In its ceaseless efforts to promote and encourage the development of Shanghai as a focal point of international business and trade, the government has taken on the mission of reviving confidence and encouraging investment in order to accelerate the recovery of industry. Whilst still closely observing epidemic prevention and control measures, we’re delighted to confirm that the Spring/Summer 2023 Shanghai Fashion Week officially opened on September 22nd!
The event took ‘’Open to New Nature’’ as a thematic starting point, with the idea of renewal and starting afresh a key perspective where everything is updated. The implication is that the boundary between the natural landscape and the human concept is gradually disintegrating in the meta-cosmic scene of reality and virtual isomorphism. In effect, a ‘New Nature’ is being born, and it is with this sense of optimism and expectation that we meet each other this hopeful September.
A key objective of this season’s Shanghai Fashion Week is to establish and strengthen the connection between the real world and cyberspace, reinventing the traditional model of the show and creatively highlighting the emerging paradigm of digital dissemination of the physical events and presentations, once again leading innovation in the fashion industry in its forward thinking use of new technology designed to stimulate new momentum.
The design presented throughout the show incorporates the theme of ‘fashion and nature’, with a strong emphasis on the ‘green’ sustainable commitment of fashion to environmental protection. Regardless of the extreme contrasts the fashion industry is capable of throwing up, the collision of high fashion and heightened environmental awareness is something to be celebrated and encouraged wholeheartedly, full of a positive sense of the future. This event, gathering high level industry representatives from China’s cutting edge fashion forces, enables Shanghai to act almost as a Flash Studio where fashion art landmarks are established and celebrated and can display for the whole world the vitality of China’s fashion industry.
female power
It is worth highlighting that this year marks the 20th anniversary of Shanghai Fashion Week. While cultivating and fermenting local industry power and influence, this popular event also facilitates a space for discourse concerning important concepts and trends within the community, currently including the necessity of sustainable fashion, female entrepreneurial power, non-inheritance among many other key issues.
而“微光聚力|她力量时尚对话”则很好的呈现了时尚行业对于女性力量的定义。时尚圈的姐姐们,是什么样?或许在你的想象里,她能踩着15cm的高跟鞋上天入海,她清早总挂着精致的全妆准时现身会议室,她可以细数大大小小的品牌,脑袋里装着编年体lookbook,在她这里,没有摆不平的debate、搞不定的event、完不成的plan B而这一切的想象,或许只是姐姐们生活里的微光一瞬,时尚、艺术、电影…...在这些关于美与创意的行业里,她们发光发热,她们聚力前行,她们灵感无限。从设计师到艺术家,从导演到媒体人,她们在上海时装周相聚。这场微光接力,由此开始。
‘’Low-light focus I Her power fashion dialogue’’ is a perfect encapsulation of the fashion industry’s definition of female power. Who are the essential female influencers and protagonists of the fashion industry, and how to they influence it? In the common imagination she can walk on 15cm high heels, she is the face of immaculate makeup and cosmetics with perfectly coordinated use of the most prestigious and influential brands and labels. Fully cognizant of fashion as a declaration of style, status and power, she has an extensive lookbook in her head and where no debate is required and no Plan B ever called upon. In the key industries of beauty and creativity they shine, they pull together and inspire. From designers to artists, from directors to media influencers, they converge at Shanghai Fashion Week, where it has been said that the ‘twilight relay’ begins!
With the continuing revival of market vitality in recent months, brands, buyers and key industry personnel from the domestic consumer market are in continuous search of momentum to build on the recovery from the year’s early stagnation. While of course observing all necessary epidemic prevention requirements, MODE will take clothing and apparel as it’s core, which is closely linked to the personalized demand of the fashion retail market. Focusing on new ‘small and beautiful’ high-quality design products which are intended to be precise and accurate to the subtleties and nuances of potential market segments, the aim is to strive to achieve not only the safe continuation of the industry in this time of epidemic but also to open wide the window of trade which is so essential to the industry as a whole. Following the sustainable eco-path, the 2023 Spring/Summer Shanghai Fashion Week MODE will gather new and old partners to set out once again, with the ambition of deepening the global reach of new product launches and continuously striving to achieve cutting-edge platform resource sharing. To this end connecting fashion products with market resources effectively and efficiently is especially important, including multi-dimensional integration of superior resources to fully realism this ambitious aim. This event offers an exciting opportunity for pioneering design brands, buyers and industry representatives to build a business platform to effectively promote trade and cooperation at a critically important time for the industry at large.
Focus on the show
Gathering the key figures and personalities of China’s fashion industry, with the inclusion of both new and long established fashion powerhouses, the focus promises to demonstrate the passion and ingenuity of China’s fashion industry. While many events present as a flash mob live show with the shock of revelation behind them, the results promise to stun the audience’s eyes while offering hope for fairer and environmentally conscious future for fashion.
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