第五届进博会精彩回顾 | CIIE Brings Excitement and Opportunity to Shanghai!
The 5th CIIE was successfully held in Shanghai from 5th to 10th November 2022. Walking through the vast halls of the 5th Expo, whether it was a dazzling luxury exhibition or a pleasant negotiation for future cooperation, a strong sense of optimism and opportunity was clearly evident among the visitors. This year's Expo featured a wider range of exhibiting countries, richer displays and better quality exhibits. The Spotlight team attended the Expo and are delighted to now bring to our readers the highlights of this impressive event. Here are some of our favourite exhibitors and events that will give you a clear impression of what it's like to attend this internationally recognized event and experience the unforgettable charm of the Expo!
At this year's Expo, Meiji, a leading international food brand and one of the largest food companies in Japan, said: "China is already the most important overseas market for Meiji, and this participation in the Expo is a new beginning for Meiji."
进入中国市场 30 余载,明治一直为中国消费者提供着多元、营养的健康产品,持续不断地通过研发与创新满足中国消费者的需求, 引领着食品市场的新趋势。第五届进博会上,明治携旗下四大事业版块乳制品、巧克力/饼干、雪糕、营养食品的“明星产品”一同亮相。
For more than 30 years, Meiji has been providing Chinese consumers with a wide range of nutritious and healthy products, continuing to meet the needs of Chinese consumers through research and innovation, and leading the way in new trends in the food market. At the 5th Fair, Meiji presented its 'star products' from its four business areas of dairy products, chocolate/biscuits, ice-cream and nutritional food.
In addition to offering a wide range of high quality products, Meiji brought a thorough understanding of the value of food and provided consumers with real-life experiences to learn more about dairy products, nutritional content, special lactic acid bacteria and yogurt in a more interesting way, and to explore ways to have a balanced diet.
明治打造了乳酸菌小课堂,辅以妙趣横生的小测试互动,让科学的食品知识真正走进生活。此外,明治还持续跨行业领域为消费者推出一系列营养膳食科普的“食育”活动,不断为中国消费者的健康生活作出贡献, 助力实现“健康中国”。
Meiji has created a lactobacillus mini-class, complemented by fun and interactive quizzes to bring scientific food knowledge to life. In addition, Meiji has continued to launch a series of 'food education' activities across industries to promote nutrition and diet for consumers, contributing to a healthier life for Chinese consumers and helping to achieve a 'Healthy China'.
自 1916 年创办以来,明治对品质与健康的追求就已深深融入企业的发展脉络,所有产品工序都做到精益求精。从严选最高等级牧场和鲜奶入库品质检查,到采用 ESL 技术严控产品出厂安全环境,再到贯穿生产全链的环保管理以求绿色生产,明治从源头上回应消费者和社会对健康和放心的期待。
Since its founding in 1916, Meiji's pursuit of quality and health has been ingrained in the company's development. From the selection of the highest quality farms and quality checks on incoming fresh milk, to the adoption of ESL technology to control the safety environment of products leaving the factory, to environmental management throughout the production chain for green production, Meiji responds to the expectations of consumers and society for health and peace of mind from the source.
In addition to increasing the front-end of the industrial chain in China through the construction of factories, Meiji has been able to industrialise its research and development achievements in a timely manner to better innovate product categories, functions and nutritional values, and to follow China's "double carbon" strategy to actively lead a green, environmentally friendly and healthy lifestyle. In the future, Meiji will continue to support the Chinese health food market with technological innovation and bring health and taste to Chinese consumers through sustainable production. This is the key to the Meiji brand's success in the future, based on the current trend. This is the key to the stability of the Meiji brand.
As a globally renowned food company, Meiji has the resources of over 100 years of product development and advanced technology, as well as the experience of meeting consumers' needs with local roots, which enables it to effectively link the momentum of both its headquarters and the Chinese market to better meet the needs of Chinese consumers in terms of diversified nutritional intake.
一路走来,明治已逐渐成为中国消费者并不陌生的“老朋友”,而此次以“新朋友”的身份首次亮相进博会,则代表着明治开启在中国市场的新阶段——既是对 33 年来产品研发成果与品牌资产积累的回顾与分享,也进一步夯实了品牌积极投入中国健康食品领域的热情与信心,让更多营养美味的明治产品走进中国消费者的健康生活,携手广大消费者一同“创享健康新理念”,向着充实且美好的生活目标迈进。
Over the years, Meiji has become an 'old friend' to Chinese consumers, and its debut at the Fair as a 'new friend' represents a new phase for Meiji in the Chinese market. -This is a review and sharing of 33 years of product development and brand equity, and further reinforces the brand's enthusiasm and trust to actively participate in the health food sector in China, bringing more nutritious and delicious Meiji products into the healthy lives of Chinese consumers, and working together with them to 'create a new concept of health'. They fully intend to join hands with their loyal customers and to realize this ambition of greater health and health awareness and ensure everyone can achieve a fulfilling and beautiful life.
今年进博会,百联整合全球供应链优势,将Best-Links展台移师消费品展区。由百联旗下时尚买手店the bálancing将来自世界各地的品质甄选、融入体现独特生活美学的进博展台,通过将城市生活、自然心境和艺术表现有机糅合,自由切换场景与心境。
This year, Bailian has integrated the advantages of its global supply chain and moved its Best-Links booth to the consumer goods section of the fair. The bálancing, a highly impressive fashion boutique from Bailian, brings a huge range of innovative and exciting products from around the world to showcase in their booth, which reflects their company's unique lifestyle aesthetic.
Clearly one of the best designed booths in the entire Expo, when you enter the Best-Links stand in Hall 5.2H you are instantly aware of a great sense of harmony. This creatively designed presentation incorporates various themes which relate to all of us including scenes of fashion and art, business and pleasure, office and exercise. They each bring their own characteristics and introduce quality products to improve their customer's lives.
In addition, Bailian has selected more than 50 imported brands from more than 20 countries and regions around the world, with nearly 500 unique items, to be displayed at its booth at the Expo, which will present the aesthetics of life in a concrete manner through the expansion of product categories and the innovation of scene operation.
This scene beautifully depicts an expedition from the city to a more natural environment, something ever more popular with the young professionals these days. The ‘urban theatre' of this presentation includes the amazing ‘Balance in Progress' infinite ring, which represents the energy, dynamism and positive outlook of modern urban life. Bailian's intricate exploration of brand retailing conveys to the consumer a specific life aesthetic of aspiration and creativity, a proposal for a better quality of life. This is backed up by their company's future-oriented, sustainable and inclusive philosophy and approach to business and life in general.
At this year's Expo, Edrington showcased its leading Scotch single malt whisky brands, The Macallan and The Glenrothes, bringing visitors an upgraded experience across its new and expanded booth, reaffirming the group's unwavering dedication to quality and craftsmanship.
麦卡伦品牌展台的整体廓形设计以麦卡伦精神家园 Easter Elchies House 为灵感,每一处细节,都紧紧围绕“育于自然,非凡技艺”的品牌发展理念,并与整个食品及农产品展区的绿色、健康、创新、发展”主题遥相呼应。
The Macallan Booth is inspired by The Macallan Spiritual Home, Easter Elchies House. Every detail in the booth bears The Macallan's philosophy of ‘Nurture by Nature, Crafted Without Compromise', and echoes the themes of sustainability, health, innovation and development found across the Expo's Food and Agricultural Products Exhibition Area .
首度登临进博会舞台的苏格兰单一麦芽威士忌品牌格兰路思为第五届进博会奉上的重磅展品,是首度在华向公众亮相的格兰路思·旷40 年威士忌中国专属版。中国专属版的水晶酒瓶由达廷顿(Dartingtons)工匠大师手工吹制而成,红色礼盒的双开门设计源自格兰路思酒厂的红色大门,而贯穿于红色礼盒上的等高线则勾勒出格兰路思酒厂的地形图,凝结了精湛工艺与设计巧思。
The centrepiece of The Glenrothes booth at CIIE is The Glenrothes Quantum 40 Year Old China Exclusive, which makes its first public appearance in China at the Expo. The result is an outstanding creation specially crafted for the Chinese market. A masterpiece of craftsmanship and creativity, The Glenrothes Quantum 40-Year-Old China Exclusive brings one of Speyside's greatest hidden gems and its centuries-old heritage to the Chinese market.
Sotheby's, world's premier destination for art and luxury, was proud to present a newly curated and elevated experience for collectors and visitors at the Fifth China International Import Expo which centres on the theme of ‘collecting'. This year, Sotheby's showcased a rich array of collectibles whilst introducing an all-new art and culture collecting experience to the public, aiming to promote cultural exchange through the exhibited artworks and highlight the endless possibilities for global artistic and cultural interaction in the new era.
苏富比始终以推广收藏文化为己任,此次参展也将从空间、展品双维度进行升级,践行持续启发 收藏、丰富体验,带来了时代的艺术及收藏精品,涵盖印象派大师典藏、现代艺术巨作和当代艺术先锋之作,带领观众领略艺术家皮埃尔·博纳尔、爱德华·蒙克、马克·罗斯科、丹尼尔·里希特、王俊杰、安东尼・葛姆雷和六角彩子的澎湃才思。
Sotheby's has always been committed to its collectors. With a greater array of offerings and a larger space, this year's booth inspired collecting through an enriched experience. The art and objects Sotheby's have chosen span across Impressionist
paintings, modern masterpieces, and cutting-edge contemporary art by artists such as Pierre Bonnard, Edvard Munch, Mark Rothko, Daniel Richter, Matthew Wong, Antony Gormley, and Ayako Rokkaku.
近年来,苏富比于全球推出全新的线上“即时收藏”平台——苏富比Buy Now, 旨在丰富藏家的收藏形式、拓宽除拍场以外的收藏场景,使更多藏家体验“一键收藏”的乐趣,满足藏家日益更迭的收藏需求。今年,苏富比 Buy Now也率先亮相于进博会现场,涵盖丰富多元的全品类收藏,包括珠宝、当代艺术、收藏级球鞋、手表、装饰品及室内家居摆设等,随时随地为高品质生活提供全方位服务。
In recent years, Sotheby's launched the Sotheby's Buy Now online marketplace, empowering new ways for collectors to buy and sell beyond the traditional auction calendar. Sotheby's online Buy Now platform for all categories. This year, Sotheby's Buy Now has been be a highlight of the Sotheby's booth at the Import Expo, including jewellery, contemporary art, sneakers, watches, fashion, and home décor, providing the best service, anytime and anywhere, for a beautifully curated life.
现代奢华配饰及生活方式类品牌公司Tapestry, Inc.(泰佩思琦)携旗下三大品牌COACH、Kate Spade 及Stuart Weitzman参展,带来一众首发首秀新品,闪耀亮相进博舞台,齐邀各方共探无限可能。展区空间各具特色,缤纷灵感呈现不同主题风格。
Tapestry attended the exhibition with its three brands COACH, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman, presenting an array of debut products—together to stretch what's possible. At this year's CIIE, all three of their major brands were delighted to present exciting new products in unique and attractive displays with distinctive, luxurious styles.
COACH携手知名中国品牌大白兔共同呈现跨界惊喜,双方联名合作系列于本届进博会上实现全球首发,跨界演绎“国潮”魅力下的时尚新篇。kate spade展区则以冬日派对为灵感,呈现舞会灯光闪耀下的假日风情。Stuart Weitzman首次呈献2023早春系列,延续“叛逆新贵”的设计理念,以先锋精神续写摩登篇章。
The collaborations by COACH and the well-known Chinese brand White Rabbit launched their global debut at the CIIE, colliding in an innovative way that creates a new chapter of "Chinese Fashion".The kate spade area is inspired by winter party - the party lights shine in the stage. The classic Candy shaped handbag – enjoys the sweet and relaxed holiday.Stuart Weitzman will present its 2023 early spring collection with the luxury and elegance of the new platform loafers and the handmade pearl and rhinestone chains to interpret modern aesthetics.
著名华人艺术家陈世英(Wallace Chan)大型个展《出世‧入世》于第五届中国国际进口博览会亮相,这是艺术家继2010年首都博物馆《心语神工》个展之后在中国内地最大规模的个展。
Renowned Chinese artist Wallace Chan's large-scale solo exhibition "Earthly, Unearthly" was unveiled at the 5th CIIE.
The exhibition features over 150 pieces of jewellery artworks by Wallace Chan, including the classic masterpiece "Stilled Life", a jewellery art sculpture that rocked Europe at the 2012 Biennale des Antiquaires in Paris, and a video collaboration with Spanish multidisciplinary artist Javier Ideami.
The exhibition is curated by the artist himself, ‘using earthly materials to convey the spirit of the world', and the works, installation and lighting are all created by him, providing a rare opportunity for visitors to experience world-class jewellery art creations up close and personal, as well as promoting cultural exchange and mutual appreciation between China and overseas.
加拿大鹅Canada Goose
-加拿大鹅Canada Goose-
Canada Goose加拿大鹅首次亮相进博会。作为进博会“朋友圈”的新成员,Canada Goose加拿大鹅以 “心向无界:拥抱中国”为主题,打造了一场引人入胜的体验之旅,展示品牌深厚的历史积淀、性能为先的高端产品以及可持续发展承诺及其最新进展。
Canada Goose made its debut at the Expo. As a new member of the Fair's "circle of friends", Canada Goose used the theme "Live In the Open" to create a fascinating experience, showcasing the brand's deep history, performance-first high-end products as well as its commitment to sustainability and its latest progress.
“中国是Canada Goose加拿大鹅的重要市场,而中国国际进口博览会是展示企业品牌、产品以及如何参与中国持续增长的重要平台。我们非常荣幸,能够成为进博会的新成员之一。” Canada Goose加拿大鹅董事长兼首席执行官Dani Reiss表示,“我们将继续在中国进行有意义的长期投资,并坚信我们在中国市场的广阔长线发展前景。”
"China is an important market for Canada Goose and the China International Import Expo is an important platform to showcase the company's brand, products and how it is participating in China's continued growth. We are honoured to be one of the newest members of the Fair." Canada Goose Chairman and CEO Dani Reiss said, "We will continue to make meaningful long-term investments in China and believe strongly in our broad long-term growth prospects in the Chinese market."
Canada Goose加拿大鹅展馆共占地200平方米,分为“源于北境”、“从北境到中国”与“HUMANATURE”三大展区,展示了超过120款产品。每个展区都包含了一个中国创新的故事,从而将展馆体验与“心向无界:拥抱中国”的主题紧密结合。
The Canada Goose pavilion covers a total of 200 square metres and is divided into three main exhibition areas, showcasing over 120 products. Each area contains a story of Chinese innovation, thus trying the pavilion experience into the theme of "Live In the Open".
PHILLIPS once again brought together a group of internationally renowned contemporary artists to exhibit at the 5th China International Import Expo, promoting cultural exchange between East and West through the works on display and offering an on-site buying service.
此次参展不仅带来当代艺坛备受推崇的德国艺术大师格哈特‧里希特(Gerhard Richter)及流行文化现象重量级人物KAWS的经典代表作,更甄选一系列当代杰出女性艺术家的精彩创作,包括家喻户晓的日本当代艺术家草间弥生、备受瞩目的艺坛“明日之星”六角彩子和西方抽象派新生代表人物露西·布尔(Lucy Bull)等。
In addition to the works of Gerhard Richter and the pop culture phenomenon KAWS, the auction house has also selected a series of outstanding works by contemporary women artists, including Yayoi Kusama, a household name in Japanese contemporary art, and the highly acclaimed art world's The exhibition will also feature a selection of contemporary female artists, including Yayoi Kusama, the highly regarded "star of tomorrow", and Lucy Bull, a rising star of Western abstraction.
Zhang Wenjia, Director of PHILLIPS China, said: "To cater to the increasingly diverse collecting tastes of Chinese collectors, we have carefully selected over a dozen paintings and sculptures from international art world giants and emerging artists in a variety of styles that will refresh the audience at the fair. Our participation in the fair for the second consecutive year is part of our ongoing commitment to expand into the Chinese market. We look forward to continuing to extend our reach into the endlessly promising China art market and creating more opportunities."
泰森食品Tyson Foods
-泰森食品Tyson Foods-
Tyson Foods made its third appearance on the Expo stage, showcasing Tyson's global premium protein products and providing an unforgettable immersive food experience for domestic and international consumers. This year's booth was the largest in terms of space, resources and products on display since Tyson Foods has been exhibiting at the Fair. The five immersive experience zones attracted many buyers, trade association guests and visitors to the event, demonstrating Tyson's continued commitment and confidence in the Chinese market and its long-term development in China.
In the future, Tyson Foods will continue to leverage its strengths in the whole protein industry chain in the Chinese market, deepen its national production business layout, accelerate the exploration of digital transformation, further enhance the innovation and research and development of Tyson's high quality products, and bring more innovative, diversified and high quality meat protein products to Chinese consumers.
Although this year's Expo has come to an end, the relationships and exchanges built here remain strong and will continue to develop and prosper. Shanghai, as an incredibly dynamic, open and inclusive international city, will continue to harness this positivity and determination to succeed and focus its pride and energy in providing more opportunities for everyone to enjoy. This year's 5th CIIE was a huge success for both commercial and cultural exchange and Shanghai Spotlight is looking forward to see what 2023 will bring for us all!
十一月展讯合集 | 以艺术感知情绪、热爱生活。Winter Begins With A Cultural Feast!
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