“神级”现场!一票难求的提奥多·库伦奇斯×音乐永恒乐团明日在上海开演Masterful Conductor Arrives!
©Alexandra Muravyeva、©Anton Zavjyalov
Conducting with a flair and a passion which has set the world of classical music alight, Teodor Currentzis hails from Greece and has brought an incredible strength of personality to his performances. From his outlandish appearance to his total dedication and commitment to pushing himself to ever greater heights, Mr Currentzis has joined forces with the musicAeterna Orchestra to bring a massively successful and popular repertoire to the stage. With his unique and electrifying style he has gained significant attention and critical acclaim and is currently one of the hottest tickets in classical music, an opportunity to witness him in action is not to be missed!
©Nikita Chuntomov
Fifty one year old Currentzis has received a hugely impressive musical education, studying with the legendary conductor Professor Ilya Musin and collaborating with some of the most high profile conductors in modern classical music, including Temirkanov, Jansons, Gergiev and many more. In 2004 Currentzis began assembling musicians from fifteen different countries to jointly form the musicAeterna Orchestra, a now legendary ensemble. Under his expert guidance the orchestra not only performed in famous venues across the continent of Europe and even around the world, they also bought their amazing talents to the online music community by recording complete concerts online. This rapidly gained them wide exposure around the world, including from numerous fans in China who are delighted at the opportunity to see them perform live at CSIAF.
©Anton Zavjyalov、©Alexandra Muravyeva
On October 21st, 2023, Currentzis led the musicAeterna Orchestra to China for the very first time and thrilled audiences with their unique interpretation of classical music at the National Center for the Performing Arts. Reviews and comments from concertgoers were ecstatic with praise, with Red flooded with comments and excited reactions from a huge number of fans.
©Nikita Chuntomov
Finally, tomorrow, Currentzis will lead his orchestra to Shanghai with legions of admirers eagerly awaiting their arrival. Before you experience the magic of their live performance, let’s listen to Currentzis talking about his delight in performing in China and the repertoire fans can expect to witness.
Question: 您首次与音乐永恒乐团来到中国,选择了里姆斯基·柯萨科夫、拉赫玛尼诺夫、普罗科菲耶夫三位俄罗斯作曲家的作品,您为何选择将这些作品带给中国观众?
Question: Welcome, Teodor! You have come to perform in China with the musicAeterna Orchestra for the first time, and have chosen to play the works of three celebrated Russian composers, Korsakov, Rachmaninov and Prokofiev. Why did you select these works for your first performances in China?
©Alexandra Muravyeva
Currentzis: 这对我们来说是非常重要的一套曲目,因为这套曲目代表了20世纪俄罗斯音乐传统的曲目,某种意义上来说是刻在我们乐团DNA里的。我知道俄罗斯文化在中国也很受欢迎,所以我们第一次去中国,想要分享这种将我们联结在一起的文化,分享这些能将我们的距离拉近的音乐是很重要的。
Currentzis: This visit and this program is very significant for us, as we believe it accurately encapsulates the best of the Russian tradition in 20th century classical music. For us it is nothing less than the language in our blood, music such as this is the DNA of our orchestra. With this being the first time we have the chance to perform in China we wanted to share something which connects our peoples, because I know that Russian culture is widely appreciated in China too, and so it was important for us to share something that brings us closer together.
©Alexandra Muravyeva
Question: 您认为音乐永恒乐团与传统的交响乐团最大的不同在于何处,您是如何将来自15个国家的演奏家们紧紧联系在一起,并且产生非常奇妙的“化学反应”的?
Question: What do you think is the biggest difference between the musicAeterna Orchestra and a more traditional symphony orchestra? How did you manage to connect performers from fifteen countries together so successfully with such incredible musical chemistry?
©Gyunai Musaeva
Currentzis: 音乐永恒乐团是很独树一帜的,因为乐团成员百分之百都是独奏家,而且这是俄罗斯仅有的国际化乐团,虽然这支乐团曲目量并不是那么庞大,但排练很辛苦,每个人都对自己的音乐想要表达什么抱有很强的责任感,我也指挥过很多很好的交响乐团,但音乐永恒乐团一直是最特别的那一个。
Currentzis: musicAeterna is unique for several important reasons. It’s a 100% soloist orchestra, it is the only international Russian orchestra and our performing schedule is also very different from others. We made the conscious decision not to play so many shows but to rehearse incredibly hard and bring a huge intensity to each of our live performances. I have had the pleasure of conducting many great orchestras but this one is very special indeed.
©Alexandra Muravyeva
Question: 中国有着非常庞大的年轻的古典音乐受众群体,这与您“拯救古典音乐”的理想是否有共通之处,您认为怎样可以让更多人爱上古典音乐?
Question: China has a large audience of younger classical music enthusiasts. How does this relate to your mission of ‘saving’ classical music for the next generation? What more can be done to attract people to appreciate classical music today?
©Alexandra Muravyeva
Currentzis: 如果你想往音乐中注入能量,那就需要有艺术质感的能量。因为只有能量代表不了什么,如果你找到了正确的艺术质感、正确的角度去传递能量,年轻人就会感受到,并被我们所吸引。如果表演是无聊的,可能传统的观众会去看,但年轻人不会。所以我们乐团对作曲家(作品)的精神表达是真诚且年轻的。我们认为与中国的年轻观众一起分享我们对音乐的诠释是非常重要的,因为我们知道中国未来的古典音乐市场是非常开放的。我们也必须关注中国新一代的演奏家,他们很多都非常棒,我们也想与他们分享我们的音乐品味。
Currentzis: To be successful you need a perfect combination of quality and energy in your performance. If you bring just energy or passion alone it won’t be sufficient, as it won’t do justice to the music. It is only when you partner great musical talent and ambition with energy and passion that you find the right combination to attract the youth to love and understand classical music. If the music is too restrained and reserved then traditional lovers of classical music will still listen, but the new generations will not be as enthusiastic. I believe we as composers need to be sincere in our spirit and produce work that can remain forever young. We strongly believe that it is important to reach out to young Chinese people, to share our views, opinions and interpretations of wonderful classical music. We understand that the future of classical music in China is bright, it is open for expansion and success. We want to emphasize the need to focus on the next generation of Chinese classical musicians, many of whom are already demonstrating incredible talent. We want to share our knowledge and experience with them, to create a musical language we can both understand and appreciate.
©Gyunai Musaeva
Performance Dates: Tuesday October 24th and Wednesday October 25th
Walk into the classical music scene with full of subversion and breakthrough
Feel a unique music experience.
时间:2023.10.24-25 19:30
小提琴 | 奥尔嘉·沃尔科娃
The 22nd China Shanghai International Arts Festival Performance
Teodor Currentzis & musicAeterna Orchestra
Dates: October 24th & October 25th
Time: 7:30 pm onwards
Venue:Shanghai Oriental Art Center Concert Hall
Ticket Price Tiers:280/380/500/680/880/1080
Conductor|Teodor Currentzis
Violin|Olga Volkova
- END -
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