
魔都秋冬商城嗨逛指南Shanghai’s Malls Bring Winter Delights

TheSpotlightTeam Shanghai Spotlight 聚焦上海




Hopson One


Plaza 66




Ruihong Tiandi








Global Harbor


As autumn gradually fades into winter, Shanghai is quietly changing  its appearance. With outside activities less favorable during the cold season, many shopping malls have been revamped and a variety of activities for all the family are available for you to engage with. The Shanghai Spotlight team has prepared a collection of the most interesting events and experiences in Shanghai’s premiere shopping malls for our readers to choose from. With great deals and fun-packed events waiting for you and your friends, they are sure to become some of your must-visit spots this winter! 



开启Ballet Dreams冬日亮灯,加持惊喜礼遇。The opening of Ballet Dreams winter lighting presents a surprising treat! 

2022年11月24日,上海尚嘉中心“Ballet Dreams云端芭蕾”岁末亮灯活动正式启幕,由此步入绮丽童话世界。尚嘉中心原创打造的IP形象“兔Lapin”首次以芭蕾舞精灵造型亮相,伴随着优雅舞姿穿梭云端与香槟金色剧场中,以优美典雅的俏皮感唤醒冬日节庆氛围。

On 24th November 2022, L'Avenue launched the "Ballet Dreams" year-end lighting event, which is a step into the world of fairy tales. Lapin, the original IP image created by L'Avenue, made its debut in the form of a ballet elf, dancing gracefully through the clouds and the champagne golden theatre, waking up the festive atmosphere of winter with a beautiful and elegant playfulness.


In addition, from 24th November L’Avenue will be offering a wide range of privileges to it’s guests in collaboration with an impressive variety of premium brands. In addition, the mall has also launched a Christmas season series of limited-edition activities, hoping that customers will continue to feel the festive atmosphere of "warmth, healing and sharing" while shopping with their families and friends in a rhythmic and dreamy scene.


Hopson One

Love Share 爱享圣诞季

Love Share Christmas Season 

2022 年 11 月 25 日-12 月 25 日,合生汇以“爱享”为主题重磅推出【Love Share】的冬日活动,为顾客带来多元、时尚和充满活力的节日购物体验,共同点亮整个圣诞季。

From November 25th to December 25th 2022, Hopson One will launch Love Share, a delightful winter event based on the theme of the ‘Love Share’ story, bringing a diverse, stylish and vibrant festive shopping experience to customers, lighting up the entire Christmas season together.

合生汇不仅有亮灯当日的精彩活动,在 11.25-12.25 整个活动季期间,还有由国内顶尖公共空间表演艺术团体-乌龙剧团创作的剧目,以高跷、现代人偶技术为基础与表演技艺结合,诠释经典童话《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。

Not only will there be exciting events on the lighting day, but throughout the season from 11.25-12.25, there will also be a play by one of China's leading public space performing arts groups, the Oolong Theatre Company, which combines stilt walkers, modern puppetry and performance techniques to interpret the classic fairy tale Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.


Plaza 66

众星闪耀“HOME TO LUXURY”时尚寰宇之夜

‘Home to Luxury’ Fashion Nights a Huge Success!

上海恒隆广场“HOME TO LUXURY”盛装派对于2022年11月18日至20日盛大举办,再度携手全场逾百家知名国际品牌,为宾客呈献多款独家、首发及限量臻品,更以缤纷互动装置、绚丽品牌花车、独家会员礼遇,为持续三天的盛装派对加持惊喜。

Shanghai experienced a symphony of light as famous stars gathered at Plaza 66 for it’s prestigious Shanghai “HOME TO LUXURY” party, held between 18th to 20th November 2022. This year, Plaza 66 once again joined hands with more than 100 renowned international brands to present guests with a rich array of exclusive, first-release and limited edition items. Colorful, interactive installations, beautifully-decorated floats from brands, and exclusive member benefits added to the excitement of the three-day fashion party.

本次“HOME TO LUXURY”盛装派对以“寰宇未来”为灵感与主题,别出心裁地打造了众多陈列于各楼层的趣味互动装置,为到场宾客增添丰富的玩乐体验。

“Cruise to the future” is the inspiration and theme of this year’s “HOME TO LUXURY” party. It invites guests to embark on an immersive journey into the future to experience the amazing universe. Interesting and interactive installations decked each floor of the shopping mall to enrich the overall atmosphere.

现场也特别邀请多位时尚达人加入“HOME TO LUXURY”寰宇派对浪潮,在小红书、微博、抖音等社交平台上分享缤纷时刻,融入目标客群社交圈层,引领线上观众“云逛盛宴”。

It extended special invitations to a number of fashionistas to join the lively “HOME TO LUXURY” party. As a result, an even wider audience shared in the colorful moments of the mega event. 




Anthony the Bunny Circus of Love  


In an exciting development at iapm Mall, the outdoor space at LG1 level has been transformed into an Anthony the Bunny Circus of Love,to feel the beauty and warmth of life, and to embark on an extraordinary journey of art and healing.




Love together, One in all

2022年11月18日, 博荟广场 ONE EAST一周年庆典盛大揭幕,并于活动现场宣布了“绿色森林计划”的正式启动。

The official launch of the "Green Forest Programme" was announced at the event at 18th November.

值此周年庆典,博荟广场 ONE EAST延续了可持续发展的品牌理念,将一整片“绿色森林”搬入商场,化身为都市绿洲。

For the anniversary celebration, ONE EAST continues its sustainable branding philosophy by bringing a whole "green forest" into the mall, transforming it into an urban oasis.


There are also events such as the World Cup and the Christmas Market, which continue to refresh the fun quotient of the good life. The one and a half month anniversary celebration will upgrade the "love together" experience for families in Shanghai.



“CHERISH THE MOMENT珍爱此刻”冬日主题节日季。"CHERISH THE MOMENT" Winter Themed Festival Season!


On the evening of November 18th,, many guests and friends gathered at the South Plaza of JAKC to witness the winter night sky being lit up by a 20-metre high fireworks installation, sparkling with hope and happiness.


From 19th November, JAKC will open its Winter Ice Rink at the South Square for everyone to enjoy and feel the warmth of winter gathering.


In addition to the special ice rink experience, the popular weekend IP event and the limited winter market "Winter Wonderland" will be held at JAKC. The twin markets will be transformed into a festive "look" for everyone!


Ruihong Tiandi

“Live in Dreams 美梦成真”主题活动季,打造全城仪式感双旦庆典。‘Live In Dreams’ themed season creates a city-wide celebration ritual!

2022 年 11 月 25 日起,瑞虹天地【Live in Dreams 美梦成真】双旦活动季重磅开幕:由西班牙著名插画设计师 David Sierra 为瑞虹天地量身定制的【美梦成真节日限定展】梦幻呈现;同期,深受大小朋友喜爱的乐高®集团携高达 7 米、纵跨双层的巨型光影圣诞树惊喜亮相,树立上海双旦打卡新地标。

From 25th November 2022, the "Live in Dreams" season at RUIHONG TIANDI will begin with the launch of a limited edition exhibition by renowned Spanish illustrator David Sierra, and a surprise appearance by the popular LEGO® Group with a 7-metre tall, double-decker Christmas tree.

恰逢年底节日热潮,瑞虹天地【由新享聚 年终嗨购节】强势升级,和舞台剧《胡桃夹子之冰雪王国》、音乐剧《猫》等圣诞经典剧目一起,引燃缤纷“生活力”中心。

The upgraded "Year-end Shopping Festival", together with classic Christmas productions such as the stage play "The Nutcracker" and the musical "Cats", ignites RUIHONG TIANDI, the colourful "lifestyle" centre.



邀你玩出奇奇怪怪,可可爱爱!Hereby inviting you to join us and play with unique and quirky creations that are both cute and lovable!


There are always some original and surprising things in life that can be both weird but cute, raising your spirits and arousing your fun-loving nature. From 2022.12.20 to 2023.1.3, LuOne Forest invites you to start the fun. The fun will be filled with cute and lively creatures that will invite you to play with the weird and wonderful.


Under the sky and trees, the sun is warm. The "anti-seasonal" sprouting of cute sub-creatures in the Weird Forest will spread the happy factor to the whole venue. In addition, there will be a series of magic activities to keep you entertained until New Year's Day, to conclude the 2022.


Global Harbor

GAME ON.——埃德加·普兰斯潮流艺术展。GAME ON. - Edgar Plans Trendy Art Exhibition!

Edgar Plans(埃德加.普兰斯)于1977年出生于西班牙马德里,他热衷于用孩童般稚拙的线条表达所思所想。从他创作的小英雄(Little Hero)系列形象问世后,不仅在世界各地的展览广受追捧,于各大拍卖行也多次刷新价格记录。

Edgar Plans was born in Madrid, Spain in 1977. Born in Madrid, Spain in 1977, Edgar Plans has a passion for expressing his thoughts in childlike lines. His Little Hero series of images have been exhibited around the world and have been sold at auction for record prices.

本次展览空间将陈列展出10余座巨型“小英雄”雕塑,40件艺术家Edgar Plans原画作品及手稿,并在获得篮球品牌Wilson及篮球游戏NBA2KOL2的官方授权下联合展出篮球收藏品文化墙。还有超多有趣的互动式体验空间,让你在可爱又童趣的涂鸦氛围中沉浸式感受潮流艺术的独特魅力。

The exhibition space will feature more than 10 giant Little Hero sculptures, 40 original drawings and manuscripts by artist Edgar Plans, and a cultural wall of basketball collectibles under the official licence of basketball brand Wilson and basketball game NBA2KOL2. There are also many fun and interactive spaces for you to immerse yourself in the unique charm of trendy art in a cute and fun graffiti atmosphere.


With so many opportunities for socializing and shopping this winter there is sure to be an event or a brand with something to put a smile on your face. With the end of 2022 in sight we hope you can make the most of this festive holiday season and all the events available to us all!


十一月展讯合集 | 以艺术感知情绪、热爱生活。Winter Begins With A Cultural Feast!

第九届西岸艺博会-West Bund Art & Design Fair Unites The Art Community

进博会-中阿友好贸易往来Huge Pride and Passion at Argentina’s CIIE Pavilion

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