100 Years of Modern Art
100 Years of Modern Art
2022 年 9 月 14 日,“现代艺术 100 年——意大利国家现当代美术馆珍藏”这一备受瞩目的艺术大展在东一美术馆正式拉开帷幕,展示了来自意大利国家现当代美术馆的经典馆藏。Bund One Art Museum proudly presents its latest exhibition of modern masterpieces entitled 100 Years of Modern Art. Working in collaboration with the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rome, Bund One Art Museum is delighted to bring to Shanghai some of the most significant and incredible pieces from this famous institution for art lovers in China to appreciate first hand. The exhibition commenced on the 15th September and is scheduled to run until the 8th January 2023.
这次展览的展品是意大利国家现当代美术馆的经典馆藏,展示了1865 年至 1972 年西方众多著名现代艺术大师的 57 件真迹佳作。除了印象派莫奈、后印象派梵高、巴黎画派莫迪利阿尼等名家巨匠的杰作外,还有现代艺术史上举足轻重的德 · 基里柯、巴拉、封塔纳、薄邱尼等大名鼎鼎的意大利艺术家的杰作。
The incredible range of styles and influences that are incorporated into this fantastic exhibition clearly goes to show the timeless value of many of the contributors. Featuring 57 works spanning the last hundred years of modern art’s exploration, audiences will be delighted to find key representatives of such essential artistic movements as Impressionism with Monet, Post-Impressionism with Van Gogh and the Parisian Modigliani as well as further masterpieces by many of the most important Italian artists in the history of modern art, including De Chirico, Balla, Fontana and Boccioni.
展览共分为五大展区,内容上涵盖了油画、摄影、雕塑、装置、拼贴、纸本等多种艺术形式,堪称一场超级艺术盛宴,是中国观众近距离感受西方现代艺术作品不可多得的机遇。The exhibition is divided into five major sections, covering a variety of art forms including oil painting, photography, sculpture, installation and collage, making it a comprehensive overview of the many key developments of this time period. It unquestionably represents a rare and important opportunity for Chinese audiences to experience some of the cornerstones of Western modern art up close, a chance that any serious art enthusiast must surely take advantage of!
171 x 171 cm
© Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea -
Photographic Archives - Bio-iconographic Archives
19世纪末至20世纪初,女性主义的第一次浪潮拉开序幕,这是西方世界第一次大范围要求女性权利的运动。在这样的时代背景下,克里姆特运用象征手法,将女人的幼年、青年、老年三个阶段浓缩于一幅画里,将其自身的思想自然融入画中。The first wave of feminism emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, confronting the established political order and demanding women’s rights be given the respect and consideration they had hitherto lacked. Against this tumultuous backdrop, Gustav Klimt used incredible symbolism to condense the three stages of a woman’s childhood, youth and old age into one painting which integrated his own contemplations into the scene.
画中的女性形象被赋予了多重身份,承载着多重含义。克里姆特通过对不同时期女性的外在形态及精神特征的细致描绘,表达出他对生命历程的独到理解,以及对生命繁衍过程中不可逆转的事实的惆怅与悲叹。The figures in the painting represent multiple identities and carry fundamental elements of the nature of femininity. By meticulously depicting the external forms and spiritual characteristics of women in the respective stages of development, Klimt expresses his unique understanding of the journey of life, as well as his melancholy and lamentation over the irreversible fact of life’s inevitable process.
61 x 50 cm
© Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea -
Photographic Archives - Bio-iconographic Archives
《阿尔勒妇女(吉努夫人肖像)》是荷兰后印象派画家梵高于生命最后两年创作的系列画作之一。画面中出现的书是梵高最喜爱的社会新潮的标志,多角的轮廓线象征着内页丰富的内容,一旁的女主人公正托着脸庞若有所思,营造出了一种浓厚的家庭氛围。The Arlesienne (Madam Ginoux) is one of a series of paintings created by the Dutch Post-Impressionist master Van Gogh in the last two years of his life. Looking closely at the details of the work, the book that appears in the picture is a symbol of Van Gogh’s favourite social novelty. The multi-angled contour lines symbolize the richness of the interior pages, and the heroine on one side is holding her face in thought, creating a strong domestic atmosphere.
高更曾与梵高一起为画中的女主人公绘制肖像,本次展览展出作品的版本是梵高参考高更的粉彩画制作的。梵高曾在信中多次提及这件作品,包括去世前一个月与姐姐的通信。同系列其余画作分别被奥赛博物馆、大都会艺术博物馆等机构收藏。Gauguin has worked with Van Gogh to paint the portrait of the heroine in the painting, and the version of the work on view in this exhibition was made by Van Gogh in reference to Gauguin’s pastel painting. Van Gogh referred to this work several times in letters, including correspondence with his sister a month before his death.
10.7 x 86.9 x 6.5 cm
© Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea -
Photographic Archives - Bio-iconographic Archives
在《赫克托耳与安德洛玛刻》中,乔治·德·基诉说着数千年前那场特洛伊战争中的爱情故事。乔治·德·基里柯是意大利形而上画派的创始人之一,并被认为是超现实主义的先驱。他的作品中经常出现空无一人的建筑、无脸模特以及长长的日光影子,注重对艺术内在情绪与象征精神的强调。In Hector and Andromache, the incredible scene tells the gripping love story of the Trojan War thousands of years ago. Giorgio de Chirico was one of the founders of the Italian School of Metaphysical Painting and is rightly considered a pioneer of Surrealism. His works are noted for often featuring empty buildings, faceless models and long daylight shadows, focusing on the emphasis of the inner mood and the symbolic spirit of art.
《赫克托耳与安德洛玛刻》描绘了男主人公奔赴战场前跟妻子道别的场景。无脸的设计巧妙非常,以独特的留白方式留给观众无限遐想的空间。Hector and Andromache depicts the hero saying goodbye to his wife before heading off to war. The faceless design is ingenious, leaving the viewer with a unique white space for endless interpretation and imagination.
81 x 100 cm
© Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea -
Photographic Archives - Bio-iconographic Archives
克劳德·莫奈是印象派的代表人物及创始人之一,他一生足迹遍布巴黎、伦敦、威尼斯和挪威等地,遗留了500件素描、2000多幅油画作品。莫奈的《睡莲》系列是现代艺术发展过程中最具标志性的画作系列之一。Claude Monet, a representative figure and one of the founders of Impressionism, spent his life in Paris, London, Venice and Norway, leaving behind a mightily impressive 500 drawings and more than 2000 paintings. Monet’s “Les Nympheas” series is certainly one of the most iconic series of paintings in the evolution of modern art.
《粉色睡莲》中,睡莲一片片向湖面扩展开来,层次鲜明,整个画面唯美而富有诗意。In this painting, the water lilies expand out towards the lake in idyllic distinct layers, with the picture as a whole creating a profound sense of poetic beauty and serenity.
65 x 81 cm
© Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea -
Photographic Archives - Bio-iconographic Archives
保罗·塞尚是后印象派领军人物,被人亲切地称为“现代绘画之父”。他对物体体积感的追求和表现,为后世艺术的发展产生了重要的影响。Paul Cezanne is considered to be the leading figure of Post-Impressionism and is often affectionately known as the ‘father of modern painting’. His pursuit and expression of the sense of volume of objects has had an undeniable influence on the subsequent development of artistic practice.
《儒尔当的乡间小屋》这幅画作是塞尚最著名的风景画作之一,展现了他对颜色以及物体体积的巧妙运用与处理手法。The painting “Le Cabanon de Jourdan” is one of Cezanne’s most famous landscapes, showing his skillful use of color and volume to show the incredible in the everyday.
Exhibition Period:
Visiting hours:
(entrance closed at 17:30)
Exhibition Address:
2nd Floor, Bund One Art Museum
Pass price: 218 RMB
Shanghai Spotlight is genuinely excited at the presence of so many undisputed masters of the last hundred years of the development of Western art. The opportunity to examine and enjoy many of these pieces doesn’t come around frequently and we can’t urge you strongly enough to engage with this presentation and discover something exciting and new in its midsts. We look forward to hearing what moved you the most in the comments section below!
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