
全球顶级影像艺术中心!亚洲首家带你揭秘!Shanghai Delighted To Welcome Fotografiska!

Spotlight Team Shanghai Spotlight 聚焦上海


Shanghai Spotlight团队有幸采访到了Fotografiska中国区执行董事Christian Devillers先生,邀请他为我们揭开这个这座艺术殿堂的背后故事及文化缘起,令人超级期待!这次登陆上海,将给大家呈现怎样的精彩艺术之旅!

Saturday 21st October 2023 will see a significant opening in the artistic landscape of Shanghai and indeed China as a whole. Fotografiska has chosen Shanghai as its latest location and to serious connoisseurs of art and photography especially, this is the cause for much excitement. Perfectly situated alongside Suzhou Creek in the heart of the city, this spacious facility promises to offer visitors not only photography exhibitions of the highest quality but an entirely new dynamic for approaching and appreciating art, which in many ways is long overdue. Originally created in 2010 in Stockholm, Sweden and now featuring locations in New York, Tallinn and Berlin, Shanghai is the latest city to welcome an expansion. Shanghai Spotlight sat down with the Managing Director of Fotografiska China, Mr Christian Devillers, to gain an insight into the philosophy and culture of this prestigious institution.



The ambition of Fotografiska is simultaneously simple and profound; to revolutionize the museum-going public’s relationship with art and its place in contemporary lifestyle. Museums around the world often operate in a counterintuitive fashion where they will only be open during office hours during the week, restricting the public’s ability to access and appreciate art in their daily lives. If offered at all, food and drink are an afterthought, overpriced coffee and cake with little flair or consideration. For an industry that specifically emerges from creativity and inspiration there is too often little of that evident in their offerings to the public.


Fotografiska couldn’t be more different from this outdated approach. The ethos of their organization arises organically from their commitment to inclusivity and approachability. For them, museums must move beyond the traditionally reserved or even intimidating institutions of the past to become social spaces where the communication of ideas and reflections is paramount. A visit to Fotografiska, whether it be in Stockholm, New York or now Shanghai, is a wholistic experience where visitors are encouraged to fully immerse themselves in the presentations on display and communicate their reactions with others. 


In keeping with their other locations, Fotografiska Stockholm is open to 11pm each day. Or later. This level of accessibility is almost unheard of in standard museum settings and opens up a myriad of possibilities for engaging with the art on display. Rushed weekend visitations will be a thing of the past as photography enthusiasts now have the opportunity for evening and after-work visits to a creative establishment. This flexibility carries obvious appeal to a range of potential visitors, from busy office-based professionals to hard working students, neither of which have much chance to visit in regular opening hours.


Food and beverages are another clear point of differentiation. Being able to relax, socialize and consider the artistic presentations you have witnessed while enjoying quality food and drink is at the heart of a Fotografiska experience. The Stockholm restaurant has even been awarded a Michelin Green Star for gastronomy and sustainability, a clear sign of quality and attention to detail. Here are people who take the quality of their visitors experience very seriously yet offer it without pretensions or unreasonable prices. Sharing dishes with friends or savoring a quality wine is seen as a natural extension of the museum experience and something which will facilitate meaningful social interactions around the subject of photography and art.


The Shanghai site of the latest Fotografiska museum is the perfect combination of elegant surroundings and convenient location. At over 4600 square meters this is an unusually large facility dedicated to photography and enhancing the experience of each visitor. As Christian notes, cities significantly smaller than Shanghai such as Paris and London offer a range of museums especially dedicated to the art of photography. Until now Shanghai has been missing such a cultural cornerstone in its repertoire, and what better institution to fill this void than the internationally prestigious Fotografiska? 


那么Fotografiska的到来又会为上海艺术文化界带来什么样的新鲜感呢?据Christian所传达的那样,每一年Fotografiska影像艺术中心都会举办至少16场艺术展览!包括和世界摄影顶流、世界一流摄影艺术家以及先锋潮流的新艺术家,这些艺术家曾在Fotografiska各地博物馆中举办过多场展览,比如安妮·李博维茨(Annie Leibovitz )、安东·科尔宾(Anton Corbijn)、 亨利·卡尔缇-布列松(Henri Cartier-Bresson )和 罗伯特·弗兰克(Robert Frank),这些高水准的艺术家作品,在上海Fotografiska同样能展示并吸引所有人!


So what will Fotografiska bring to Shanghai’s cultural scene? Their stated aim is to promote sixteen exhibitions per year which will include both famous and well established photographers as well as promising new artists with fresh approaches to the subject. Some of the world’s most successful photographers have exhibited at one of Fotografiska’s locations, from Annie Leibovitz and Anton Corbijn to Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Frank. It is this caliber of artist that Fotografiska will be able to showcase and attract to exhibit in Shanghai. It isn’t only such lofty personages that interest them, however. Fotografiska has been supportive of new upcoming talents since its inception and that commitment to providing a platform for fresh ideas and approaches is an essential component of their identity. 


Tickets and pricing for Fotografiska have been carefully reviewed to be affordable to a wide range of audiences. While prices can be expected to be at or below the 120 RMB mark, it is the chance to become a member of Fotografiska that offers greater opportunities to actively participate in an internationally renowned institution. Entry level membership will allow unlimited access to the museum, alongside priority booking for high demand events and discounts for food and beverages as well as merchandise. At the VIP level membership however it gets really interesting, with private guided tours on the agenda as well as invitations to exhibition openings and opportunities to meet the artist. This offers a level of access and prioritization that should clearly appeal to both scholars and serious photography enthusiasts and can be seen as the genesis of a new cultural community in Shanghai that stands to gain incredible opportunities. 


Fotografiska上海影像艺术中心开幕临近,一系列展览计划陆续公布,比如即将举办的展览邀请到了加拿大摄影师爱德华·伯汀斯基(Edward Burtynsky)等艺术家,爱德华·伯蒂恩斯基是一位备受赞誉的摄影艺术家,他的风格能深刻洞察人类对自然环境的影响,此外还邀请到了冯立,一位具有独特视觉,充满惊喜视角的成都艺术家;以及范西,一位来自北京的摄影艺术家,他极为擅长表现空间的心理影响和日常生活中,那些令人惊讶的微妙关系。相信以上艺术家所带来的高质量展览,必定会给所有来此参观的粉丝,留下对Fotografiska最美好的第一印象!

The initial program following the opening of Fotografiska Shanghai has been announced and offers a rich tapestry of photographic talent. Upcoming shows will feature artists including Edward Burtynsky, an acclaimed and award winning Canadian photographer with an incredible insight into humanity’s impact on the natural environment, Feng Li, a talented Chengdu based artist with a unique eye for visual incongruity and surprise, and Fan Xi, a Beijing artist with great skill at representing the psychological impact of space and the surprising relationships commonly found in everyday existence. 

当然Fotografiska上海影像艺术中心开幕对整个艺术社区来说是一大福利!不仅能吸引到更多才华横溢的艺术家,以及为他们提供更多更好的平台活动,也为上海的艺术文化领域增添了更具体验感的力量,就如最近,Louis Vuitton在Fotografiska上海影像艺术中心陈列了一整片蓝色的世界,成为最近魔都人纷纷打卡的新地标,一度霸占各大社交媒体!甚至让Fotografiska上海影像艺术中心预热大获成功!相信未来,更多精彩的艺术活动,让魔都人出行游玩,又多了一个必须打卡的好去处!

The opening of a new Fotografiska is a major boon for the artistic community they choose to work. From the quality of talent they are able to attract to the offering of meaningful interactions in workshops, master classes and artist presentations, the scope for creative and intellectual collaboration arising from their institution is incredibly important. Shanghai Spotlight is delighted with this development and looks forward with anticipation for the future of Fotografiska in our amazing city.


Ticket Information and Opening Hours for Fotografiska Shanghai

Fotografiska 影像艺术中心

展馆地址:上海市静安区光复路 127 号


127 Guangfu Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 

开放时间: 10:30-23:00 


Opening Hours:

10:30 AM — 11:00 PM

Closed on Mondays, open Tuesday to Sunday


Ticket Pricing

成人票: 120元

Adult Ticket: 120 RMB

学生/65 岁以上/7-12岁儿童(或高于 1.2米以上儿童): 80元

Students, Senior Citizens (65 years and older), Children (7-12 years old or children above 1.2 meters in height): 80RMB

0-6岁(或1.2米以下儿童): 免票

Children (0-6 years old or below 1.2 meters in height): Free


Membership Subscription Options:

单人年费: 600元/人


Individual Annual Membership: 600 RMB (with Early Bird Discount )



Family Annual Membership: 1000 RMB (includes 2 Adults and 1 Child) with Early Bird Discount 

学生及 65岁以上人员年费: 500 元/人


Student / Senior Citizen Annual Membership: 500 RMB (with Early Bird Discount) 

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