:vəs] adj. 紧张不安的offer ['a:fər] v. 提供,自愿给予proper [ˈprɔpə] adj. 合适的,适当的secondly [ˈsekəndli] adv. 第二,其次explain [ɪkˈspleɪn] v. 讲解,解释,说明clear [klɪə] adj. 清晰的,清楚易懂的copy [ˈkɔpi] v. 复制return [rɪ'tɜ:n] v. 回来,返回,归还anymore ['enɪmɔ:] adv. 不再,再也不member [ˈmembə] n. 成员,会员pressure ['preʃə(r)] n. 压力compete [kəm'pi:t] v. 比赛,竞争opinion [əˈpɪnjən] n. 意见,想法,看法skill [skɪl] n. 技能,技巧typical [ˈtɪpɪkl] adj. 典型的football [ˈfʊtbɔ:l] n. 足球cut out 删去,删除quick [kwɪk] adj. 快的,迅速的continue [kənˈtɪnju:] v. 继续,连续compare [kəm'peə] v. 比较compare…with 比较,对比crazy [ˈkreɪzɪ] adj. 疯狂的,狂热的development [diˈveləpmənt] n. 发育,成长,发展cause [kɔ:z] n. & v. 原因;造成,使发生usual [ˈju:ʒuəl] adj. 通常的,平常的in one's opinion 依… 看perhaps [pəˈhæps] adv. 可能,大概,也许

Unit4 课本教材

Unit4 知识梳理

【重点单词】1.have free time有空闲时间2.allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事3.hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛4. after-school classes课外活动课
5. get into a fight with sb.与某人吵架/打架6. until midnight直到半夜7. talk to sb. 与某人交谈8. too many太多9. study too much学得过多10. get enough sleep有足够的睡眠11. write sb. a letter给某人写信12. call sb. up打电话给某人13. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶14. look through翻看15. be angry with sb. 生某人的气16. a big deal重要的事17. work out成功地发展;解决18. get on with与...相处19. fight a lot经常吵架/打架20. hang over笼罩21. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事22. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事23. so that以便24. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事25. all the time一直26. in future今后27. make sb. angry使某人生气28. worry about sth. 担心某事29. copy one’ s homework抄袭某人的作业30. be oneself做自己31. family members32. spend time alone独自消磨时光33. give sb. pressure给某人施压34. have a fight with sb. 与某人吵架35. compete with sb. 与某人竞争36. free time activities业余活动37. get better grades取得更好的成绩38. give one’ s opinion提出某人的观点39. learn exam skills学习应试技巧40. practice sports体育训练41. cause stress造成压力42. cut out删除
【重点句型】1. I studied until midnight last night so I didn't get enough sleep. 我昨晚学习到半夜所以睡眠不足。2. Why don't you forget about it?  你为什么不忘掉它呢?3. Although she's wrong , it,s not a big deal. 虽然她错了,但这并不是什么大事儿。4. He should talk to his friend so that he can say he's sorry.他应该跟朋友谈谈以便他能说声对不起。5. Maybe you could go to his house. 也许你可以去他家。6. I guess I could, but I don't want to surprise him. 我想我可以,但我不想让他感到惊讶。

Unit4 重点词汇讲解

1. allowallow作动词,意为“允许”。用法如下:(1)allow sth.意为“允许某事的发生”。例如:    I can’t allow such a thing.     我不允许发生这样的事。(2)allow doing sth.意为“允许做某事”。例如:    We don’t allow eating in the classrooms.     我们不允许在教室吃饭。    We don’t allow smoking here.     我们不允许在此抽烟。(3)allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”。例如:    Her father would not allow her to eat sweets.     她父亲不允许她吃糖果。    They don’t allow students to smoke in the classroom.     他们不允许学生在教室抽烟。(4)allow sb. sth. 意为“给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间);让某人有(拥用或带有)某物”。例如:    He allows his son too much money.     他给他儿子的钱太多。    We’ll allow you time to answer.     我们将给你回答的时间。
2. get on withget on意为“相处,进展”,也可用get along,其后接介词with。get on with sb. 意为“与某人和睦相处/关系良好”;get on well/badly with sth. 意为“某事进展顺利/不好”。例如:     He gets on (well) with his classmates.    他和同学们相处融洽。     How do you get on with your studies?    你的学业进展如何?【拓展】get on 还有“上车”的意思,后面常接bus; train等表示交通工具的词;反义词为get off。例如:    The old man got on/ off the bus slowly.    那位老人慢慢地上/下了公共汽车。
3. argueargue作动词,意为“争论,争吵”。常用短语为:argue with sb. 与某人争吵argue about/on sth. 争辩某事argue for/against sth. 为赞成/反对某事而辩论例如:    Mrs. Brown argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.    布朗夫人因为那顿饭的价格跟服务员争吵。    Next class we’re arguing about family activities.     下节课我们辩论家庭活动。argue对应的名词为argument,常用词组为:have an argument with sb. about/ on sth. 因某事与某人争论。例如:     I had an argument with my best friend last week.     上星期我与我最好的朋友吵了一架。【拓展】argue与discuss的辨析:(1)argue着重于自己的看法、立场,提出论据,以理说服他人。例如:    There is no need arguing about the matter.     不必就此事辩论了。(2)discuss重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有说服对方的成分。例如:    We’re going to discuss the question.     我们打算讨论这个问题。
4. insteadinstead作副词,意为“代替,而不是”,常用作状语。例如:He is tired. Let me go instead. 他累了,让我替他去吧。She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day. 她从不学习,而是整天打网球。【拓展】instead与instead of的辨析:(1)instead是副词,后面不接其他的词,一般情况下可不译出,通常放在句首或句末,在句首时常用逗号隔开,表示前面的事没做,而做了后面的事。例如:    He didn’t go to school. Instead, he went to the cinema.    他没有去学校,相反他去了电影院。(2)instead of是介词短语,意为“代替,而不是”,后面可以跟与前面并列成分相应的名词、代词、动词-ing形式等作为介词宾语。例如:    He went to the cinema instead of going to school.    他去了电影院而不是学校。
5. offer(1)offer 作动词,意为“给予;提供;提出”。例如:    He offered me 300 dollars for that old car.    他出300美元向我买那辆旧车。    Offer some coffee to the guests.    给客人端些咖啡来。    He offered me a cup of tea.    他给了我一杯茶。(2)offer to do sth. 表示“愿意做某事;主动提出做某事”。例如:    I offered to help my mother do housework.    我主动提出帮助妈妈做家务。    She offered to drive me to the station.    她表示愿意开车送我去车站。
6. explain  explain是动词,意为“解释,说明,阐明”。其用法如下:(1)explain sth. to sb.意为“向某人解释某事”。例如:    Please explain that rule to me.    请把这条规则给我讲一讲。(2)“explain (to sb.) + 疑问词 + 从句”意为“向某人解释……”。例如:    Please explain to me what this means.    请向我解释这是什么意思。(3)“explain + that从句” 意为“解释……”。例如:    He explained that we could no longer stay.     他解释说我们不能再待下去了。【注意】explain后面不能接双宾语,在接间接宾语sb.时,前面应加介词to,即explain sth. to sb.
7. compare(1)compare作动词,意为“比较,对照”,常与with连用。例如:    Compare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right.    把你的答案同书后面的答案对照一下,看看是否正确。    My handwriting can not be compared with my father’s.    我的书法不能与我父亲的相比。    If you compare the two books, you will see that this one is better.    如果你比较一下这两本书,你会发现这一本好一些。(2)compare作动词,还用作比喻意义,意为“比作”。例如:    Man’s life is often compared to a candle.    人生常被比为蜡烛。    Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.    莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。
8. pushpush作动词,意为“推动;挤;鞭策;督促”。例如:    The little boy pushed the door open.    小男孩把门推开了。    We had to push our way through the crowd.    我们得从人群中挤过去。    The math teacher really pushes his students. That’s why they don’t like him that much.    那位数学老师确实对学生们鞭策过多了。这就是他们不那么喜欢他的原因。    You’d better not push me for an answer to your request.    你最好不要催促我答复你的请求。
练一练:I. 英汉短语互译。1.闲逛 _______2.归还 ________3.同意某人(的想法) ________4.与某人和睦相处 ________5.下次 ________6.too much _________7.work out ________8.cut out_________9.get into a fight _________10.play sports_________II. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1.She is a ________ (成员) of the golf club.2.I want to know your o________ about the plan.3.I think she must be ________ (疯狂的).4.Don’t ________ (推) the door.5.Don’t ________(比较) me with others.6.The radio says that the soldiers will c________ moving on.7.This is a ________ (典型的) case and let me explain it to you.8.I can’t go out with you because my mother doesn’t a________ me to go out.9.Your answer is not right. It’s w________.10.If you don’t know the meaning of the word, just try to g________ it.III. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Don’t give me too much ________(press) . I’m stressed out.2.1000 children entered the English ________(compete)?3.The government did a lot for the country’s ________(develop).4.I had an ________(usual) experience last night. I didn’t believe it at all.5.The man is a ________(skill) worker and we should learn from him.
【参考答案】I. 英汉短语互译。1. hang out2. give back3. agree with sb.4. get on with sb.5. next time6. 太多7. 解决;算出8. 删除;删去9. 争吵10. 做运动II. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1. member  2. opinion  3. crazy  4. push  5. compare6. continue  7. typical   8. allow  9. wrong  10. guessIII. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. pressure  2. competition  3. development  4. unusual  5. skilled

Unit4 重点句型解析

1. Why don’t you talk to your parents
“Why don’t you + 动词原形 + 其他?”相当于“Why not + 动词原形 + 其他?”意为“为什么不……?”并不表示疑问,而是作建议、询问。例如:
    Why don’t you go with us? = Why not go with us? 
    Why don’t you go swimming? = Why not go swimming? 
    为什么不去游泳呢?【拓展】why not用在口语中表示赞同,意为“当然,好啊”。例如:     — Let’s go to the movies. 我们看电影吧。     — Why not? 好啊!
2. I’m really tired because I studied until midnight last night.until意为“直到……”,有下列用法:(1)作介词,后接时间名词,在句中作时间状语。例如:    She waited there until 9 o’clock. 她一直等到9点钟。(2)作连词,后接从句,引导时间状语从句。例如:    We waited until the rain stopped. 我们等到雨停了。 【拓展】(1)until用在肯定句中,多与持续性的动词连用。如stand/wait/stay等,表示主句动作的终止时间。例如:    I will wait here until you come back.    我会在这里等到你回来。(2)until可用于否定句中,即not…until…意为“直到……才”,常与非延续性动词连用。如open/start/leave/arrive等,强调主句动作开始的时间。例如:    The child didn’t go to bed until his father came back.    直到父亲回来,那个孩子才睡觉。
3. I’m not good at writing.be good at意为“擅长……”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如:    I’m good at playing chess. 我擅长下象棋。    We should be good at learning from each other.    我们应该善于互相学习。【拓展】(1)be good for意为“对……有好处”。例如:    Eating more vegetables is good for your health.    多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。(2)be good /kind /nice to意为“对……好”。例如:    My friend was good to me when I was ill.    我生病时我的朋友对我关怀备至。
4. Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.although作连词,相当于though,意为“尽管,虽然”,用来引导让步状语从句。它所引导的从句不能与并列连词but; and; so等连用,但可以和yet; still等词连用。例如:     Although he lives alone, he doesn’t feel lonely.     = He lives alone, but he doesn’t feel lonely.    虽然他一个人住,但他并不感到孤独。    There is air all around us, although we cannot see it.    虽然我们看不见空气,但空气却存在于我们的周围。【拓展】although与though的辨析:(1)用作连词,表示“虽然”,二者可以互换使用,但although比though更为正式。例如:    Though/Although it was raining, we still went there.     虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那里。(2)although一般不用作副词,而though可用作副词,且一般放在句末(不放在句首),意为“可是,不过”。例如:    It’s hard work; I enjoy it, though.     工作很辛苦,可是我很喜欢。    We all tried our best. We lost the game, though.     我们都尽力最大努力,但我们还是输了。(3)在as though(好像,仿佛),even though(即使,纵然)等固定短语中不能用although。例如:    He talks as though he knew everything.     他夸夸其谈,好像无所不知。
5. I hope things will be better for you soon.hope作动词,意为“希望”,用于表示有可能实现的愿望,其后可接不定式或宾语从句,但表达“希望别人做某事”时则需用hope that从句。例如:    I hope to watch the football match again.    我希望再看一次那场足球赛。    I hope you can pass the exam.    我希望你能通过考试。【拓展】hope与wish的辨析:(1)表示“想;希望”,两者宾语可为to do,不能用doing。例如:    I hope/wish to visitGuilin. 我希望去桂林观光。(2)wish后可以跟复合宾语,即wish sb. to do sth.,而hope不能。例如:      I wish you to go. (正) 我希望你去。      I hope you to go. (误) 我希望你去。(3)两者都可接that从句,但是“hope + that从句”表示希望,“wish + that从句”表示愿望,且从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。例如:    I hope you’ll be better soon. 我希望你很快好起来。    I wish I were really wealthy. 但愿我真的富有。(4)wish后可接双宾语。hope没有这种用法。例如:    We wish you a happy New Year! 我们祝你新年快乐!
练一练:I. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. Why don’t you get her a scarf? (改为同义句)
 ① ____________ ____________ get her a scarf?
 ② ____________ ____________ getting her a scarf?
2. You should get a CD for your friend. (对划线部分提问)
 ____________ ____________ I ____________ for my friend?
3. We don’t go shopping. We watch TV at home instead. (改为同义句)
 We watch TV at home ____________ ____________ ____________ shopping.
4. I think your idea is great. (改为否定句)  I ____________ ____________ your idea is great.5. She does well in singing and dancing. (改为同义句)  She is ____________ ____________ singing and dancing.6. She had a map in order not to get lost. (改为同义句)  She had a map ____________ ____________ she wouldn’t get lost.7. The old man lives a simple life although he is rich. (改为同义句)  The old man is rich, ____________ he lives a simple life.II. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1.我有太多家庭作业,所以我没有任何空闲时间做我喜欢的事情。 I have too much homework ________ I don’t have any free time to do things________ ________.2.我真的很累,因为我昨天晚上一直学到半夜。I’m really tired ________ I studied________ midnight last night.3.你今天晚上为什么不早点睡觉? ________ ________ ________ go to sleep earlier this evening?4.你应该给他打电话,为的是你可以道歉You ________ call him________ ________ you can say you’re sorry.5.尽管她错了,但那没什么大不了的。 ________ she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.6. 我觉得这不公平。I ________ ________ this is fair.7. 我希望你能解决这个问题。I hope you can ________ ________ the problem.8. 昨天我哥哥和Tony打了一架。Yesterday my brother ________ ________ ________ with Tony.9. 我妈妈正在浏览报纸。My mother is ________ ________the newspaper at the moment.10. 我弟弟拒绝和我一起玩,我很生气。My brother ________ ________ ________ with me, and I was angry.III. 语法专练:选择括号内适当的词填空。1. Many people do not realize the importance of health ________ (after; when; until) they have fallen.2. They develop their skills ________ (because; since; so that) they can do things better and better.3. —Look! Some people are running the red lights.—We should wait ________ (although; because; if) others are breaking the rule.4. We didn’t start our discussion ________ (while; until; if) everybody arrived.5. She speaks loudly ________ (because; so that; if)) all the people can hear her clearly.IV. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。
A. Some flowers?
B. Would she like a scarf?
C. How about her favorite book?
D. Er…don’t you think that’s too cheap?
E. A scarf is too personal.
A: Lily, what should I get for Ms. Ning for the coming Teachers’ Day?B: Your English teacher? How about a notebook?A:      1    B: How about a watch?A: I don’t think so. A watch is too expensive.B: I see.     2   A: No, I don’t know what book she likes best.B: Well,     3   A: No!     4    B: OK, I know. How about flowers?A:     5      Yes, she’ll like that!
【参考答案】I. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. ① Why not ② How / What about2. What should; get
3. instead of going
4. don’t think5. good at6. so that7. butII. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. so; I like2. because; until3. Why don’t you4. should; so that5. Although/Though6. don’t think7. work out8. had a fight9. looking through10. refused to playIII. 语法专练:选择括号内适当的词填空。1. until   2. so that   3. although   4. until  5. so thatIV. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。1-5 DCBEA




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