
领军人物Preskill评点最新跨界之作:量子信息遇到量子物质 | 展卷

Preskill 返朴 2021-07-07




撰文 | Preskill

翻译 | 曹凝萍

In 1989 I attended a workshop at the University of Minnesota. The organizers had hoped the workshop would spawn new ideas about the origin of high- temperature superconductivity, which had recently been discovered. But I was especially impressed by a talk about the fractional quantum Hall effect by a young physicist named Xiao-Gang Wen. 

1989年,我参加了一个在明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)举行的专题研讨会。当时,高温超导刚被发现,组织者希望此次研讨会能催生一些关于高温超导原理的新想法。但是此次研讨会给我留下深刻印象的却是一名年轻物理学家关于分数量子霍尔效应的报告,报告人的名字是文小刚。

From Wen I heard for the first time about a concept called topological order. He explained that for some quantum phases of two-dimensional matter the ground state becomes degenerate when the system resides on a surface of nontrivial topology such as a torus, and that the degree of degeneracy provides a useful signature for distinguishing different phases. I was fascinated. 

从文小刚那里,我第一次听说了拓扑序(Topological Order)的概念:当把二维的量子物态放到有非平凡拓扑的表面(例如环面)上时,其能量最低的基态会出现好几个,而基态的不同数目可以用来区分不同的量子相。这使我眼睛一亮。


Up until then, studies of phases of matter and the transitions between them usually built on principles annunciated decades earlier by Lev Landau. Landau had emphasized the crucial role of symmetry, and of local order parameters that distinguish different symmetry realizations. Though much of what Wen said went over my head, I did manage to glean that he was proposing a way to distinguish quantum phases founded on much different principles that Landau’s. As a particle physicist I deeply appreciated the power of Landau theory, but I was also keenly aware that the interface of topology and physics had already yielded many novel and fruitful insights.

在那之前,对物质的相及相变的研究通常建立在朗道(Lev Landau)数十年前所发展的思想之上。朗道强调了对称性和局域序参量的关键作用,其中序参量可以用来区分不同的量子相。虽然文小刚讲过的大部分内容从我左耳进右耳出,我还是看出了他所提出的这种区分量子相的方法是建立在与朗道完全不同的原理之上的。作为一名粒子物理学家,我深知朗道理论的强大和普适性,可我也清楚地知道拓扑学和物理的交融已然产生出了很多新颖和富有成果的见解。

Mulling over these ideas on the plane ride home, I scribbled a few lines of verse: 


Now we are allowed 

To disavow Landau. 





(吾辈今获 / 弗朗道之权 / 吁!

Without knowing where it might lead, one could sense the opening of a new chapter. 


At around that same time, another new research direction was beginning to gather steam, the study of quantum information. Richard Feynman and Yuri Manin had suggested that a computer processing quantum information might perform tasks beyond the reach of ordinary digital computers. David Deutsch formalized the idea, which attracted the attention of computer scientists, and eventually led to Peter Shor’s discovery that a quantum computer can factor large numbers in polynomial time. Meanwhile, Alexander Holevo, Charles Bennett and others seized the opportunity to unify Claude Shannon’s information theory with quantum physics, erecting new schemes for quantifying quantum entanglement and characterizing processes in which quantum information is acquired, transmitted, and processed. 

也就是差不多这个时候,另一个新的研究方向——量子信息——开始酝酿。理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)和尤里·马宁(Yuri Manin)提出,一台能够处理量子信息的计算机可能可以执行普通数字计算机无法企及的任务。大卫·多伊奇(David Deutsch)将这一想法变成了具体的算法,从而吸引了计算机科学家的注意,这也导致彼得·肖尔(Peter Shor)最终发现量子计算机可以在多项式时间内完成大数的因数分解。与此同时, 亚历山大·霍勒夫(Alexander Holevo)、查理·贝内特(Charles Bennett)和其他研究者抓住了时机,将香农的信息理论和量子物理相结合,建立了度量量子纠缠和刻画量子信息的获取、传递及处理过程的新体系。

The discovery of Shor’s algorithm caused a burst of excitement and activity, but quantum information science remained outside the mainstream of physics, and few scientists at that time glimpsed the rich connections between quantum information and the study of quantum matter. One notable exception was Alexei Kitaev, who had two remarkable insights in the 1990s. He pointed out that finding the ground state energy of a quantum system defined by a local Hamiltonian, when suitably formalized, is as hard as any problem whose solution can be verified with a quantum computer. This idea launched the study of Hamiltonian complexity. Kitaev also discerned the relationship between Wen’s concept of topological order and the quantum error-correcting codes that can protect delicate quantum superpositions from the ravages of environmental decoherence. Kitaev’s notion of a topological quantum computer, a mere theorist’s fantasy when proposed in 1997, is by now pursued in experimental laboratories around the world (though the technology still has far to go before truly scalable quantum computers will be capable of addressing hard problems). 

虽然肖尔算法(Shor’s algorithm)的发现引爆了一轮热烈的研究,但是量子信息科学依旧处在物理学的边缘。当时,几乎没有科学家预见到量子信息和量子物质研究之间的丰富关联,但阿列克谢·基塔耶夫(Alexei Kitaev)是其中一个例外。他在1990年代提出了两个非凡的见解:他指出,严格表述后,寻找一个量子系统局域哈密顿量(Local Hamiltonian)的基态能量,与能由量子计算机验证的最困难问题同样困难。这一想法引发了对哈密顿量复杂度的研究。基塔耶夫还察觉到文小刚的拓扑序概念和量子纠错码之间的关联,而后者可以用来保护脆弱的量子叠加免受环境退相干的破坏。基塔耶夫在1997年提出关于拓扑量子计算机的概念时,这还仅仅是理论家的幻想。而如今全世界有很多实验室都在尝试这一思路(尽管距离大型量子计算机能够真正解决困难问题还有很长的路要走)


Thereafter progress accelerated, led by a burgeoning community of scientists working at the interface of quantum information and quantum matter. Guifre Vidal realized that many-particle quantum systems that are only slightly entangled can be succinctly described using tensor networks. This new method extended the reach of mean-field theory and provided an illuminating new perspective on the successes of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). By proving that the ground state of a local Hamiltonian with an energy gap has limited entanglement (the area law), Matthew Hastings showed that tensor network tools are widely applicable. These tools eventually led to a complete understanding of gapped quantum phases in one spatial dimension. 

此后,越来越多的科学家开始在量子信息和量子物质的交叉领域开展研究,使得这方面的进展大大加速。基弗尔·维道(Guifre Vidal)发现,用张量网络能够简洁地描述弱纠缠的多体量子系统。这种新方法扩展了平均场理论(Mean-Field Theory)的应用范围,并提供了一个新视角来理解为什么密度矩阵重整化群(Density Matrix Renormalization Group)如此成功。通过证明局域哈密顿量的有能隙的基态具有有限纠缠,马修·黑斯廷斯(Matthew Hastings)证明,张量网络理论有广泛的应用范围。这些工具最终使我们对一维有能隙量子态有了全面的理解。

The experimental discovery of topological insulators focused attention on the interplay of symmetry and topology. The more general notion of a symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase arose, in which a quantum system has an energy gap in the bulk but supports gapless excitations confined to its boundary which are protected by specified symmetries. (For topological insulators the symmetries are particle-number conservation and time- reversal invariance.) Again, tensor network methods proved to be well suited for establishing a complete classification of one-dimensional SPT phases, and guided progress toward understanding higher dimensions, though many open questions remain. 

拓扑绝缘体的实验发现,使人们开始专注于对称性和拓扑学的相互联系。一种更普适的观点,对称保护拓扑(Symmetry-Protected Topological,SPT)序诞生了。这些SPT系统的内部有能隙,但其在边界上会有无能隙激发,而这一无能隙的特性会被相应的对称性保护(对于拓扑绝缘体来说,对称性意味着粒子数守恒和时间反演不变性)。同样,张量网络方法被证明非常适用于建立一维SPT相的完全分类,并指导人们研究和理解高维系统的SPT相(虽然还有很多问题悬而未决)

We now have a much deeper understanding of topological order than when I first heard about it from Wen nearly 30 years ago. A central new insight is that topologically ordered systems have long-range entanglement, and that the entanglement has universal properties, like topological entanglement entropy, which are insensitive to the microscopic details of the Hamiltonian. Indeed, topological order is an intrinsic property of a quantum state and can be identified without reference to any particular Hamiltonian at all. To understand the meaning of long-range entanglement, imagine a quantum computer which applies a sequence of geometrically local operations to an input quantum state, producing an output product state which is completely disentangled. If the time required to complete this disentangling computation is independent of the size of the system, then we say the input state is short-ranged entangled; otherwise it is long-range entangled. More generally (loosely speaking), two states are in different quantum phases if no constant-time quantum computation can convert one state to the other. This fundamental connection between quantum computation and quantum order has many ramifications which are explored in this book. 



When is the right time for a book that summarizes the status of an ongoing research area? It’s a subtle question. The subject should be sufficiently mature that enduring concepts and results can be identified and clearly explained. If the pace of progress is sufficiently rapid, and the topics emphasized are not well chosen, then an ill-timed book might become obsolete quickly. On the other hand, the subject ought not to be too mature; only if there are many exciting open questions to attack will the book be likely to attract a sizable audience eager to master the material. 


I feel confident that Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter is appearing at an opportune time, and that the authors have made wise choices about what to include. They are world-class experts, and are themselves responsible for many of the scientific advances explained here. The student or senior scientist who studies this book closely will be well grounded in the tools and ideas at the forefront of current research at the confluence of quantum information science and quantum condensed matter physics. 


Indeed, I expect that in the years ahead a steadily expanding community of scientists, including computer scientists, chemists, and high-energy physicists, will want to be well acquainted with the ideas at the heart of Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter. In particular, growing evidence suggests that the quantum physics of spacetime itself is an emergent manifestation of long-range quantum entanglement in an underlying more fundamental quantum theory. More broadly, as quantum technology grows ever more sophisticated, I believe that the theoretical and experimental study of highly complex many-particle systems will be an increasingly central theme of 21st century physical science. It that’s true, Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter is bound to hold an honored place on the bookshelves of many scientists for years to come. 



约翰·普雷斯基尔(John Preskill),加州理工学院理论物理学教授。在研究生阶段,他曾发表论文阐述了大统一理论中超重磁单极子在早期宇宙中的产生,这个问题导致了后来的宇宙暴涨理论的提出。


普雷斯基尔因为和另外两位理论物理学家霍金、基普·索恩( Kip Thorne)关于黑洞信息佯谬所做的物理学赌局而为大众所熟知。2004年,霍金宣布让步,并赠送一本棒球百科全书给普雷斯基尔,但物理学界并未就这一问题达成最后共识。



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